Our young people, unlike their parent’s generation, live in a world where global threats increasingly preoccupy them. Currently, as we enter what we hope are the last throes of the pandemic, they remain keenly aware of the other existential - but much slower moving - threat of climate change. Young people are calling for action and solutions, and RUCBC universities are responding by equipping our students with the skills they will need to build a prosperous, balanced, and sustainable future.

British Columbia is renowned within Canada and internationally as a climate action leader. Our province was first in North America to introduce a broad-based carbon tax. Our thriving clean energy sector, coupled with our abundant clean power from hydroelectricity, allow our industries to operate with a lower carbon footprint than many of their competitors in other jurisdictions.

New and ongoing research at RUCBC universities is crucial to understanding sustainability challenges and developing the solutions to address them. This includes helping governments to meet targets on net zero emissions buildings, the adoption of electric vehicles, industrial energy and process efficiency, and much more. These research programs and associated teaching are central to our future as global demand for green products and services grows.

Below we feature a small sampling of the ways in which our universities are advancing new knowledge and educating the talented people who will mobilize that knowledge. Our graduates will fuel sustainable prosperity with passion and fresh new ideas as they innovate globally competitive clean products and services. So, while young people face increasingly severe consequences of climate change in the decades to come, they also are developing the resilience, adaptability and scientific and social knowledge necessary to meet those challenges. They are our bright hope.

Be Safe! Stay curious!

Max Blouw, RUCBC President