Sheds of Hope News
June 22, 2019
Mission to North America
Disaster Response
Building On RUF SuCo!
18 Sheds were built by RUF Students during their Summer Conference (SuCo) in Panama City in May. In fact they worked so hard I had to go out and get the materials to start another 6 Sheds of Hope!

515 RUF Students participated during the three-week build. We have now set-up 38 Sheds in Panama City and have another 22 Sheds ready to set up We need teams to come to Panama City this summer and help us. If you can bring a small team for a few days let me know. Email me at

Building on the foundation of the RUF Summer Conference, we are having a Shed-build at the newly enlarged Dallas Depot during General Assembly (GA) in Dallas this next week. We now have 9,000 square feet of warehouse space! I am putting into practice what I learned at SuCo to have a multi-station Shed-build during GA Week.

Check out the video below and watch these great RUF students at work!
More Churches are Catching the Vision!
Cullman, Aabama was the site for a June 1 Sheds of Hope Training Event. We built two sheds on Saturday, set one up in the parking lot of Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church and packed one for delivery. We had a great turnout, and everyone enjoyed their time working together. They are keeping the sheds on the parking lot for a few weeks so that the church members have time to see this ministry opportunity. They will then move them to a storage area awaiting deployment when a need arises. Other churches in Michigan and Pennsylvania are building sheds as well, in anticipation of helping in future disasters.
Praise and Prayer
• For safety on the road and in Panama City during the 15 weeks this year that I've been working at disaster sites

• Pray for the setting up of our newly enlarged Dallas Depot near Love Field
• Pray for continued follow-up with families receiving Sheds of Hope, that relationships will be built that bring them encouragement and wisdom as they deal with the aftermath of the storm.
• Pray for volunteers and recipients who do not yet know Christ, that they will come to know our great Lord and Saviour
Pray that I will be able to encourage churches to see the importance and benefit to the kingdom when follow-up is done.