March 14, 2020

TO: All Members of the RWJUH Family
FROM: John J. Gantner, President and CEO, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital

As we respond to the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19), providing a safe environment for our caregivers and patients continues to be our top priority. Managing this outbreak has required us to change certain standard operating procedures.  

One major area of concern at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) is maintaining our supply of masks - an issue impacting all hospitals throughout the United States. In response to the national high demand for masks and in order to conserve, RWJUH has implemented tighter controls over the use and distribution of all masks. These conservation measures include: 

  • A reduction in the standard supply of masks maintained on the nursing units and other patient care areas. Understandably, this reduction in the working supply of masks has caused some uncertainty and concern among staff. However, it is important to note that as a result of our new conservation measures, RWJUH has not encountered a situation where a mask was needed but was not available. Our Leadership Team gave thoughtful consideration to these new controls before implementing them. Leadership thoroughly reviews both our overall mask count and our N-95 mask inventory several times each day to ensure that our supply is distributed properly. 

  • We also continue to closely monitor the CDC guidelines to ensure that we are following the recommendations for N-95 respirators during the COVID-19 response. Our processes have changed for N-95 respirator distribution as a means to conserve and ensure that they are distributed to the appropriate units that have airborne isolation patients. The CDC is continuing to update their N-95 respirator recommendations frequently and we will evaluate and enhance our processes as we receive the recommendations.  

  • Due to the high demand of N-95 respirators you may notice that various manufacturers are being distributed throughout the organization. We are pursuing additional options to ensure that we have an adequate supply of masks available every day. This involves purchasing products from new vendors, which will require more education and additional “fit” testing which is currently being provided.  

  • Finally, Governor Murphy contacted RWJUH on Friday and informed us that New Jersey is scheduled to receive a distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from the national strategic stockpile early next week. This is much welcome news and we believe that this will give us the necessary supplies we need to maintain a safe environment for our staff and patients.  

I will continue to provide you with updates as new developments occur. Again, on behalf of our Leadership Team, thank you for all that you do for our patients, our hospital and our community.
RWJUH COVID Situational Update
RWJUH started the day with 5 COVID 19-positive patients in the hospital. Tests on additional patients and potential discharges of positive patients were pending.

As of 1:00 PM, the NJ Dept. of Health is reporting 69 COVID 19-positive patients in the state. Of those, 10 positive patients are in Middlesex County, 8 are in Monmouth County, and 1 is in Somerset County. A total of 13 counties in NJ have at least 1 positive patient.

CLICK HERE for the NJ DOH's county-by-county tracking page.
How Do I Know If I've Been Exposed To COVID-19? And What Do I Do If I Have Been?
The New Jersey Dept. of Consumer Affairs , in partnership with the New Jersey Dept. of Health , has provided guidance for healthcare providers about the potential of exposure to COVID-19 and what to do if you are exposed.

Given your often extensive and close contact with vulnerable individuals in healthcare settings, the NJ DOH recommends a conservative approach to healthcare provider monitoring and restrictions from work to quickly identify early symptoms and prevent transmission from potentially contagious providers to patients, fellow providers, and visitors.

Additionally, they are providing important information from Governor Philip D. Murphy regarding practitioners’ elimination of cost sharing requirements (e.g., copays, coinsurance) related to COVID-19 .

CLICK HERE for the full Dept. of Consumer Affairs memo.
Send Us Your Questions
Beginning Monday, the RWJUH Medical Staff Office will be offering twice daily updates on COVID-19.

Mornings : Video Briefings
Late Afternoons/Evenings : Email Memos

Have questions? Email and please CC Chris Hoenig and we will try to ensure they are also included in our daily Video Briefings.
As we work through the COVID-19 outbreak affecting our communities, the RWJUH Medical Executive Committee will hold a weekly teleconference to address the needs of the Medical Staff. Information from yesterday's (Friday, March 13th) first weekly meeting :

  • Testing. LIMITED number of COVID-19 tests in-house. ALL REQUESTS FOR COVID-19 TESTING MUST GO THROUGH INFECTION PREVENTION. NEW phone number for testing approval: 732-675-1056. Outpatient testing remains extremely limited/unavailable, though commercial testing development is fluid.

  • Elective Procedures. While RWJUH retains full procedural capabilities, Medical Staff leadership has issued a recommendation that all purely elective procedures be postponed. It is at the clinician's discretion to determine what is purely elective. If your patient can not reasonably wait 2+ months for the procedure, you may choose to move forward. This is consistent with the most recent ACS guidelines.

  • Hospital Action Plan. RWJUH senior leadership is holding multiple daily meetings to update and enact plans. More details are below.

  • Space Planning. SBMU and RCU have been identified as units to cohort COVID-19 patients. Dedicated care teams are being identified to treat the cohorted patients.

  • PPE/Masking. FIT testing on the new N95 masks has had a 30-40% failure rate. Surgical masks, droplet isolation, and negative pressure rooms (where available) have been deemed sufficient by the CDC for patients at lower-risk (no active cough, etc.) of spreading virus. This will help preserve the N95 supply for the highest-risk population.

  • Visitor Restrictions. Remain in place (see link below for details). Entrances and doors on campus may be locked or made swipe-access only.

CLICK HERE for more details.
Additional Useful Resources