All information contained in this email is confidential and not to be shared outside of the organization.
March 23, 2020
TO:   All Members of the RWJUH Family
FROM: John J. Gantner, President and CEO, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
RE:   RWJUH COVID-19 Update

Following is the latest in our ongoing updates related to COVID-19 at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH):

Mask Distribution to Units

RWJUH and all RWJBH System hospitals have adopted a policy of universal masking for clinical personnel. This policy places significant strain on our mask supply and requires strict compliance with the guidelines. 

A schedule for the distribution of surgical masks has been developed and was distributed to all Directors earlier today.  This schedule will help us allocate masks efficiently and appropriately, while conserving our current supply.  Directors are asked to not send staff to the Storeroom to pick up masks until your unit/area is scheduled. 

Request and Guidance for Employee Self-Monitoring

In order to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, we are asking all RWJUH employees to self-monitor before coming to work each day. Self-monitoring involves checking yourself for the onset of any of the symptoms below that are not due to a pre-existing health condition (like asthma or emphysema):

• Temperature (100.0 degrees F or 38 degrees C or greater) or begin to feel warm
• Cough
• Shortness of breath (or difficulty breathing)
• Sore throat

Self-monitoring is an important tool to help people remember to recognize when they are becoming sick so they can self-isolate at home and avoid infecting others. If you self-monitor and believe you are positive for one or more of these symptoms, you should remain home and notify your supervisor. 

Latest Guidance for Health Care Worker Exposures

In accordance with current CDC guidelines, employees exposed to the COVID-19 virus and who remain asymptomatic, are no longer required to self-quarantine for 14 days. Rather, exposed employees will be monitored daily for temperature and other symptoms, and wear a mask for 14 days. To support this effort, we have opened a satellite employee health site located off the BMSCH Lobby in the former uniform shop. This satellite location will be open 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.   Any employee who has been exposed and remains asymptomatic will need to report to the satellite location prior to start of their shift.  

The satellite office has begun outreach to all staff that may have been recently exposed to COVID-19. Finally, employees may visit this location or Employee Health located at 181 Somerset Street during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, to receive Employee Health services.

New Jersey Hospital Association Child Care Survey

The New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA) is collecting information about hospital staff members childcare needs to enable healthcare workers to report to work in the event of school and childcare center closures. To complete the survey, please visit:

Hospital Labor Pool

Several employees have inquired about how they can help support our COVID-19 response efforts. If you are interested in being part of the employee labor pool in the event that it is needed and activated, please contact the Human Resources hotline at 732-937-4111 or email .

CLICK HERE for the latest Daily Briefing Report that is sent out from the RWJBH corporate offices. The briefing contains additional up-to-date information regarding the impact of COVID-19.

Once again, on behalf of our Leadership Team, thank you for all of your hard work and support. The RWJUH Family has a proud history of coming together during difficult times.
RWJUH COVID Situational Update
As of 12:00 PM, RWJUH had 23 COVID-positive patients in the hospital. Tests on additional patients and potential discharges of positive patients were pending.

RWJUH has had 48 COVID 19-positive tests to date.

As of 1:00 PM, the NJ Dept. of Health is reporting 2,844 COVID-positive patients in the state -- an increase of 935 from yesterday -- and 20 deaths . Of those, 147 positive patients are in Middlesex County, 158 are in Monmouth County, and 51 are in Somerset County. All 21 counties in NJ have at least 1 positive patient.

--New State DOH COVID-19 Website--

The State of NJ, along with the NJ Dept. of Health, has launched a new website for all information about COVID-19 :
Now Seeking Volunteers!
As the number of COVID-positive patients (and clinicians) increases, we are working on plans to maintain our clinical staff to provide great care for our patients.

IF YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING TO ROUND AND TAKE CALLS AT RWJUH (for COVID and/or non-COVID patients), please fill out the form below .
NOTE: We have not yet reached the level where we are calling on volunteers to begin rounding. This process is to allow us to build our contact lists, if the need to activate volunteers.
Additional New Updates
  • A new masking policy is going into effect. Clinicians that would like a surgical mask may request one on a unit. We will let you know if the plans for mask distribution change. CLICK HERE for the full policy.

  • ALL donation offers -- including, but not limited to, masks, electronics (such as iPads/phones), food, money and volunteering -- must be approved by RWJUH leadership. Please email the Medical Staff Office at and the RWJUH Command Center at with all offers and donation-related questions.

  • If you are concerned you may have been exposed to a COVID-19 positive patient, either in the community or in the hospital, please self-monitor your symptoms, including checking your temperature twice a day. Report any symptoms/temperature over 100.4 to RWJUH Corporate Care/Employee Health.

  • The Courtyard doors right beside Starbucks, leading to/from the East Tower, are being closed and made swipe-access only. The doors nearest the East Tower elevators will no longer require a swipe.

  • New guidelines are in place for the handling of COVID-positive decedents. All expirations of COVID-positive patients must be reported to the Medical Examiner's office and the NJ DOH Communicable Disease alert statement must be included, with COVID-19 written in as the infectious agent. CLICK HERE for the full guidelines.

  • ALL transfers into RWJUH must be reviewed and approved by the Service Chief. Any patients that have tested positive for, or suspected of having COVID-19 must be approved by the Chief Medical Officer or his designee.

  • ALL coordination with government officials must be handled through hospital leadership. If you have questions or suggestions for state leaders, please email Dr. Salwitz and he will coordinate with RWJUH leadership.

  • Additionally, all members of the Medical Staff are expected to protect confidential information, including the information contained in this email. DO NOT SHARE with the press or on social media. Given the volatility of the current environment, especially on social media, you should always use caution in what you post. If you are approached by the media for interviews, please reach out to the RWJUH Medical Staff Office to aid in clearing with the hospital Public Affairs team any hospital information that can be shared.
Ordering COVID-19 Testing
RWJUH is continuing to conduct a LIMITED number of COVID-19 tests in-house.


The NEW phone number for testing approval is 732-947-9620 .

DO NOT CALL THE COVID-19 HOSPITALIST TEAM SEEKING ASSISTANCE IN GETTING TESTING APPROVED . The Hospitalist team is focused on caring for these patients and does not influence testing decisions.

For Infection Prevention questions, please use extensions 2480 / 4482 / 7552 / 4474 during regular business hours. The public may call 1-800-222-1222 for any COVID-19 questions.
Do NOT Send Patients To ED Unless
They Require Hospitalization
Please do NOT send patients to the RWJUH Emergency Department for COVID-19 testing unless they require hospitalization .

Due to a shortage of swabs and viral transport medium , RWJUH is currently unable to test everyone who comes into the Emergency Department.

As noted above, all tests require the approval of RWJUH Infection Prevention.

Outpatient testing facilities are now open in Bergen County , Monmouth County (beginning tomorrow), and Union County (beginning tomorrow, for Union County residents only). Morris County is also setting up a county-run testing facility for residents.
Scientific Reviews
These links are provided solely for your consideration. The RWJUH Medical Staff Office is not providing these as recommendations for care of patients.

Send us photos of you demonstrating the #RWJUHSTRONG attitude, and we'll share them on the new video screen in the Courtyard and on social media !
Are You Under Quarantine?
If you are presently under quarantine , please contact the Medical Staff Office at or (732) 937-8767 .

Providers under quarantine should contact RWJUH Corporate Care/Employee Health for clearance to return to work. You may also need clearance from your employer.

Please provide documentation to the Medical Staff Office of your clearance to return to work.
In addition to being a closed service, SBMU is a closed unit for the protection of our patients and providers.

Please do not enter SBMU unless asked or consulted by the COVID-19 Hospitalist team.

This is both for your protection - limiting your risk of exposure to the virus - and in the interest of high quality patient care , keeping the patients treatment limited to teams that are trained and gaining expertise in COVID-19.
Daily Video Briefings
Every weekday morning, a video briefing by Dr. Jim Salwitz will be released, providing an update on COVID-19 activity at RWJUH and the implementation of the hospital's action plan.

BOOKMARK THIS PAGE and check daily for updates. New briefings will be posted at approximately 10:00 AM.

Have questions? Email and please CC Chris Hoenig and we will try to ensure they are also included in our daily Video Briefings.
Additional Information
  • The RWJUH OR has cancelled 330+ elective procedures to date. We are permitting only essential procedures to ensure the hospital has adequate resources for this COVID-19 outbreak. CMS and ACS both advise to cancel all elective procedures.

  • At the current time, due to a shortage in swabs and viral transport medium, RWJUH is only taking swabs from patients who are previously approved to be tested. Additionally, in the interest of conserving swabs and viral transport medium for patients requiring COVID-19 testing, please do not order any Respiratory Virus Panels (RVPs) until further notice.

  • Additionally, the IP team continues to assess guidance regarding quarantining during this time. The latest guidance/policy change keeps RWJBH employees at work after an exposure as long as there is no evidence of even mild symptoms. Exposed staff will wear a surgical mask for 14 days. As of now, a return to work may be allowed after 7 days of improving respiratory symptoms IF the COVID-positive patient is afebrile for 72 hours, without the need for medication. CLICK HERE to read the RWJBH Return to Work Policy.

  • Please ensure your ID is visible at all times. RWJUH continues to evaluate campus entrance points to ensure the safety of our patients, clinicians and staff.

  • Leaders at Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital continue finalizing plans to cohort all pediatric patients with respiratory illness, including COVID 19-positive patients and PUIs.
Additional Useful Resources