October 1, 2021

To the Local Churches of the Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ, grace and peace as this new church season unfolds.

The AMOS Task Force, established by the Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ, is seeking information to help us best serve the congregations and leaders of the Conference, equipping and empowering the whole of Conference in the urgent and necessary work of addressing racism and its impacts. Racism casts a long and enduring shadow on our nation, and we all have a part to play in ending it. This is work we are called to do in community with one another and with the Spirit.

We are asking you to respond to a series of questions (AVAILABLE HERE) that will provide a clearer picture of the work currently being done by local churches in Minnesota. Some congregations are directly engaging in work for racial equity, while others address it indirectly through various social justice programs. We want to hear what you are doing and what would help you continue or expand this work.

These questions offer you an opportunity for reflection and give us a stronger sense of where our Conference is. This will guide us in our planning and delivery of resources in the coming year. We are asking that you consider these questions and return the results to us by November 22nd.

We deeply appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.

If a question does not seem to apply to you or is challenging to answer, please just indicate that in your response.

The AMOS Task Force