We decided to a brief post-holiday break from our monthly format, and have skipped the "January" newsletter, but are now back on track. This issue features a recap of our holiday activities including our departmental holiday party, and the work of numerous staff in organizing donations to numerous local charities including Abby's house, the Veteran's Homeless Shelter, the Worcester County Food Bank, and the Belmont Community School. The New Year also brings several new programs, spaces and roles for current faculty & staff, including the installation of our new 3T MRI at Shrewsbury St., the move of our fellowship and residency coordinators offices to our almost finished "Resident Education Space", and the appointment of Gabi Carbone as our new Residency Coordinator and Dr. Ajit Puri as Neurointerventonal Radiology (NIR) Division Chief and Dr.
Sathish Dundamadappa as Interim Division Chief of Neuroradiology.
Dr. Carolynn DeBennedectis has been the in news, both in the Worcester Telegram (3D mammography) and Aunt Minnie and ACR News (communications skills training). Also, please make sure to read the latest update on our EPIC transformation, as well as updates on our Idea Boards, Coding Corner, and Patient Satisfaction Surveys.