Supporting Policies and Candidates
for Economic Growth and Prosperity
Doing What’s Right for Radnor...and America!
In This Issue
- Chairman's Message
- Candidate Statement: Beth Connor for School Board Director
- Candidate Statement: Bob Whitehead for School Board Director
- On the Lighter Side: Cancel Culture
- Candidate Statement: Sean Waters for 2nd Ward Commissioner
- Candidate Statement: Sonja Nekoumand for 4th Ward Commissioner
- Candidate Statement: Linda Dowd for Radnor Treasurer
- Coming Soon: Candidate Statements from Dave Falcone, Laura Foran and Jake Abel
- On the Lighter Side: In the Dead of the Night
- What YOU Can Do Now!
- In Case You Missed It
- On the Lighter Side: Updated Terms for Journalists
- Election Calendar
- Upcoming Meetings and Events
- Keeping You Informed (article and video links)
- On the Lighter Side: Biden's Border Crisis
Chairman's Message
Dear Radnor Friends and Neighbors,
I am writing to you on the first day of Spring and after recently returning from 10 days in Florida, truly the Land of Liberty amidst Joe Biden’s dark winter.
While I am sure we all watch the national news and the early results of Biden’s “America last” agenda, my focus today is on local issues. Local elected officials have a major impact on our quality of life, and 2021 is the year for electing these local officials to our School, Township and County Governments.
I am extremely proud to announce an admirable and engaged slate of Republican candidates for office here in Radnor. Each of these Radnorites can and will make a profoundly positive impact on our schools and community once elected. Please mark your calendars for the May 18th Primary and the November 2nd General Election so that you can come support these excellent residents who have stepped forward to lead our community.
Our school district, administration and students need your help. Nine democrats on our School Board have brought a social equity agenda to the forefront of our education program, while minimizing in-class instruction for the past 12 months. As an example, Radnor’s elementary students will now be exposed to critical race theory at the expense of reading, writing and ‘rithmatic. To refocus our School District, four excellent individuals who collectively have 10 children in our schools, at all levels, are seeking your vote: Beth Connor, Dave Falcone, Laura Foran and Bob Whitehead. Each has deep roots in our community and a commitment to public education and will govern in a non-partisan manner, by returning the focus of the district to education.
In 2021, the three “even” wards of our Township will elect their township commissioners to a four-year term. Seeking your support are Republican Commissioner Candidates: Sean Waters in the 2nd Ward; Sonja Nekoumand in the 4th Ward and Incumbent Jake Abel in the 6th Ward. After two-terms as commissioner and prior service to our school board, Commissioner Rich Booker is not seeking a 3rd term as 2nd Ward commissioner. We salute Rich for his many contributions to our community and for his unwavering commitment to transparency, government ethics and the conservative values of individual liberty and freedom.
And, finally, long-time resident Linda Boudreau Dowd is seeking a four-year term as Township Treasurer. Linda brings more than 25 years of accounting and finance experience to the role of Treasurer and is currently serving as the Township’s Deputy Tax Collector.
Additional information about five of our candidates is contained in this newsletter, and information on the other three will follow in a special newsletter.
Howard Gartland
Radnor Republican Committee
Candidate Statement: Beth Connor for School Board Director
I am seeking election to a first term as Radnor Township School Board Director. I’m a former public school teacher with an elementary and special education degree. I’m an advocate for public schools and for each child within our district. Community service and meeting the needs of others are at the core of who I am. I am an active Wayne Elementary School room parent, worked with students at The Bluford School in Philadelphia, co-founded the Little Free Pantry, support the Food Pantry of St. Mary’s of Chester, and volunteer for many other charitable organizations and educational programs in Delaware County. Next year, I will have a child at WES, Radnor Middle School, and Radnor High School, giving me insight into the needs of Radnor students at every grade level and making me an informed and effective representative.
Visit Beth’s Facebook Page here.
Candidate Statement: Bob Whitehead for School Board Director
I am extremely excited to be running for Radnor Township School Board Director. My wife, Sara, and I have three kids, all in Radnor Schools. In fact, next year we will have one each in Wayne Elementary School, Radnor Middle School, and Radnor High School! Both of our families have generations-deep roots locally, and we could not imagine raising our family anywhere else. I am the Director of Operations for a logistics company, and Sara is a nurse for a local health system. In our free time, we enjoy staying active, and are happy campers on just about any beach in the world.
My commitment, if elected, is to return the focus of the School Board to serving the students of Radnor. Being elected by Radnor residents to represent the best interests of our kids is a privilege. I believe that ideal gets lost. A seat on the School Board is not supposed to be about me or my personal agenda; it’s much larger than that. It is about executing decisions in the best interests of the students and taxpayers with consistency, integrity, and transparency.
Over the next weeks and months, I will be presenting my ideas and positions on a wide variety of current and future issues facing the Radnor school community. As a hopeful servant, I welcome any and all conversations and debate. As a human being, I can be wrong (shocking, I know) and am grateful to humbly listen and learn from the community.
Again, thank you in advance. I am truly appreciative of your support.
Visit Bob’s Facebook Page here.
On the Lighter Side: Cancel Culture
Candidate Statement: Sean Waters for 2nd Ward Commissioner
My name is Sean Waters, and I am running to represent Radnor’s 2nd Ward on the Board of Commissioners. I am proud to be a third-generation Radnorite and consider myself fortunate to be a lifelong resident of the township. My roots in Radnor date back to the 1940s, when my Irish immigrant grandparents settled in the "Little Chicago" neighborhood of Wayne. I am a product of the Radnor school system, graduating from Radnor High School in 1998. Using the tools and values that Radnor instilled in me, I went on to earn a degree from Penn State, where I also played on the ice hockey team, winning three national championships.
Professionally, I have 18 years’ experience in the investment banking industry and currently work for JPMorgan as a Global Risk Officer, responsible for direct risk management oversight of teams in seven locations across four continents. Additionally, I am the owner of a grassroots local real estate business with investment properties, all of which are in Wayne. I am also the former owner of a landscaping business, which, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, serviced yards throughout the township, some still owned by those very same residents today.
My sister and I were collectively raised by my hardworking parents and the Radnor community. This upbringing taught me the intrinsic values of hard work, dedication, leadership, and teamwork. I am now thrilled to have the opportunity to humbly serve the same community which has given so much to my family and me over the past three generations. It is this debt of gratitude to those who paved the way which drives me to ensure that the same opportunities and trademark standard of excellence remain ingrained in Radnor for current residents and generations to follow.
As Commissioner, by utilizing an approach steeped in homegrown leadership and true community-based teamwork, I will set a course to collaboratively guide the 2nd Ward and Radnor on a path that is fiscally responsible, transparent, strategic, forward thinking, and supportive of local small businesses. Furthermore, I will strive to set policies that ensure Radnor retains the core values that have made it one of the most coveted townships in the country in which to live, work, grow, and prosper.
My wife, Juliana, and I are proud parents to two daughters: Annalise (4), who will attend Radnor Elementary in the fall; and Taryn (1). In our spare time, we are often crisscrossing the township, shuttling our daughters to various activities, sports, and lessons. When I can catch a break in the action, I can be found working on projects in our yard and occasionally still lingering around local hockey rinks playing in adult leagues, with equally washed-up ex-college players.
I respectfully ask for your support as I set out to provide “Grassroots Leadership for One Radnor.”
Candidate Statement: Sonja Nekoumand for 4th Ward Commissioner
My family and I moved to Pennsylvania almost two years ago, from Richmond, VA. I am married with three children, all teenagers now--Alexander (we call him Z), Nic, and Arianna. While we are newly living in the area, Pennsylvania is not new to me. I grew up coming here my whole life to visit family. I have cousins and aunts and uncles that have lived on the Main Line for years and still do to this day.
Pennsylvania always held a special place in my heart as a young girl, and somehow I knew it would be a part of my future. I believe my love for history is what drew me to this great state and the rich legacy PA holds in the foundation of our country. I love our country and take pride in being an American, and Pennsylvania embodies this for me.
Moving here stirred something in me that propelled me into wanting to get involved in my community. To serve and make a difference. Radnor Township is a rare gem, full of life and potential, and I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve this community as 4th Ward Commissioner.
In Virginia, I was extremely involved in our community of Midlothian, particularly in our neighborhood and schools. I served as a chair on the PTA of my children’s elementary school. I was on the board of Parks and Recreation for our HOA in our neighborhood, and I had the wonderful opportunity to be a substitute teacher in the public middle schools in Chesterfield County. Being able to serve in so many different capacities is rewarding and gave me a small part in making a difference where I could.
I think the only way to see change and improvements in a community is to listen to what people want, what truly matters to the people where we live, and then put action behind those desires. Commitment. Honesty. Integrity. Pride. Change.
Candidate Statement: Linda Dowd for Radnor Treasurer
I am seeking election as Radnor Township Treasurer. I have been a resident of Radnor Township for over 24 years and am currently learning the ropes as Radnor’s Deputy Tax Collector. I have over 27 years of financial and accounting experience for large and small companies. Additionally, I have worked for a real estate property management company and successfully grown and managed a portfolio of real estate over the past 15 years. I have held multiple roles as treasurer and in the Treasury departments for both for-profit and non-profit businesses.
I embrace all challenges with an eye for fairness and efficiency. I have earned a CPA and Green Belt in Six Sigma. My experience and attitude positions me to be an excellent Radnor Township Treasurer.
Coming Soon: Candidate Statements from Dave Falcone, Laura Foran and Jake Abel
Within the next week or so, we'll share candidate statements from the remaining local candidates. In the meantime, you may reach them as follows:
On the Lighter Side: In the Dead of the Night
What YOU Can Do Now!
Make a donation to support Republican candidates representing our interests. No gift is too small. You can make a contribution by sending a check to Radnor Republican Campaign Committee, 242 Ravenscliff Road, St. Davids, PA 19087 or simply clicking here or on the yellow "Donate Now" button above or on any page of our website.
Thank you for your support!
In Case You Missed It
If you missed our recent newsletters, you can check them out here:
Stay Current: Like Us on Facebook
We post a lot of articles and other useful information you might find of interest on our Facebook page, Radnor Township Republicans. Please Like our page, enjoy the content, and join in the conversation.
On the Lighter Side: Updated Terms for Journalists
Radnor polls are open 7 AM-8 PM.
Find your polling place here.
First Day to Register After the Primary Election
Register to vote here. It's easy!
Radnor polls are open 7 AM-8 PM.
Find your polling place here.
First Day to Register After the General Election
Register to vote here. It's easy!
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Radnor Board of Commissioners Meeting
Where: Radnorshire Room in the Township Building, 301 Iven Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087.
Radnor Township School District Board Meeting
Where: Possibly a virtual meeting
Radnor GOP Committee Meeting
Radnor Business and Organization Treasure Hunt
A free community pirate treasure hunt in Radnor Township throughout the month of April. Treasure map available April 1. Click here to learn more.
Radnor Board of Commissioners Meeting
Where: Radnorshire Room in the Township Building, 301 Iven Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087.
Radnor Board of Commissioners Meeting
Where: Radnorshire Room in the Township Building, 301 Iven Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087.
Radnor Township School District Board Meeting
Where: Possibly a virtual meeting
Gov. Wolf wants to increase taxes for some residents
"The governor’s proposal will call for increasing the personal income tax rate from 3.07% to 4.49%." Why stop at ONLY a 46% tax increase, Governor?
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State Holds Back Some of the COVID-19 Data It Collects
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Despite CDC Data, Many DV Teachers Unions Resist Return
“The data continue to show that classrooms are far more safe from COVID spread than the community at large, and students — particularly k-8 students — rarely transmit the virus. But teachers’ union leaders remain unmoved.
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Trump Attorney Destroys Media
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Biden's early blunders could hurt Democrats in 2022
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Dividing by Race Comes to Grade School
“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” ― John G. Roberts Jr.
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Vaccine clinic in Delco temporarily closes due to no vaccine
Delaware County has run out of vaccines. Governor Wolf and his Dept of Health have botched this entire vaccine rollout!
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State Republicans announce Prioritize PA initiative
“Many small businesses that have been profitable for years are now seeing losses that are entirely due to COVID-19...We cannot allow these families to lose everything they have worked so hard to build.”
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H.R. 1 Is a Partisan Assault on American Democracy
It would be an understatement to describe H.R. 1 as a radical assault on American democracy, federalism, and free speech. It is actually several radical left-wing wish lists stuffed into a single 791-page sausage casing.
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DeSantis says critical race theory won't be taught in FL
"Let me be clear: There is no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory," he continued. "Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money."
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VA parents, teachers group accused of 'racketeering'
"It's political racketeering," says one of the group's targets
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How to Waste More Than a Trillion Dollars
At a time when Dr. Seuss is being canceled, it might seem as if nothing could be more ridiculous...Never has such a massive policy come at a time that is more inconsistent with economic reason.
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DHS chief to visit border as admin under pressure on immig.
So far, encounters in fiscal year 2021 to date are 97% higher than fiscal year 2020 and 24% higher than fiscal year 2019 -- when there was a crisis at the border.
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Delco vaccine site deserves praise but highlights...
This fawning reporter extols Delco Dems for the new vaccine site at Penn Medicine in Radnor. The only problem is that Penn Medicine reports that they have no vaccines and won’t for 4-6 weeks. The legacy of Dr. Levine lives on!
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Fed judge accuses papers of being 'Dem Party broadsheets'
“It should be borne in mind that the first step taken by any potential authoritarian or dictatorial regime is to gain control of communications, particularly the delivery of news,” Silberman continued.
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On the Lighter Side: Biden's Border Crisis