What a fantastic week it has been for the Sonora Raider community! Last week, we had the honor of celebrating one of our own, Mrs. Cher Lodding, who was distinguished as the Classified Employee of the Year for the Fullerton Joint Union High School District! This amazing recognition was shared with representatives from FJUHSD, as well as cherished members of our Raider Family, during a heartfelt ceremony held on February 15th in our very own theater.

We extend our deepest gratitude to those who were present for this special occasion: Mrs. Marily Buchi and Mrs. Joanne Fawley, both members of the Board of Trustees; Dr. Steve McLaughlin, our Superintendent of schools; Dr. Ed Atkinson and Ruben Hernandez, Assistant Superintendents for FJUHSD; Mark Miller, our Director of Human Resources; and Joni Best, CSEA Chapter President, alongside Joanne Avalos, CSEA Vice President. Your presence truly made the event even more memorable.

Mrs. Lodding serves as a huge support in our main office, fulfilling the role of Senior Records Clerk and working closely with our Assistant Principal of Instruction and Operations. Her warmth and generosity help foster an environment that is both welcoming and inclusive for all who walk through our doors. A true team player, Mrs. Lodding is always ready to extend a helping hand whenever and wherever it is needed. It comes as no surprise that she has been recognized with the admiration and respect of her colleagues at Sonora High School, and this well-deserved honor serves as a testament to her invaluable contributions to the District.

Please join us in extending our heartfelt congratulations to Mrs. Lodding as we celebrate her outstanding achievements!

Newsletter Highlights

Student Highlight

Rotary Student of the Month - Kyra Churley

Ms. Kyra Churley was recognized last week as Sonora High School’s Student of the Month for the La Habra Rotary Club.  This month we recognize a student who has made a significant impact within a special program on our campus.  Despite her short time as a Freshman on our campus, Kyra truly made an impact as a student at Sonora High School by investing her time and energy into our Agriculture program.  Our goal is for every student to find their group or program to build relationships and make the educational experience more meaningful to build skills for the future, create lasting friendships, and focus on more than just academics.  Kyra has been able to do just that by searching for an agriculture program that was not something that she had any previous experience.  She shares that she was looking for something hands-on as she identifies herself as a kinesthetic learner who enjoys the outdoors and working with animals.  

Kyra has shown tremendous leadership skills and academic excellence from the moment she arrived on campus with us in the Fall.  She currently maintains a 4.0 GPA and has already shown her courage as a leader, competing in public speaking and leadership competitions as part of the Agriculture program.  Her teacher, Ms. Heather Varallo, shared that Kyra has established herself as being good at a “little bit of everything,” going above and beyond to put herself out there and being confident enough to participate in activities within the program that are not typical of someone in her early stages as a high school student.  While she has an inner courage that is to be cultivated and encouraged, Mrs. Varallo goes on to share that she also admires Kyra’s tremendous humility and someone who doesn’t fully realize her capabilities and overwhelming potential, including her ability to speak in front of her peers and crowds at competitions.  Kyra shares that in her first competition, where she placed 4th, she had to recite the creed of Agriculture and speak a bit about the history of Agriculture.  While she enjoyed the competition, she was more encouraged and gravitated toward the process of practice and preparation, which is unusual for a student her age.  She commented that this opportunity to compete allowed for her to meet new people, make new friends, and connect with her peers on a different level.  She finished by saying that she was a bit nervous about speaking in front of others, but when put in the moment, it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be.  

Kyra also shares that she is most inspired by her parents.  She is an only child and she appreciates the focus and encouragement that her parents have provided her in her brief tenure at Sonora High School.  Kyra says that her parents are her biggest supporters and push her to chase her interests and invest time in the things that interest her, no matter where those interests lead her.  In addition to Agriculture, Kyra is also a part of the Slime Club at Sonora, which is one of the newest clubs on campus and is a student-led group that seeks to provide an outlet for students who want to focus on their mental health.  While this club allows students and make slime together, the focus is more on allowing for students to gather, make connections, and be encouraged by their peers as they find themselves in a common place of doing their best as students.  

In the future, Kyra has aspirations to study health sciences and a degree in parasitology, which is the study of parasites and their hosts.  Clearly, this young lady has not only found a place to belong while at Sonora, but also has found an interest that will lead her in the future to post-secondary education and a career in the medical field that will allow her to continue her journey of meeting new people and making lasting connections with others.  

Student Advisory Council - ASB Leadership

Last week a few of our ASB Student Leadership members joined student leaders from across the district for the monthly meeting to discuss upcoming events, engage in team-building activities, and forge new relationships. This month had Valentine's theme and was hosted by the students from La Vista High School.

Valentine's Day - Heart Match ❤️

Double Assembly - No Hate Tour

Last Friday we hosted the No Hate Tour which combines the powerful message of anti-bullying in school with exciting visuals of BMX athletes. We were excited to host this event for our students for the first time with the hope of empowering our school community to speak out against negativity on campus and to spread the idea that bullying of any sort is not acceptable. It was a great morning for our students who were entertained while also gaining some valuable insight.

Counseling Corner

2024-2025 Registration Information

The Guidance Department began the Course Registration process last week, which allows students to select their classes for the 2024/25 school year. Please read all of the following information:


  • Counselors will visit specific classrooms to show a registration video presentation and meet with students during their designated week:
  • Current Juniors: January 29th - February 1st (US History)
  • Current Sophomores: February 5 - February 9 (World History/AP Euro)
  • Current Freshmen: February 13 - February 15 (Science/Biology)
  • Make-ups: February 20-23 (for students who do not have any of the classes listed above and/or were absent for the in-class presentation)
  • The registration video presentation will be shown in class and will also be posted on Sonora's website for reference.
  • During the in-class presentation, students will receive a copy of their Transcript, Graduation Status Report, and their CSU Eligibility Report to track their A-G requirements.
  • Counselors will be available immediately after the registration presentation to answer questions. 
  • Each grade level will have one week to complete their registration from the date they received the in-class video presentation.
  • Students will select their courses for the 2024/25 school year using the online Course Request Google Form linked below by grade level after the in-class presentation. Please note that the Google forms for each grade level will be available/open during their designated week. 
  • Future Seniors
  • Future Juniors
  • Future Sophomores
  • Students must log in using their FJUHSD emails and can only submit the form ONCE. The forms are only accessible through students’ school emails.

Course Registration Resources

Summer School Course Registration

  • Students will be able to complete their Summer School course request as part of the registration process if they need to make up a class for graduation or to maintain A-G eligibility.
  • As counselors review each student's transcript, counselors may enroll students into summer school on a need basis to ensure students are on track to graduate. 
  • Please note that summer school dates are not yet finalized, pending Board approval in February 2024.

Optional Counseling Appointments

  • Counselors will not be able to schedule individual appointments until after the registration window ends on February 23, 2024.
  • During the registration window, counselors will be available to assist with questions after each class presentation to meet with students individually.
  • Please email your counselor directly with any additional questions.
  • Counselor ALPHA Breakdown
SENIORS:Click Here for Hold List Information
Click Here for Financial Aid Requirement - Senior Presentation

Click on the Icon Below to Access

Academic Support

Academic Saturday School

Attendance Counts!

Tardy Policy

Arriving at each class on time will continue to be a priority for our staff in the second semester. We want all students to understand the importance of arriving to school and class on time, every day. In addition to implementing the tardy policy below, we will also be implementing random tardy sweeps throughout the semester to encourage punctuality and remind students of the importance of being on time to ensure the opportunity for academic success. Please see the policy below as written in the Student Handbook (pg 21):


All students are expected to be in their scheduled class each period by the time the tardy bell rings.  No students are to be in the hallways after the tardy bell rings, including those who have athletics sixth period or who have an open period at any time during the day.  Students are also not to be sent on errands without an appropriate pass from the teacher.  Students without passes will be sent back to class.

Consequences For Tardies

-Tardies 1-4: teacher-assigned consequences and parent contact by teacher

-Tardy Report by APSS: 5 or more tardies will result in a detention

Click Here to Report an Absence

Raider Athletics

Athletes of the Week

Congratulations to our Athletes of the Week - Stella Rodriguez and David Baxter


Our Sonora Yell Competition Season has come to an end and we cannot be more proud of the growth of our Varsity and JV teams this year. It has been a long year of continuing to build upon success and forging relationships through challenges. Congratulations to all of our team members and a special thank you to our Seniors who contributed to our culture and the team over the last four years. This last weekend, JV took home 5th place and Varsity took home 4th place at USA Nationals.


Congratulations to Presley Munoz and David Baxter who both advanced to Masters and competed in Palm Springs this last weekend. Both competed well over the weekend and made us proud of their effort! 


The season is in full swing as the Raiders have already competed in four games in the young season. We have played some tough competition and were victorious against Kennedy HS, with a 3-0 shutout. We are excited to continue the journey throughout the season!


The softball team has also played more than a handful of games at this point in the season and is currently showing a 3-3 record. They have played well to start the season and have lost some close contests, while also boasting a 6-1 victory against St. Paul last week in front of the home crowd. Keep up the good work, ladies!

Team Bonding - JV Basketball at Top Golf


ALL Sports Including Cheer, Dance, JROTC, & Band Must Register

1) Go to homecampus.com/login

  • Please use the following Handout to help guide you through the Athletic Clearance process.
  • Create an account and complete all sections: Watch the VIDEO for detailed instructions.
  • **Very Important** Choose “Sonora” (CIF-SS)” on the list and the School Year "2023/2024".

2) You must upload Page 4 of the PHYSICAL FORM

Downloadable Physical Form

  1. Print & Fill Out the Physical Form for your visit to the doctor.
  • Only the signature from an MD, DO, or PA will be accepted. Signatures from Chiropractors and Nurse Practitioners are NOT accepted.
  1. Page 4 of the Physical Form must then be uploaded to Home Campus.
  2. There is no form under the signed Confirmation Page. Please skip that and go back to upload the form at the end of the process.

 3) Once you have completed the signatures and uploaded the physical form on Home Campus, Print out the Confirmation Page from homecampus.com/login  

  • Print & Complete (Both parent & student signatures are required).
  • Please be advised that each sport/activity must be listed at the top of the page in order to be cleared for that sport during the 2023-24 school year.
  • Go back into Home Campus and upload the Confirmation Page into the Signed Confirmation Page Form

You are not cleared until you receive a clearance email from Home Campus. Our Admin team must review all submissions prior to your student-athlete receiving clearance. You may follow the status of your clearance on the Home Campus website. 

If you have questions, please contact Mrs, Crail, Assistant Principal, at mcrail@fjuhsd.org

Mark Your Calendar


Our Next Late Start is Wednesday, February 21st!

Master Calendar

Aeries Parent Portal

Stay connected with your student's progress, check daily assignments, and communicate with teachers by logging on to the AERIES Parent Portal. Click on the image below to access all of the important information you will need for the 2023-2024 school year.


Click Here for the FJUHSD February Newsletter

Community News

Two Schools, One Community

In addition to our very own Kyra Churley being recognized as the Rotary Student of the Month, Mia Tierney from La Habra High School was also given this honor. Congratulations to you both!

Thank you also to Mrs. Arredondo and Mrs. Crail for being there to celebrate our students and community together! We appreciate you!

The City of La Habra is now offering CPR & First Aid classes at the La Habra Community Center once a month on Saturdays. The three-hour class is open to ages 12+ years, and the cost to attend is $32 per person. The class will include training in infant, child, and adult CPR and AED, as well as Standard First Aid. Participants who complete the class will receive a two-year certificate in CPR B and Standard First Aid. This class is generously partially subsidized by the City of La Habra to help ensure our residents stay safe. Pre-registration is required. Sign up online, in person or by phone at the Community Center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd., 562-383-4200.

Classes will be held 9 a.m.-12 p.m. on the following Saturdays:

  • February 10th
  • March 16th
  • April 13th
  • May 11th
  • June 8th

2024 #LaHabraRaces

The #LaHabraRaces are back for 2024 -- that means the 5K Walk/Run, 1K Kiddy Run and 50-YD. Diaper Dash! The event will take place on Saturday, March 9, 2024 at the La Habra Marketplace shopping Center, 1641 W. Imperial Hwy., (between Famous Footwear & La Habra Modern Dentistry). Registration includes #LaHabraRaces medal, t-shirt, bib number, goodie bag, and entry to the pop-up farmer's market. There also will be vendor booths and the Mobile Children's Museum. This year's theme is "Olympics - Family Race for the Gold" so dress in Olympic attire that represents the country of your choice.

Fees are as follows:

  • 50-YD. Diaper Dash (3-5 yrs.) - $15 (thru 3/1/24) $20 (starting 3/2/24)
  • 1K Kiddy Run (6-9 yrs.) - $20 (thru 3/1/24) $25 (starting 3/2/24)
  • 5K Walk/Run - $30 (thru 3/1/24) $35 (starting 3/2/24)

Medals will be awarded to the top three male & female 5K runners, the top 3 male & female 1K runners, largest group, largest school group, most Olympic dressed group, and the most Olympic dressed individual.

And all kids participating in the 50-YD. Diaper Dash & 1K Kiddy Run will receive FREE Black Bear Diner, Chick-fil-A, and Canes Chicken Fingers meal coupons.

Registration for this year's #LaHabraRaces will be online only. Click here for the link to register.

If you are interested in being a vendor at the event, please click here for more information and the vendor application.

If you are interested in being a sponsor at the event, please click here for more information and the sponsorship application.

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