Volume 3 | November 29, 2017

Keep the Historic Tax Credit
Of all the provisions housed within the tax bill passed by the House of Representatives and currently being considered by the Senate, one that causes outsized detrimental effects to the Northeast US is the elimination of the historic tax credit (HTC). On November 16, the House eliminated the HTC. And while the Senate Finance Committee retained the HTC at 20%, it did make substantive changes impacting the value of the incentive.
CONEG Joins Tri-lateral Discussions in Québec
Over three days ten delegates representing various sectors from the United States and Mexico came together for the Distinguished Visitor’s Program in Québec. Several states were represented, including three New England States-New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts. The program provided an opportunity for a tri-lateral discussion on important issues facing North America as well

Northeast Innovation Brought to US By Rail

The Northeast US is an innovation artery that fosters creativity and entrepreneurship throughout the country’s economy. And the people, products and technology buttressing this innovation need to move in order to grow. Infrastructure needs to keep pace. Rail connections foster this vibrant, innovation economy.

Northeast Governors and Industries Provide Relief to Puerto Rico
Northeast Congressional Delegation Pushes LIHEAP Funding
In Massachusetts.... After uncertainty, state gets heating assistance funds (Milford Daily News)

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) announced that the Department of Health and Human Services released nearly $35 million in funding for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) grantees in Maine. The announcement follows a bipartisan letter authored by Senators Collins and Jack Reed (D-RI) last month urging HHS to release funds for LIHEAP as quickly as possible under the current continuing resolution. The letter was signed 39 bipartisan Senators, including the entire New England delegation.
2017 Election Highlights

Gubernatorial elections bring new democratic governors to New Jersey and Virginia; Ballot Measures to New York and Maine.

CONEG welcomes new leadership to NARUC & EPA Region 1
News from the States
Regional and Federal Updates
Governors Salute Veterans
CONEG staff among the veterans honored by Governors. CONEG ’s own office manager Tom Critzer, was born and raised an Army brat and he also served in the U.S. Army.

2018 Conference of NEG/ECP-Save the Date!
The 42nd Conference of the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers will be held at the Stowe Mountain Lodge in Stowe, Vermont on August 12-14, 2018. Stay tuned for details on the conference program.
MIT is hosting a summit on December 7-8, to highlight regional leadership of the northeast U.S. and eastern Canada responding to climate change and to explore strategies for building on that leadership. For details, visit climatesummit.mit.edu . To inquire about attending the summit, please email  [email protected]
The Coalition of Northeastern Governors ( CONEG ) is a non-partisan association of the Northeast states. CONEG encourages intergovernmental cooperation on issues affecting the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Northeast. CONEG coordinates regional efforts by the Governors and their Administrations.  
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