Railroad Workers
Mass Meeting

Friday 9/16/22
7 PM Central Time
Mass Meeting: All Railroad Workers Invited
We came very close to experiencing the first national rail strike in three decades. A Tentative Agreement (TA) has now been reached with the remaining unions that had been holding out. What does the TA entail? Will the members actually vote for this contract proposal? What about the other nine unions whose rank & file are in the process of voting on - or have already voted to accept or reject - the TA? Questions abound. A full blown strike is still a distinct possibility this Fall.

In order to share information among all rail workers from all crafts, all unions, and all carriers, and to seek answers to these and other pressing questions, RWU will host a Mass Meeting of All Rail Workers on Friday at 9/16/22 at 7 PM Central Time.

Please bring your thoughts, ideas, energy, and optimism to this event. We hope to have well over an hour of information sharing, general discussion, and Q&A. Please plan to keep your statements/questions short, concise, and to the point.

NOTE: While this invite will invariably be circulated publicly, our intention here is to have a gathering of rank-and-file working railroaders. Please: no press, no managers, no politicians.
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to join the meeting Friday evening.

Railroad Workers United
Solidarity -- Unity -- Democracy