September 27, 2023

Raining and McCall to Give Convention Theo Talks

Two inspiring Episcopal Church leaders will visit this year's partnership convention to give short reflections, called Theo Talks, on Philippians 4:4-9, which is the convention theme. Convention participants will have the opportunity to talk in table groups after each presentation.

On Friday morning, the Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, rector of St. Christopher's in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania and founder of The Hive, will give the convention's first Theo Talk.

Raining recently served as director of the Center for Christian Spirituality and Affiliated Professor of Ascetic and Liturgical Theology at The General Theological Seminary. She is also a spiritual director, yoga and meditation instructor, and beekeeper.

On Saturday morning, the Rev. Ramelle McCall, canon for leadership in the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, will give the second Theo Talk. In McCall's ministry with Bishop Ruth Woodliff-Stanley, who was previously a member of the diocesan partnership staff, he assists in developing congregational vitality and evangelism, advancing the ministries of justice in the public square, and developing leaders for the next generation. McCall previously served as rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in West Baltimore, Maryland and as urban missioner for the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, where he was a community activist for urban issues in West Baltimore City.

The theme for this year's convention was partially inspired by a 2018 TEDx Talk by acclaimed National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones. Watch it on YouTube.

Learn more about convention below, and register to attend by October 9.

image: (l-r) the Rev. Ramelle McCall and the Rev. Hillary Raining

Every Child Matters on September 30

Honoring Indigenous Children at Good Shepherd, Irving

On Saturday, September 30 at 2 p.m., Good Shepherd, Irving will host Every Child Matters, a public event honoring Indigenous children who lost their lives and culture at residential schools across the United States and Canada. Planned as an attempt to “atone, apologize, and heal,” the event will include Seneca artist G. Peter Jemison; Keith Burich, author of The Thomas Indian School and the "Irredeemable" Children of New York, and Bishop Sean.

Following the speakers, a healing service will take place in the church and include the Prayer of Thanksgiving in both the Seneca language and English and the Great Litany. At the conclusion of the service Bishop Sean will give a blessing and the Rev. Roland Cooper will smudge the congregation.

Thanks in part to a grant from the diocesan partnership and a contribution from St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buffalo, work is underway at Good Shepherd to find, identify, and mark some 70 unmarked graves that surround the building, which is located in the Cattaraugus Territory of the Seneca Nation. Read more.

2023 Diocesan Conventions: October 20 and 21

Pre-convention meetings October 4 and 5 on Zoom

The 2023 Diocesan Conventions of the Dioceses of Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania will be held at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie on October 20 and 21.

Registration is open until October 9. Register for convention.

Pre-Convention Meetings

Convention Schedule

  • Check-in will open at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, October 20 and the convention will begin at 10 a.m. Bishop Sean will give his address in the business session that begins at 11:30 a.m.

  • Eucharist will be held at Luther Memorial in Erie at 5:30 p.m. with Bishop Sean presiding. Dinner will be held at the convention center at 7 p.m.

Convention will reconvene Saturday, October 21 at 9 a.m. and will adjourn once the business session has concluded.

In Memoriam: Carl Otis Jr.

Carl Otis Jr., a longtime leader at Trinity, Hamburg and former member of Diocesan Council in Western New York, died on September 22.

"Carl was a faithful servant to his parish, his diocese and his community," Bishop Sean said. "His steadfast love of God and God's church is a model for us all. May he rise in glory."

At Trinity, Mr. Otis sang in the choir, served on the vestry, and helped to plan many fundraisers. A celebration of his life will be held at the parish on September 30 at 11 a.m.

May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Read his obituary.

Annual Audits Due
September 8 NWPA, October 1 WNY

Congregational audit reports were due September 8 in Northwestern Pennsylvania and are due October 1 in Western New York. Information and guidelines for audits are available on the partnership website. Email Maria Manocchio or Jeff Mills with questions or concerns.

Grants for Congregations Applications Due October 1
The next deadline for the unified diocesan grant applications is October 1. To learn more about and apply for any of the grants available in either diocese, visit Grants for Congregations on the diocesan website.

Contact Vanessa Butler or Maria Manocchio with questions.

Howard Thurman: The Mystic as Prophet Discussions

Next Session October 18

The Bishop Holly Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians will hold two more facilitated book discussions about Howard Thurman: The Mystic as Prophet by Luther E. Smith this fall.

  • Wednesday, October 18 at 6:30 p.m.: Chapters 3 and 4 with Creola Atchison

  • Wednesday, November 15 at 6:30 p.m.: Chapters 5 and 6 with the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Wickwire Lundquist

Register with the online form or by emailing Gabrie'l Atchison.

Save the Date: Partnership Pilgrimage to Montgomery January 16-20: Registration Deadline November 1

Join Bishop Sean and members of the Episcopal Dioceses of Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania from January 16 to 20 for a pilgrimage to Montgomery, Alabama.

As part of the partnership dioceses's commitment to dismantle racism and discrimination, pilgrims will work together in spiritual formation prior to the trip. The pilgrimage will include visits to The Legacy Museum and The National Memorial for Peace and Justice among other locations. The projected cost is $1100-$1300.

New! Read answers to frequently asked questions about the trip. To register or learn more, email Sara Nesbitt of the Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination for more information.

photo: the Memorial Corridor at The National Memorial for Peace and Justice (Soniakapadia via Wikimedia Commons)

GC81 Official Youth Presence Application Now Open
Applications are now open for the Official Youth Presence at the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church, scheduled for June 23 to 28 in Louisville, Kentucky.

Members of the Official Youth Presence, who must be between 16 and 19 years old, have seat and voice on the floor of the House of Deputies and can testify at hearings both before and during General Convention. Up to two youth from each Episcopal Church province will be selected.

Learn more and apply online by November 17.
2024 United Thank Offering Grants Application Now Open
Applications are now open for 2024 United Thank Offering Annual Grants, with a focus on projects that welcome and include “the stranger.” The application deadline is January 19, and the application requires pre-submission endorsement from the bishop's office.

More information—including criteria for applicants, sample budgets and timelines, and helpful hints—as well as the application and other forms, are available online.

Learn more and register for an informational webinar.
Congregational Events

Harvest Craft Festival September 30

St. John's-Grace, Buffalo

St. John’s-Grace, Buffalo will host a Harvest Craft Art Festival on September 30 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The festival will feature more than 40 local artists, craft artisans, food vendors, sellers of vintage and upcycled goods, and non-profit groups alongside a children’s area with face painting and pumpkin decorating.

Animal blessings will be offered by the Rev. Claudia Scheda to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis. Live music will be provided by La Marimba.

Blessing of the Animals October 4

Calvary, Williamsville

Calvary, Williamsville will hold the Blessing of the Animals on October 4, at 5:30 p.m. in the Kryder Courtyard. All animals should be appropriately leashed, crated, carried, or contained, and under responsible supervision at all times. Stuffed animals and photos of pets that cannot mingle comfortably with other pets or are deceased are welcome. A brief reception will follow.

Pet food items will be collected for Pete’s Pet Food Pantry at Good Shepherd, Buffalo.

photo: The Rev. Robert Harvey blesses a dog in 2022

Pet Memorial Service and St. Francis Day Pet Blessings

October 4, St. David's, West Seneca

On October 4, at 4:30 p.m. St. David's, West Seneca will hold a Pet Memorial Service. All who grieve their animal companions are welcome to bring a photo, urn, or favorite toy to this service of remembrance and comfort. Following the memorial service, animal blessings will be offered at the congregation's annual St. Francis Day Blessing of the Pets.

Pet Blessings at St. Paul's, Lewiston on October 14

On October 14, St. Paul's, Lewiston will offer pet blessings in Hennepin Park in Lewiston from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All pets should be on a leash or in a carrier.

Dismantling Racism Grants Now Available
The Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination is offering grants to congregations with initiatives inspired by the Commission's Pledge of Faith and Action Against Racial Injustice: LEARN―PRAY―ACT.

Congregations holding a book study related to dismantling racism or other forms of discrimination, hosting guest speakers, or visiting a historic site or museum like the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center, can apply for grants from $25 to $500 using this grant application. For more information, email the Rev. Stacey Fussell.
Morning Prayer at the Cathedral of St. Paul in Erie
The Cathedral of St. Paul in Erie holds morning prayer each weekday at 8 a.m. The cathedral is also open all day Monday through Thursday for prayer and reflection.
Make Gifts and Pledges to Congregations Online
Though congregations are now meeting in person, the bishop's office will continue to maintain an online giving platform that accepts gifts and pledge payments for any congregation. The partnership dioceses will absorb payment processing fees so contributions will go entirely to local mission.

Publication Schedule
Anyone can subscribe to the leadership newsletter and the general newsletter, which are published on alternate Wednesdays, with a modified summer schedule.

The general newsletter contains stories, congregational event listings, and other news of general interest. The leadership news focuses on governance and administrative updates and reminders, leadership events and clergy news. Updates are also available on the partnership Facebook page and the partnership website.

Please send news about your congregation's ministry, mission and events to To contribute photos, stories, or event announcements to the newsletter, please see our submission guidelines.
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