Raise the River Down Jersey Pinelands Paddle
Donate $25.00-
Maurice River Water Trails Passport Book
Donate $50.00-
Passport and water bottle or shopping bag
Donate $75.00-
Passport and baseball cap
Donate $100.00-
Passport, water bottle or shopping bag,
and baseball cap

Raise the River Schwag 2022

Raise the River is right around the corner! Paddlers are signing up, and I hope that you might join us too. CU Maurice River Staff is organizing four paddles that will take place over three days. We want to get as many people out on the Maurice River as possible. Your participation will support CU Maurice River's stream conservation and river education work. Non-paddlers can also contribute by sponsoring the team. To register as a paddler or to be a sponsor, click the appropriate button below (or here above).

Today it is my pleasure to share with you our third and fourth paddles...
Down Jersey Pinelands Paddles
& Riverside Homestead Picnic
Saturday, July 16th

Manumuskin River Paddle Wetland Kayak canoe
Manumuskin with paddlers kayak canoe pickeral weed
On Saturday, July 16th, grab your life-vest, pack your paddle, and load up your boat. It is our pleasure to invite you on two excursions that will explore one of New Jersey's healthiest, most diverse watersheds. Both of these paddles are taking place on the Wild and Scenic Manumuskin River, the southwestern border of NJ's Pinelands Area and the Federal Pinelands National Reserve. For the purposes of Raise the River, we are referring to this area as the Down Jersey Pinelands. CU Maurice River's Staf and volunteer leaders aim to queue you in and engage you with this river's unique, pristine character. You might just learn something new, or meet new like-minded people to enjoy the great out-of-doors with.
Many state rare, threatened, and endangered species are extant in the Manumuskin watershed, such as corn, pine, and scarlet snakes, southern gray tree frog and pine barrens tree frog, barred owl, and red-headed woodpecker. At least 32 of the Pinelands' rare plant species are present here. There are also a minimum of 5 globally-rare plant species. Of special note is one found in the tidal freshwater wetlands of the river: sensitive joint vetch. The CUMR team will interpret the outstandingly remarkable natural and cultural values found along the way.
If you are comfortable doing so on the water, bring your binoculars for a closer look at feathered friends and other wildlife. You may also decide to bring your camera to capture the landscape or take close-ups of wetland flora and all the buzzing around them.
canoe cumberland pond manumuskin pinelands paddle youth fred akers
On the first paddle, we will drop in at the Manumuskin Boat Ramp on Route 47 in Port Elizabeth. We ask that all paddlers meet us at 9:00 a.m. to coordinate transport (see below for more details). We plan to put-in around 9:30 a.m. Then we will travel with the tide upstream passing our take-out in order to explore more pristine areas north of the railroad trestle - tide permitting. We will then mosey back to our hosts' riverside homestead, where volunteers and members will meet us with a light deli lunch around 12:00 p.m.

The second paddle will be a short and easy one, but full of flowers and wildlife. After lunch, we will venture to Cumberland Pond where there is much to see and explore in a relatively small space. Dragonflies, damselflies, lily pads, birds, wetland flora in bloom, possibly beaver, non-biting (super cool) insects, and much more to marvel over! We will put-in and take-out at the boat ramp on Rt. 49. This trip is planned for approximately 1.5 hours and will run from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity for the young and young-at-heart nature lovers in your life.
Life jackets are 100% required. Paddlers must be self-sufficient, at least 7 years old, and proficient swimmers. We hope to glide with the tide; however, if the wind is at the bow, paddlers need to be able to handle a more physically demanding experience. Bring a sturdy boat that is the right fit for you. NEED TO RENT? Call Cheryl at Al & Sams. We recommend you bring sunscreen, a whistle, water in a reusable bottle, insect repellent, as well as a chair for the riverside homestead picnic.

For the morning paddle, CU Maurice River is arranging transport to and from the take-out site. To take advantage of this service, meet at the Manumuskin Boat Ramp on Rt. 47 at 9:00 a.m. Passengers will stay with the boats while drivers cart their vehicles to the take-out point. CUMR volunteers will be waiting there to transport paddlers back. The objective is to have all boats in the water by 9:30 a.m. If you need more time to unload and prepare yourself, please adjust the meeting time accordingly. The afternoon paddle doesn't require any transportation as we put-in and take-out at the same spot.
Saturday, July 16th
Manumuskin River
Meet 9:00 a.m. / Put in 9:30 a.m.
Lunch at riverside homestead
with hosts Vicky & Rob Tomlin
Cumberland Pond - 3:00 p.m
*You can sign up for one or both paddles
Morning: Manumuskin Boat Ramp Afternoon: Cumberland Pond Boat Ramp *See above for transport information.
Bring Your Own Boat -
or call Cheryl at Al & Sams to rent.
Put your paddle to work for stream health and education! The river thanks you for your donation of $25.00 per person,
per paddle leg.
Click the button below to REGISTER!
It's a Paddle-A-Thon!
Raise the River, where paddlers set off
to protect the waterways they cherish...


*Follow the links for more details on each paddle.
Willow Grove Paddle Still Run

on Union Lake

& Burcham Farm Campfire
4:00 p.m.

Bring Your Own Boat -
or call Cheryl at Al & Sams to rent.

Put your paddle to work for stream health and education! The river thanks you for your donation of
$25.00 per person, per paddle leg.
Cheer on the paddle team through a sponsorship of any size!

Click the button(s) below to REGISTER
for either one, two, three,
or all four paddles
- OR -
to SPONSOR the team!
Elevate Cheryl Howell child kid paddle canoe
Since 2005, CU Maurice River volunteers
have been sharing their love for our great river
with participants at an outdoor learning day
called Elevate.
Since 2019, CUMR volunteers and staff have been mapping the spread of the Phragmites australis.
This invasive species is a threat to
native wetland flora and the river's biodiversity.
It also obstructs the vistas iconic to the Maurice, degrading the recreational experience.
Dragonfly Sampling 2021 Tony Klock
Since 2015, volunteer citizen scientists have been getting their feet wet sampling for dragonfly larvae. This project is part of a country-wide study on mercury trends that is being conducted at National Parks.
Wheaton Rain Garden flowers pollinator space
In 2021, CU wildlife gardeners took their love for nature and stewardship skills downtown. They installed four rain and pollinator garden systems that are promoting the infiltration of well over 1,000,000 gallons of water back into the aquifer, protecting natural flow regimes, aquatic habitats, and the drinking water supply. They also installed four massive pollinator gardens in urban areas, bringing nature downtown for all to enjoy!
July 13th, 15th, and 16th


(856) 300-5331

Jane Morton Galetto
Board President

Karla Rossini
Executive Director

Joe Moore
Program Coordinator
Doreen Homan
Membership, Events, and Office Manager

Sunnie Banks
Membership Outreach and Office Manager

Kimberly Spiegel
Environmental Education Outreach Coordinator

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