Mental Health Awareness Month

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, here are a few quick and easy tips to improve your mood:

1. Log off and enjoy the outdoors:

While many of us work from home some

or all the time, it’s essential to step away from our desks and devices in any environment. Use breaks or lunchtime to spend some time outside.

Decades of studies have shown that natural light has a powerful and often positive effect on mental health, physical health, and general well-being. Adding exercise, like a brisk walk, will boost your mood.

2. Practice gratitude: Numerous studies have shown that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.

Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

You can either express gratitude towards others with a “thank you” email or keep a journal in which you write down those things (or people) for which you’re grateful.

As always, please seek help if you or a loved one needs it. Remember that it’s never too late to get help and that getting help is always a sign

of strength and good self-care.

Anxiety Group

Our popular Young Adult Anxiety Group (ages 26-38) continues to meet in person every Tuesday from 5:30pm to 6:45pm with Michelle Paul, LPC.

As an ongoing group, new members are always welcome.

If you’re interested in joining, call 202-588-1288 or email us at to get started.

In September, a second Young Adult Anxiety Group will begin meeting on Tuesdays at lunchtime. Contact us today to be added to our waitlist!

What We're Watching

Baby Reindeer


This seven-episode British drama came out last month and has received critical acclaim.

It centers on struggling comedian Donny Dunn’s friendship with a woman named Martha, whose kind demeanor quickly unravels as she begins to stalk Donny relentlessly, making his life a living hell.

The show, based on a true story written by and starring Richard Gadd, explores the psychology of abusive relationships. In addition to Martha’s stalking, Donny experiences another kind of abusive relationship with a man named Darrien.

Available on Netflix.

#You Are Not Alone

To mark World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2023, Norwich City F.C., a professional

soccer team in England, put out a powerful video entitled “You Are Not Alone”. It

has been viewed more than 55 million times.

The video carries an important message about suicide prevention and the need to

check in with those around you, as some people may not display obvious signs of struggling.

What We're Reading

Sometimes I'm Anxious

By Poppy O'Neill


For those of you with anxious elementary or middle-school age children (or if you know any), this practical guide might be helpful. It’s designed for children ages 8-12.

The book combines proven cognitive behavioral therapy methods with simple activities to help your child overcome anxiety.

Your child will be guided with the help of Fiz—a friendly and supportive character they can identify with—through fun and engaging activities interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements, and practical information for parents.

O’Neill has written several books on mental health for children and adults,

including Amazon bestsellers "Don’t Worry, Be Happy" and "You’re a Star".

Amazon, $9.99 paperback.

Our Clinical Team

If you were once a client of DC Talk Therapy, did you know you can still schedule sessions with your former therapist, even if it’s just once a month?

Here’s a link to get started:

DC Talk Therapy | | 202.588.1288 |
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