This week's events underscored just how important it is to
close the rural-urban divide.
Rural North Carolina is a wonderful place to live, but a great community needs good schools, accessible healthcare, and connection to the rest of the world.
Expanding broadband and Medicaid
are the most important goals we can meet
this year
to help our rural communities thrive.
The Rural Day speakers, especially John Kasich, championed Medicaid Expansion
because closing the coverage gap works
. We have real data from 37 other states that have already expanded Medicaid proving that it leads to lower healthcare costs, more coverage, and better care.
Broadband is also incredibly important because connecting our communities with the technology of the 21st century is essential for everything: jobs, education, business, healthcare, you name it!
Everywhere that we have electricity we should have quality, high speed broadband.
That's our goal.
The speakers at Rural Day mirrored our Governor's budget.
Governor Roy Cooper has prioritized our rural communities
by proposing his education bond, expanding Medicaid, and funding rural broadband initiatives. Let's work together for a
North Carolina that works for everyone, everywhere!