Weekly News & Updates

August 14, 2024

Upcoming Events

Rally Day

August 25 10 am - 1:30 pm

Join us to celebrate the kick-off of Christian education programming at Avondale. Come learn about our ministries, receive a blessing, and hear about opportunities for all ages. Rally Day includes blessing of the backpacks, youth group kick-off for 6th-12th graders and Bibles for our 3year-olds and 3rd graders.

What you need to know for Rally Day:

BIBLES: If you have a 3-year-old or 3rd grader, please come to Worship at 10 AM where we will be gifting Bibles.

BLESSING: If you are heading back to school as a student or teacher, we will offer in worship a time of prayer and blessing for your new year. Feel free to bring your backpack.

We're getting ready for: Avondale Adventures!

Registration is open NOW - September 11th.

Volunteers are needed NOW, so see Cheryle Judd-Magee if you would like to help.

Click below to register!

Register for Avondale Adv. here!

ASAP Lunch

Thursday, Aug. 22nd


ASAP will meet on Thursday August 22 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. 

We will enjoy a delicious Fried Chicken Lunch with good sides and dessert. You will be called for a reservation. 

Pop tops for the Ronald McDonald House Recycling program are collected all year. 

Our program will be presented by the Starclaire Five:

Mahlon Thomas, Dennis Brandau and Jackie Shannon. 

Come and enjoy their wonderful music!!

Please don't forget your school supplies for Sedgefield Middle School. 

They need:

  • notebook paper
  • one theme/subject notebooks
  • pencils
  • colored pencils & markers 
  • Kleenex tissues.

Painting Our Prayers

Tuesday, Sept. 10th

The group will meet on Tuesday, September 10th. They hope to see some new faces who can't typically make it on Mondays. They also hope to guage whether or not to change to Tuesday nights on an ongoing basis.

Email Cheryl for more information.

Email FAY for help with Realm

Realm Invitations are here!

Realm Invitations were sent via Email on Monday, August 19th to all members currently in our database and for whom we had an email address. Watch your inbox for the link to claim your profile and download the Realm Connect app for your phone.

Avondale uses Realm as our "church directory" and now YOU will all be able to use Realm, too. In the coming weeks we will begin opening up different functions of this program that many will find useful. Watch this space for more information to come!

Click the Video button below to watch a short clip about Realm!

*Please note: Giving, Registration, and Groups will be introduced in the coming weeks.

Video about Realm

Painting our Prayers

Painting Our Prayers will meet next month on a new night: Tuesday, Sept. 10th. They are hoping to see some new faces who can not usually make it on Mondays. After this meeting the group will discuss the possibility of meeting on Tuesday nights going forward.

Email Cheryl for more information.

Mission Opportunities

Sign-up Genius for Refugee Home

Coming up on Sunday, August 18, 2024

Join us for worship on August 18th at 10AM. 

If you are unable to join us in person, please join us online as we Livestream via YouTube. You can also watch the archive of services on our YouTube channel via the button below.

Avondale's YouTube Channel

Worship Volunteer Opportunities

Sunday morning worship could not go as smoothly without help from our many volunteers. If you would like to be a part of the worship team to provide flowers, greet everyone entering the worship space, reading liturgy, or setting up the room please reach out to Lynn Wilkerson with questions. lbwilkerson@att.net

If you are ready to commit to certain weeks, please click the button below linked to our SignUp Genius page.

Worship SignUp Genius

Member Updates


Prayer List

Dennis Brandau; Libby Stanley; Lindsey DeBorde; Amanda and Eric Shanks; Betsy and Rick Shanks; Corey, Jessica, and Griffin Shanks.

Connect With Us

Please do not hesitate to request prayers from Avondale for the joys or concerns on your heart. We encourage you to let us know of any sickness, crisis, or situation where we can provide support or care. You may contact Rev. Jim Ewing. We will keep prayer requests on this list for four weeks. Please let us know if you would like them extended.

Member Directory

Do you use the directory often? Do you prefer a paper copy? We can provide one.

If desired, please contact the office. We will print a copy and mail it to you. Or, open the UPDATED Directory here (same password as the website).

Email Fay for a password, printed copy, or updates.

seal image

Avondale Presbyterian Church

2821 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209

Church Office: 704-333-6194

Avondale Children's Center: 704-377-6960


Visit our Website
Give to Avondale


As a congregation, God calls us to: 

  • Create close relationships to support a dynamic faith
  • Not only serve our neighbors but know them personally
  • Prepare the hearts of children and families to abide in Christ
  • Reduce economic inequities by breaking down barriers to education
  • Develop and demonstrate a sustaining faith

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