June 2020

People Connected, Naturally Powered

Located in the Geos Neighborhood
in Arvada, Colorado

Future site of The Gatehouse
We have three events coming up this month. See below for the details or check out our events page on the website!
Facebook Live Event!
Facebook Live event this Sunday!

On Sunday, June 14, join three members of Ralston Creek Cohousing as they chat about why they are interested in cohousing and specifically Ralston Creek. We invite you to listen in as we share our stories.

Facebook Live!
Sunday, June 14, 2020
1:00 PM Mountain Time

Just go to our Facebook page RalstonCreekCoHo
at 1:00 PM Mountain Time and we'll see you there!

Happy Hour and a Movie!
You are invited to join us on Saturday, June 20th for a Happy Hour and discussion of the short film, "The Best of Both Worlds, Cohousing's Promise".
We have obtained permission to stream this movie on June 19th and 20th. If you would like to be a part of this event, please send us an email at [email protected] and we will send you the link. Watch the film at your leisure and then come to the Happy Hour with the members of Ralston Creek Cohousing for a discussion of the film.

Happy Hour

Saturday, June 20, 2020

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Send us an email, [email protected],
and we'll send you the link!
Online Video Chat

Thursday, June 25, 2020

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Mountain Time

We present the Online Video Chat every month so that those of you who want to know more about Ralston Creek Cohousing have the chance to learn about our vision and get the most up to date details about our project.

If you would like to attend please send us an email at [email protected] and we will send you the link to Zoom.
Architectural Rendering of a park in Geos
Ralston Creek Cohousing, Vibrant Solar Community

Blog Post
by Sam Shellenberger, Member

Nestled alongside Ralston Creek in Arvada Colorado, a new mixed-use community is taking shape. The Geos Neighborhood is a net-zero community where solar and geothermal energy are harnessed to create a “new normal” for sustainable, walkable community living. In addition to the mountain views, community gardens, and open space, Geos is the future home of the Gatehouse and Ralston Creek Cohousing.

Continue reading here
We have updated our website!

Follow this link ralstoncreekcohousing.org
to view our new web page!
Become an Explorer

Want to know more about cohousing and Ralston Creek? We welcome you to become an Explorer Member. As an Explorer, you will have the opportunity to fully explore Ralston Creek Cohousing, attend business meetings, and get to know (and have a lot of fun) with your future neighbors.

For more information about the membership process, please visit our website Path To Membership
Want to know more? Give us a call or send us an email!
Follow us on Facebook!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get all of our
updates, memos and more!
Ralston Creek Cohousing 303-704-2168

Email us at: [email protected]

Visit our web site at: www.ralstoncreekcohousing.org