July 2020

People Connected, Naturally Powered

Located in the Geos Neighborhood
in Arvada, Colorado

Hanging out on the Ralston Creek Trail
We have three events coming up this month. See below for the details or check out our events page on the website!


We are growing!
See the profile of new member, Nicole Aimone below
Facebook Live Event!
Facebook Live event this Sunday!

Chat with Karin Hoskin and Bryan Bowen About Isolation and the Benefits of Community Living on Sunday, July 19th

Join us for a cohousing chat about the challenges of isolation and how life in a cohousing community might be of benefit.
“Social connection improves physical health and mental and emotional well-being. We all think we know how to take good are of ourselves: eat your veggies, work out and try to get enough sleep. But how many of us know that social connection is just as critical?”

Special guests:

-Karin Hoskin, executive director of  Cohousing USA
– Bryan Bowen, cohousing architect, founder at Caddis PC
– Nicole Aimone, Ralston Creek Cohousing member

Facebook Live!
Sunday, July 19, 2020
4:00 PM Mountain Time

Just go to our Facebook page RalstonCreekCoHo
at 4:00 PM Mountain Time and we'll see you there!
Online Video Chat

Saturday, July 25, 2020

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Mountain Time

We present the Online Video Chat every month so that those of you who want to know more about Ralston Creek Cohousing have the chance to learn about our vision and get the most up to date details about our project.

If you would like to attend please send us an email at [email protected] and we will send you the link to Zoom.
Virtual Community Meal

Saturday, July 25, 2020

5:00 PM Mountain Time
Join the members of Ralston Creek Cohousing for a lively discussion on Right Sizing. Hear some of the members describe their experiences with minimalizing their lives and getting ready to move into smaller spaces. Bring your favorite snack, dessert, and/or beverage and let’s discuss Right Sizing our lives!
If you would like to attend, please send us an email at [email protected]
and we’ll send you the link to Zoom.
Member Profile

Nicole Aimone
Hi! I’m Nicole. I’m an urban planner by background and education, co-housing, living in an intentional eco-friendly, sustainable living designed home is my dream.
I’m a minimalist at heart so living in the most sustainable, ethical way I can is really important to me. I believe that sharing resources and common space makes a lot of sense.
I have a sweet brindle, plott hound pup who I recently adopted from a rescue and an adorable grey tabby lap cat who is handling his new pup brother’s arrival with grace.

Read more here
Why Choose Cohousing?

Listen to our members share why they are choosing to live in cohousing. From coffee chats to dinner in Old Town, from yoga classes to gardening, they are so looking forward to being in community.

Member, Debbie Fox speaks about her love of gardening and how she is looking forward to living in community. She says gardening with other people makes it even more enjoyable. She is looking forward to cooking with other members of Ralston Creek Cohousing, too.

Click on the video below to listen.
We have updated our website!

Follow this link ralstoncreekcohousing.org
to view our new web page!
Become an Explorer

Want to know more about cohousing and Ralston Creek? We welcome you to become an Explorer Member. As an Explorer, you will have the opportunity to fully explore Ralston Creek Cohousing, attend business meetings, and get to know (and have a lot of fun) with your future neighbors.

For more information about the membership process, please visit our website Path To Membership
Want to know more? Give us a call or send us an email!
Follow us on Facebook!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get all of our
updates, memos and more!
Ralston Creek Cohousing 303-704-2168

Email us at: [email protected]

Visit our web site at: www.ralstoncreekcohousing.org