Dear Ramah Mishpachot (family),


We have spent the past few days reaching out to our mishlachat (Israeli staff), to our Ramahniks living, serving, and studying in Israel, to our alumni, and to our family members and friends as we take in the magnitude of the sorrow surrounding us. 

As camp professionals who work with children and teens, we know that many of us are navigating how best to talk with our kids about the events unfolding, how to find the words, how to find the space for our own emotions, how to offer acts of chesed and how to support one another. 

What we know to be true is that when we come together as a kehilah (community), we are able to offer comfort and to be comforted. Our joy is increased, and our pain lessened when we join together. The Ramah California community is vibrant and strong, and we will share opportunities to tap into that resilience to show up for Israel and for each other.


Below we will share resources for parents, opportunities for community gathering, and actions we can take.

Supporting our Children and Teens

Our kids and teens are looking to us for cues for how to navigate and process what they are hearing, seeing, and feeling. We can support them by finding age-appropriate ways to open space for conversation and expression, by following their lead in answering questions, by limiting their exposure to videos and imagery, and by offering opportunities to come together and to act.


Coming together as a Community

  • Join our Camp Ramah in California family, both in the US and in Israel, as we gather to offer words of prayer, hope, and solidarity for the people of Israel. We will hear from members of our mishlachat and camp family in Israel as well as members of our leadership team. 
  • The Hadar Institute has organized a Ta’anit Tzibur, a day of communal fasting to unite for deliverance for those in crisis. Thursday October 12th. Learn more here.
  • National Ramah Mishpacha Solidarity Gathering for Israel: An opportunity for Ramahniks across the world and the decades to be together in song and solidarity via zoom. Sunday, October 15, at 9 am PT/noon ET / 7 pm Israel Time Please register at this link.

Taking Action - Olam Chesed Yibaneh

  • Postcards to our Israeli Staff: This past Kayitz (Summer), our chanichim (campers) had the privilege of having members of our mishlachat, our Israeli staff, as their madrichim (counselors), sports instructors, teachers, and chug leaders. This allowed our chanichim to build and deepen their connection to Israel and Israeli culture. While many of our staff in Israel may be back on army bases or just living in the aftermath of these current events, we want to encourage our community to send them words of prayer and love. These can be letters, pictures, or you can use this template to send them messages. A list of our 2023 mishlachat can be found here. Please email these to with the subject line “Letters for mishlachat.” If you have a physical letter, please contact Michal for a drop off either at our Encino office or at a city location. 
  • Videos of Encouragement: Over the next couple of weeks we will be sharing videos of encouragement for our mishlachat and families/chanichim living, serving, and studying in Israel. If you’d like to take part in this social media campaign, please send a 20-30 second video to 
  • Some of the many ways to donate:
  • Ramah alumni Justin Hellman and Hannah (Aftergood) Reinstein, are collecting funds for Magen David Adom. Right now they are able to obtain a 400% match using various matching programs. These funds are being collected through Venmo/Zelle at @Hannahreinstein/310-409-8795 or @Justin-Hellman/520-481-6183. If you work for a company who is interested in matching donations, please contact
  • Kayitz 2023 Rosh Chinuch Rav Na’amaIn the last few days, I have received countless requests for medical equipment, support for evacuated citizens who lost their homes, and demand for food and military equipment for soldiers. In order to respond to these requests swiftly, I have teamed up with the civil command center in Jerusalem to help organize and mobilize supplies throughout the country according to the needs that arise. We have already provided meals and shelter to evacuees, equipment to soldiers (including my brother's unit on the Lebanon border), and much more. The efforts are ongoing and many people are working around the clock to make sure all of the needs are met. If you would like to support this cause here is the link for a tax-deductible donation (all funds go directly to purchase equipment or pay suppliers) (Please specify that the donation is for the civil command center)
  • Ramah community member Nachum Peterseil has been working with Kibbutz Nir Oz, which was destroyed, on a campaign to help support the families who are scattered around the country right now.
  • The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles is collecting donations at


The Camp Ramah Team