Meeting Minutes for OCRRC BOD Meeting June 9, 2016 (Telephonic)
Meeting attendees included Sherri West, Mike Paterson, Ericka Rowland, Jennifer Gysler, Linda D' Antonio., Lisa Adams, Myrna Berger, Joe Berger, and Dorothy Crinion.
Meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m.
Minutes from last BOD meeting approved.
President's Report
Jennifer shared commendation for the contributions of our judges, exhibitors, volunteers and club members to the success of our Specialty!
Vice President's Report
Lisa echoed positive Specialty feedback. (should say Mike)
Corresponding Secretary's Report
Sherri will send a get well card to Barbara Dicksen.
Sherri has a list of judge nominees and will add Mary Lynn Elliot (just licensed). Sherri to email them out to voting club members as a .pdf attachment. Members will need to print, complete ballot, and mail back to Sherri. A volunteer will help Sherri count and confirm the ballots.
Recording Secretary's Report
Ericka had nothing to report at this time.
Treasurer's Report
Dorothy emailed the May treasurer's report and sent Specialty reports in early May. Specialty report shows no profit, club's overall fund balance (as of May 2016) was not negatively impacted.
Specialty accounting: There are a few Specialty expenses pending reimbursement and not captured in the May reports, namely décor expenses Sherri West incurred and supported trophy (to Linda R.).
Specialty Fee for larger tent was not included in the "site fee" report line item. It was reflected in "rentals", tables, chairs etc. from Lou.
Committee Reports
A. Agility (Lisa A.)
Lisa Adams - discussed releasing our dates other than the three dates in August. Lisa sent an email to Lynda Tjarks and got nothing back. Lisa will continue to reach out.
Voted and passed motion to give agility volunteers vouchers for use at a OCRRC Cats or LCTs trial.
B. Lure Coursing (Jennifer)
Next event 11/26/16 - part of Turkey Run
C. Membership (Dorothy)
Dorothy - no new member applications. There are a few members who haven't renewed yet and Dorothy will follow-up with them.
D. 2016 Specialty Wrap-up (All)
Jennifer is composing an article for an upcoming Ridgeback Magazine issue regarding our 30th Specialty with information on winners, judges' comments and photos.
Board agreed to convene in advance of 2017 Specialty to document 2016 specialty feedback (i.e., start, stop, continue).
Discussed the need to come up with a club declaration for ringside photographers (i.e., not getting tied up with show photog and posting photos, our viewpoint of documenting event)
E. Rambles (Lisa A.)
Jennifer to send President's message to Lisa A. Will add a section about our August Agility trial and SBKC supported show.
Old Business
SBKC supported show, August 27 (Mike P). Discussed at general meeting Jan 14th at Marie Callendar's - approached by SBKC pres. at Indio shows regarding hound extravaganza and trying to build up the event. Linda R volunteered to provide Good Dog Beds for supported trophies.
Fall Match, November 19th (Dorothy to chair)
Remaining Club Meeting Dates for 2016: Thursday September 8 (General & BOD); Saturday November 19, 2015 at Match (General); Thursday December 8 (BOD, Telephonic).
New Business
Per ABOVE Corresponding Secretary's report, Sherri will send a card to Barbara Dicksen and Dorothy will coordinate Sherrie's Berries
Per Ericka, SDRRC - it is participating in a "ruff hour" fundraiser at a brewery in La jolla - donate 20% to a local charity. Ericka to look into additional "socializing for a cause" opportunities for OCRRC to participate in.
Meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.