Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Logo

President's Message
Ridgebacks give back!

Hi everyone! As we dive into fall, it's always nice to reflect on what
we've done so far this year. I am pleased to say that our club has
donated generously to various animal related charities year after
year. A most recent example is a $500 donation to an organization in
Louisiana (LSART - Louisiana Animal Response Team), that helped
families and their pets and livestock who had suffered losses because
of flooding. OCRRC also donates to other charities throughout the year
such as search and rescue, Rabbies Foundation, The Bark Stops Here,
Canine Health Foundation, and other research / charitable
organizations who work to protect our breed, and the NAIA trust (a
nonprofit which promotes responsible animal care and ownership, and
reasonable laws and regulations to protect animals).
As a nonprofit organization and breed club, it is important to provide
not only fun events for our members and friends, such as, agility and
lure coursing, but also provide education through seminars and puppy
matches. We also celebrate our versatile breed every year at our
annual independent specialty in April.
With all of the turmoil on various levels that we see in the news and
around us, it's comforting to know we have our dogs.  They love us
unconditionally, make us smile, and greet us happily when we arrive
home. Of course they also love road trips!
To all of you that went to the RRCUS Nationals in Ohio this past week,
hope you had a great time visiting with friends and dogs, and arrived
home safely. Hope to see you soon!

Jennifer Gysler
OCRRC Match is coming........Nov. 19th in Norco
Saturday November 19th at Pikes Peak Park, 111 Sixth St, Norco CA
It's a 3-breed match!!  We will be having our match along with our Ibizan and Whippet friends.  We will be offering conformation and property classes as well as CGC.
There will be a our usual tasty Pot Luck, managed by Sherri West, so please let her know what you'd like to bring.  We have invited a doggy communicator too!

We will have our match raffle and encourage everyone to bring a donation and buy raffle tickets (remember these little fund raisers contribute to funding our regional specialty and our charity donations).  Following the match there will be a general meeting and if time permits we will have black box practice runs.  If you have any questions, contact the match chairperson Dorothy Crinion.
Come get your practice on in preparation for the big Indio shows.

It's Fall and that means RACING
Turkey Run is almost upon us
OCRRC will be hosting one day of the 3-day Turkey Run.
Please come out and support your club by entering and volunteering as field crew help.  Contact Jennifer Gysler for more information about volunteering.  Premium lists for entering any or all days of the Turkey Run can be located at   

Wonderful Weekend with CRRC
The Colorado Rhodesian Ridgeback Club had their Regional Specialty in Greeley Colorado August 20, 2016 and much like our Specialty it was in conjunction with the other shows: Greeley KC and the Rocky Mtn Hound Assoc. at a fabulous location.

The ring was large and we were separate from other breed rings.  We had our own parking lot as well as access to the fairground clubhouse, which was utilized for a yummy exhibitor lunch hosted by the club.  The patio was laid out for their raffle tables where you could place you ticket into the desired box.  This was a fabulous location, easy set up and breakdown, and welcoming hospitality.  Trophy table is seen at ring side below with the clubhouse in the background.

Understand and Use Your Dog's Calming Signals
Turning the side or back to someone is very calming. When dogs play together rather wildly, some of them will start turning their side or back to the others in between playing, to make things calm down a little.

Your dog may use this signal when another dog growls or behaves threateningly towards him in some way, such as running up to him too quickly. He may also use it if you speak in a very cross voice or go up to him when he feels that you are angry. When young dogs pester older ones, the older often turns his back to make them calm down. When you jerk at the leash your dog may turn away from you, maybe pulling even more. 

You can use this signal yourself when a dog shows signs of nervousness or aggression towards you. If he jumps up at you, turn away, and more often than not he will stop. 

To learn more about signals your dog gives you and the world and how to use them, purchase On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals from Whole Dog Journal.

Meeting Minutes for OCRRC BOD Meeting June 9, 2016 (Telephonic)
Meeting attendees included Sherri West, Mike Paterson, Ericka Rowland, Jennifer Gysler, Linda D' Antonio., Lisa Adams, Myrna Berger, Joe Berger, and Dorothy Crinion.
Meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m.

Minutes from last BOD meeting approved.


President's Report

Jennifer shared commendation for the contributions of our judges, exhibitors, volunteers and club members to the success of our Specialty!

Vice President's Report

Lisa echoed positive Specialty feedback. (should say Mike)

Corresponding Secretary's Report

Sherri will send a get well card to Barbara Dicksen.

Sherri has a list of judge nominees and will add Mary Lynn Elliot (just licensed).  Sherri to email them out to voting club members as a .pdf attachment.  Members will need to print, complete ballot, and mail back to Sherri.  A volunteer will help Sherri count and confirm the ballots.

Recording Secretary's Report

Ericka had nothing to report at this time.

Treasurer's Report

Dorothy emailed the May treasurer's report and sent Specialty reports in early May.  Specialty report shows no profit, club's overall fund balance (as of May 2016) was not negatively impacted.

Specialty accounting: There are a few Specialty expenses pending reimbursement and not captured in the May reports, namely décor expenses Sherri West incurred and supported trophy (to Linda R.).

Specialty Fee for larger tent was not included in the "site fee" report line item.  It was reflected in "rentals", tables, chairs etc. from Lou.

Committee Reports

A.      Agility (Lisa A.)

Lisa Adams - discussed releasing our dates other than the three dates in August.  Lisa sent an email to Lynda Tjarks and got nothing back.  Lisa will continue to reach out.


Voted and passed motion to give agility volunteers vouchers for use at a OCRRC Cats or LCTs trial.

B.      Lure Coursing (Jennifer)

Next event 11/26/16 - part of Turkey Run


C.      Membership (Dorothy)

Dorothy -  no new member applications.  There are a few members who haven't renewed yet and Dorothy will follow-up with them.


D.      2016 Specialty Wrap-up (All)

Jennifer is composing an article for an upcoming Ridgeback Magazine issue regarding our 30th Specialty with information on winners, judges' comments and photos.

Board agreed to convene in advance of 2017 Specialty to document 2016 specialty feedback (i.e., start, stop, continue).

Discussed the need to come up with a club declaration for ringside photographers (i.e., not getting tied up with show photog and posting photos, our viewpoint of documenting event)

E.       Rambles (Lisa A.)

Jennifer to send President's message to Lisa A.  Will add a section about our August Agility trial and SBKC supported show. 

Old Business

SBKC supported show, August 27 (Mike P).  Discussed at general meeting Jan 14th at Marie Callendar's - approached by SBKC pres. at Indio shows regarding hound extravaganza and trying to build up the event.  Linda R volunteered to provide Good Dog Beds for supported trophies.

Fall Match, November 19th (Dorothy to chair)

Remaining Club Meeting Dates for 2016: Thursday September 8 (General & BOD); Saturday November 19, 2015 at Match (General); Thursday December 8 (BOD, Telephonic). 

New Business

Per ABOVE Corresponding Secretary's report, Sherri will send a card to Barbara Dicksen and Dorothy will coordinate Sherrie's Berries

Per Ericka, SDRRC - it is participating in a "ruff hour" fundraiser at a brewery in La jolla - donate 20% to a local charity.  Ericka to look into additional "socializing for a cause" opportunities for OCRRC to participate in.


Meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.

The OCRRC supported entry for SBKC was less than impressive 6-9 (2-4). Not only was the overall entry low but there were "no shows" on top of that so final ring attendance was 5-5 (3-4).  The Earl Warren Showgrounds was the location and the Ridgebacks did have one of the few decent rings in this venue.  It was my observation that the entire show was low on attendance.  Even though the hosting club attempted to rally entries with added classes offering cash awards, it just didn't work.
boots on the ground reporting by L.Adams

Question: So many raw feeders say that variety in proteins, organs, etc. is all a dog/cat needs to be healthy; no need for adding fruits, veggies, grains, or supplements to the raw diet. Is this true or are supplements still needed?
Answer: You are referring to the debate between prey model and BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods) diets. The prey model is based on the premise that a companion animal's diet should mimic that of their wild counterparts. BARF diets include fruits, vegetables and supplements.

I disagree with using the prey model diet for dogs. They have been domesticated by humans and evolved over thousands of years to be obligate omnivores now rather than true carnivores. Dogs were domesticated not only to help us and be our companions, but also to curb landfill waste or eat table scraps. For instance, when you see images of stray dogs, they are usually foraging near garbage piles. This sociological trend is confirmed by scientific research. A recent study by Robert Wayne, a professor at University of California Los Angeles, determined that dogs are not as closely related to wolves as once believed. In conclusion, the genome of domesticated dogs has adapted over time from that of wolves to aid digestion and utilization of a starch-rich diet. Accordingly, the BARF diet is more balanced for today's dogs. Vegetables, fruits and supplements are important for them as well as meat.

Cats are still carnivores and can survive without vegetables and fruits, although their raw diets may need supplements of vitamins and minerals, too.

This topic stirs up passions and emotions so I anticipate several comments about my position and encourage a civilized dialogue. Perception is reality. Unfortunately, an emotional debate may discourage someone from continuing their journey of learning more about pet health and nutrition. Ultimately, the debate could do more harm than good for the intended companion animal eating the diet, if it became divisive and unconstructive. My point here is to communicate freely, but with a sense of decorum.

W. Jean Dodds, DVM
Hemopet /  NutriScan
11561 Salinaz Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92843

RRCUS Obedience and Rally in Ohio

Members Jennifer Gysler and Lisa Adams made an appearance in Ohio to help in the rings. The room location and ring set up for OB and Rally was perfect and I was able to capture Carol Vesley and Indy getting ready to work the articles in the Utility class.  It was wonderful to see many Ridgebacks showing us that they're not just a pretty face.

Thank you to those who have provided articles and information for the sustenance herein.  This is the last issue of the newsletter for 2016.  OCRRC is presently searching for an editor for 2017.  If you would like to consider this position, please contact the undersigned.

Lisa Adams
Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club
Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club