We are sharing this message on behalf of the Ramona Junior Fair Board. Fair week is still scheduled for July 25th – August 1st. Read all about it!
Ramona Junior Fair 2020

To our Ramona Junior Fair Supporters, Participants, and Friends,

During these unprecedented times, we realize how much has been taken from our kids over the last several months. The Ramona Junior Fair Board has been working diligently to find the optimal solution for our 4-H, FFA, and Grange youth to exhibit their projects with the greatest degree of participation and safety possible.

Our working plan is for a hybrid Fair. In this scenario, the market participants are able to have their animals weighed, ultra-sounded for Carcass contest, inspected by a veterinarian, and evaluated for market readiness while adhering to all county and state health and safety guidelines. Weigh-in is scheduled at this time for the weekend of July 25th - 26th.

Animals would return home after inspection, with online/virtual judging occurring throughout the week. Virtual judging would occur for all other classes (breed, home ec, etc). Fair week will culminate in a virtual auction on Friday, July 31st and Saturday, August 1st.

As everyone is very well aware, the public health situation is changing on an almost daily basis. As responsible stewards of our beloved Fair, we must make our decisions based on the current guidelines, not what we hope they will be in the future (as much as we would all love to provide the full Fair experience to our youth this year). The hybrid Fair model has been used successfully by many Fairs throughout the country, and allows for scaling of the Fair towards a fuller, more traditional Fair experience if restrictions ease, or scaling back to a fully virtual Fair if restrictions tighten again. Please be assured that we are making plans to move in either direction as needed, but we cannot responsibly promise a full Fair participation experience that we are not sure can be delivered under current health guidelines.

We are asking our friends and participants to continue to calendar the entire week of July 25th – August 1st as Fair week, as originally planned. This will help us to move seamlessly between scenarios as needed.

Regardless of the Fair format, our livestock auction will be online this year. Please continue to check our website ramonajuniorfair.com and our Facebook page “Ramona Junior Fair” for updates. Thank you for your continued support.

- Ramona Junior Fair Board