August 23, 2021
Good morning, Eagles,

My anticipation and excitement for the new school year builds each day.  Last week, our campus was filled by the energy of 1000+ students as fall activities began...there is nothing quite like a high school at the start of a school year!  That energy will build this week with our first Ramp-Up day on Thursday, August 26 from 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm.  Our second offering is on Monday, August 30 from 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm.  These days are not required, but we encourage you to come to get ready for the new year.  Specifics are below, but the overall purpose is this--build connections as we get ready for a great start.  Please be in touch with me or my team if you have questions on Ramp-Up days or anything at all.  

Thank you & Go Eagles!

Ramp-Up Days
  • Who: All students and families are invited to these optional events
  • When (2 options):
  • Thursday, August 26 from 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Monday, August 30 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
  • Where: The entire school will be open. Please enter through the Activity Center or North Entrance.
  • What:
  • Walk around to find your classes, locker, and common spaces
  • Get your picture taken in the Activity Center (there will be another picture day during school on September 17)
  • Pick-up your laptop in the Media Center (Note: Most students grades 10-12 already have their laptop from last year. If you don’t, these would be great days to pick up yours. 
  • Grade 9 students can do this on Ramp-up Days or on their Connect 9 Orientation Day (September 8). 
  • New students can do this on Ramp-up Days or the first day of school.) 
  • Students coming from CMS who have not returned their iPads should come with their iPad cleared of content and reset. 
  • Pick-up your parking pass. If you purchased one in the spring, now is the time to pick it up. Lots A & B are sold out with Lot C passes remaining. You can also buy parking passes at neighboring lots More details can be found here.
  • Our school store, The Nest, will be open to pick-up new Eagle gear for the new year!
  • Buy your Activities Pass
  • Connect with our PTO on our family directory, donations for mini-grants for classrooms and staff appreciation, and sign-up to volunteer
August 26 - Ramp-up Day

August 30 - Ramp-up Day

September 8 - Connect 9 Orientation Day (8:35 am - 3:20 pm) &
Grade 9 Parent Night (7 pm)

September 9 - First Day of School for ALL Students

Eden Prairie High School
17185 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55346