Rapido UK Newsletter No. 20
©2022 Rapido Trains Ltd
Dear Rapido Customer,

Welcome to a ‘Stop Press’ style newsletter.

What’s the urgency, you may ask? Well, in the last newsletter, we had hoped to announce that the ‘OO’ gauge LBSCR ‘E1’ was available to order. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get the design work to an advanced enough stage to work out how much it’s going to cost to make.

We're pleased to say that we've now reached that stage.

In order that this announcement doesn’t get lost in what promises to be a busy end to 2022, we thought we ought to give the ‘E1’ its own newsletter.

It’s therefore a very short contents list:

  • ‘E1’: ready to order
  • Titfield figures update
  • First look at the SECR brake vans
  • First look at the Bedford OBs
  • Dynamometer Car update

  • More spoof liveries revealed

OK LBSCR enthusiasts, here it comes:
No. 110 (formerly Burgundy) is the sole-surviving 'E1'. It is under overhaul at the Isle of Wight Steam Railway, where it will return to service as No. 2 Yarmouth in full 1930s Southern green. You can read more of No. 110's fascinating history here.
LBSCR ‘E1’: ready to order

The order book for the eagerly awaited 'OO' gauge LBSCR ‘E1’ is now open!

We’re producing 14 ‘E1s’, covering all key versions.

We’ve done our absolute best to ensure that we’ve covered all the detail variations but, to be brutally honest, the ‘E1’ is a nightmare when it comes to small detail changes.

If we were to list all the variations for each product, you’d still be reading this on Christmas morning. We thought it best to include a photograph of what we’re proposing to make and to simply say that what you see in the picture is, for the most part, what the model will look like.

So, without further ado, here’s the ‘E1’ Collection:
936001: No. 145 France, LBSCR ‘Improved Engine Green'.
Photograph: Brighton Circle
936002: No. 155 Brenner, LBSCR 'Improved Engine Green'.
Photograph: Brighton Circle
936003: No. 127 Poitiers, LBSCR goods green.
Photograph: Rail Archive Stephenson
936004: No. 122 Leghorn, LBSCR goods green.
Photograph: Brighton Circle
936005: No. 110, LBSCR Marsh umber.
Photograph: Brighton Circle
936006: No. 694, LBSCR Marsh umber.
Photograph: OJ Morris/Rail Archive Stephenson
936007: No. B690, Southern black.
Photograph: Reginald Clark/Rail Archive Stephenson
936008: No. 2151 Southern black.
Photograph: PF Cooke/Rail Archive Stephenson
936009: No. 32694 BR unlined black (early emblem).
Photograph: Trevor Owen/Colour Rail
936010: No. 32138 BR unlined black (early emblem).
Photograph: Trevor Owen/Colour Rail
936011: No. 32151 BR lined black (no emblem).
Photograph: Colour Rail
936012: No. 1 Medina, BR green, ‘sunshine’ lettering
Photograph: Lens of Sutton
936013: No. 3 Ryde, Southern black, ‘sunshine' lettering.
Photograph: Lens of Sutton
936014: No. 30, Hartley Main Collieries livery.
Photograph: Transport Treasury
Our initial plan was to drip-feed the different versions on to the market over the next few years but customer feedback demanded all versions available in one go. We’ve listened to that feedback but given the complexities of the project, we won’t be able to tool this model overnight. However, we’re hopeful that we should have some samples to show off by the spring.

ANDY: Aren't you forgetting something? You haven't told everyone how much they cost and where to order?


RRP for a DC/Silent LBSCR ‘E1’ is £164.95; DCC sound fitted it £264.95. You can order from your local Rapido UK stockist or by clicking on this bright blue and yellow button!

Our friends at Trains Times in Eastbourne have commissioned two exclusive 'E1s': both models will be available in LBSCR lined black but the running numbers have yet to be confirmed.

They will be available to order from Train Times' website soon. In the meantime, you can read more about this exciting commission here.
Titfield figures – an update!

Last issue, we announced that, due to limitations with injection moulding, we would be unable to produce the expected figures for our The Titfield Thunderbolt Deluxe Packs. We did say, however, we would continue to look into other options – after all Thunderbolt’s cab really does need a crew!

We are excited to announce that we have commissioned Modelu to develop three figures to adorn our models: Sam Weech aka the Vicar as the driver, the Bishop of Welchester as the fireman and Squire Gordon Chesterford as the guard.

Modelu plans to produce these figures using a combination of laser scanning and 3D sculpting to create near-perfect miniatures. They will then be 3D printed IN COLOUR!

If development goes to plan, we will include these figures in the Deluxe Packs. It's also our intention to offer figure packs that will only be available direct from Rapido Trains UK.

We'll keep you posted on how this exciting project develops.
Here's a hand-painted sample of our dual-veranda SECR brake van! You've only got two months to get an order in for these little beauties!
First look: SECR brake van 

We have received the first samples of our ‘OO’ gauge dual veranda SECR brake van.

Don't they look fantastic?

We’ll let you feast your eyes on more of these in a moment but we have one vital order of business: the order book will close on October 1st 2022. If you haven’t placed your order yet, you can do so either at your local Rapido stockist or by clicking on this button.
Here's the first Engineering Prototype of the dual-veranda brake van showing the 'build new' body style.
This is the EP showing the 'rebuilt' style of ends. Can't tell the difference? Worry no longer as scrolling down with reveal all!
The SECR built 50 new six-wheel brake vans from 1910 with dual verandas. The end bracing looked like this.
When single-ended six-wheel 'vans required overhauls, they were rebuilt with dual verandas but could be easily spotted by this arrangement of end bracing.
The six-wheel brake vans look great from every angle. Please remember that these are 'hastily' assembled evaluation samples so the fit and finish of some of the parts will not be up to production standards.
Despite the short wheelbase and three axles, these 'vans go through Setrack points with ease. Look out for proof in a forthcoming video!
We'll leave you with one final look of both six-wheel brake van versions together. They're both available to order now and you've got until October 1st to get your order in!
Here's the first EP of the single-ended six-wheel brake van that we're producing for Rails of Sheffield.
...Plus the single-enders too!

We've also received the first samples of the single-ended six-wheel van that we're producing for Rails of Sheffield. You can see more images - and place your order - by clicking here.

Then hurry back here for more awesome Rapido stuff!
It's Titfield, Jim, but not as we know it! Pearce & Crump drive their OB over the Worcester & Birmingham Canal as Thunderbolt and its motley collection of rolling stock heads away from Selly Oak, bound for Birmingham New Street.
First look: Bedford OBs!

We also received a box of Bedford OB samples just before this newsletter closed for press.

Dan hurriedly assembled the Selly Oak diorama and we were just able to squeeze in a couple of his lovely pictures. We’re delighted with how these little coaches have turned out and will bring you some more detail images in the next newsletter.

Don’t forget that you can order your OB either from your local Rapido UK stockist or direct by clicking below. There are ten of these little beauties to choose from!
The three OB samples: on the left is the post-1949 version of Duple Vista body, in the middle is the version with roof windows and on the right is the early post-war version with deeper boot doors. If you're wondering why the noses look a bit odd, it's because the headlamps haven't been fitted yet.
It's a Rapido model so, naturally, the front wheels steer. We'll bring you more close up detail images next time...
...although we couldn't resist showing you the opening roof! We think that this is a first for a 1:76 scale rendition of the OB.
Our 'what might have been' liveries, such as this InterCity APT-E, have gone down very well so far... so we've decided to produce some new ones! There are, by the way, a limited number of these APT-Es available to order.
More spoof liveries

Everyone who knows anything about Rapido Trains will know that we like to do things differently. Fuelled by our spoof-liveried APT-Es and our RTC liveried Class 28, we wondered what other ‘what might have been’ liveries we could offer… and this is what we came up with:
SKU904007: ‘OO’ gauge Hawksworth ‘15XX 0-6-0PT as No. 1500 in GWR green. RRP: £149.95. Sound-fitted version (SKU904507) available (RRP: £249.95)
Of FW Hawksworth's three pannier tank designs, only ten ‘94XX’ were built by the GWR. The remaining 200 ‘94XXs’, 70 ‘16XX’s and the ten ‘15XX’s were all built by BR. No. 9400 is preserved in GWR green and both ‘94XX’ No. 9466 and ‘16XX’ No. 1638 have carried this livery in the preservation but no ‘15XX’ has carried ever it. We thought we’d make history by offering it in ‘OO’ gauge.
SKU914007: ‘OO’ gauge Highland Railway ‘Big Goods’ 4-6-0 as No. 57925 in BR lined black. RRP: £219.95. Sound-fitted version (SKU914507) available (RRP: £319.95).
British Railways inherited 33 ex-Highland Railway locomotives but the ‘Big Goods’ were not among them (aside from preserved pioneer No. 103). The LMS withdrew the last, No. 17925, in February 1940. We wondered what it might have looked like had the LMS kept it going for a few more years and it had become a BR engine. As the 'Big Goods' worked passenger as well as goods trains, we thought it would have received lined rather than plain black.
We don’t know exactly how well fictitious or ‘what might have been' liveries will sell when applied to a steam locomotive. Rather than commit to ordering them from the factory, we first need to find out how popular they’ll be.

Therefore, you can now register an ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI) by clicking on these buttons.
This will not be a confirmed order. Registering your details means that if we hit the required 250 minimum EOI number, you will be automatically e-mailed so that you can turn your EOI into an actual order.

We really want to make these models so please register today!
Three pallets of Dynamometer Cars waiting to leave the factory.
Dynamometer Cars 2.0: leaving the factory now!

We also received some good news just as we were putting the finishing touches to this newsletter: the new batch of Dynamometer Cars are due to ship imminently!

We're keeping everything crossed that they should land with us in a couple of months' time but given the current state of worldwide logistics, it's easier to nail fog to a wall than get an accurate delivery date.

Most of this batch has sold out but we have a few left. There are three versions to choose from: No. 23951 in 1928-1938 condition, No. 902502 in post-1946 condition and No. E902502 in post-1949 condition. All are available to order now... by clicking on the button below.
A reminder of what's coming: this is No. 23591 in 1928-1938 - complete with lining (SKU935001)
Wroxall was the last of the island’s ‘E1s’ in service and was withdrawn in October 1960, just weeks after this photograph was taken.
Photograph: KG Carr T78E/copyright P Fidczuk
And finally…

We’ll leave you this intriguing image, kindly supplied to us by Peter Fidczuk. It’s ‘E1’ No. 4 Wroxall shunting at Medina Wharf, on the Cowes-Newport line, on September 1st 1960. What makes this image particularly relevant is not only that Isle of Wight 'E1s' are available to order but so are the Southern Railway eight-plank wagons that Wroxall is shunting!

Order deadline for the eight-planks is October 1st and you can order from your local Rapido UK stockist or by clicking here:
And just to whet your appetite, here are hand-painted samples of the eight-plank wagon. Every Southern Region-themed layout will need at least one!
Thank you once again for taking the time to read our newsletter.

We’ll have something a little less Southern-orientated next time. Here’s a hint to the subject matter:

What line was BR’s first to be completely dieselised?

See you next time!


Sales & Marketing Manager
Rapido Trains UK
You can write to us at Rapido Trains UK, Unit 3, Clinton Business Centre, Lodge Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0QF. Alternatively, you can call us on 03304 609496 or you can
e-mail us at customerservice@rapidotrains.co.uk