June 17, 2020
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Welcome to the weekly update of the Rappahannock River District of the UMC 

We want to begin today by making a few editorial comments to last week’s article. In paragraph six the sentence should read “Many permanent Americans at the time were not just members of the ACS , they were officers.” The next sentence should read “James Monroe was one of them. He worked so hard to help freed American slaves leave the country and establish Liberia (my native land) that Liberians named the capital Monrovia in his memory.” And finally, the second to the last sentence should read “Anyone who uses my comments to question my loyalty and patriotism to our country is sadly mistaken.” I apologize for these errors.

Today we want to turn our attention to the progress we are making together. As we move into stage two of our in-person worship, we want to thank each of you, clergy, HCT, and laity, for the progress we continue to make. By God's grace and your support, we can report that there are not any known reports of deaths in our conference due to COVID-19. As challenging as the process is, you have persevered. With your continued prayers and support, we hope to move into stage three with no reported deaths. I want to thank you because together we can prevent the further spread of COVID-19 and help save lives.

As a way of continuing our togetherness, we have organized a district-wide prayer vigil for this Friday. The primary purpose of this prayer vigil is to ask God to heal the nation. We invite you to join us wherever you are on Friday. Scripture reminds us to “Confess  your  trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (NKJV). I trust that each of us will commit to being a part of this experience and begin to speak healing into existence.

Finally, let me offer you a few bible references to meditate upon throughout this week. These bible verses are important in our continued journey together because they reference how we can speak things into existence. We encourage you to read the following passages of scripture: Philippians 4:8; Matthew 4:4, 21:22; Isaiah 55:11; Mark 11:23; and 1 Peter 3:10.

Thanks again for your thoughtfulness of these things I have placed before you. 

Blessings to you!
Stage 2 New Information Available
New information about Stage 2 return to in-person worship (including changes to age of children in worship services, baptism and more) has been added to the Virginia Conference website at  www.vaumc.org/return

The information includes
·         video  from Bishop Sharma D. Lewis
·         letter  from Bishop Sharma D. Lewis
·         Technical Assistance Manual  for Local Churches
·         COVID Health Acknowledgement  Online Form Instructions

In-Person Worship Limited to 50% of capacity. Group Meetings limited to 50 people. HCT must submit plan for each. See TAM for more details including distancing, Health Form and mask requirements.
District Day of Prayer - June 19
The historic protests in recent weeks have touched the hearts of millions of people not just in America, but all over the world. The world community longs to see the humanity of  African Americans respected and protected.  We have organized a district wide “Day of Prayer” on June 19 to pray for our local communities and nation.

We would like for all the churches in our district to set aside a time of intercessory prayer. Each congregation should feel free to do this in a manner that is suitable for their context. 

Remington UMC will broadcast live at 2:00pm with scripture readings and prayer. Please feel free to join us.

Pastor Don 
Remington UMC

Congratulations to our Retiring Pastors. We'll Miss You!

Loretta Benninghove retiring from Tappahannock Memorial.
Lou Woolner retiring from Hopewell Caroline.
District Churches holding services In-Person & Drive-In
Below is the list of District Churches holding either in-Person or Drive In Services. If you're interested in attending, remember that you should contact the pastor by clicking on their name to complete an easy one page health form and to make an advance reservation.

In-Person Services:

Bluff Point UMC Pastor Jack Bailey
2551 Bluff Point Road, Kilmarnock
Service at 11:00am

Carmel/Coles Point Charge – Pastor Bob Gochenour
           Carmel UMC
            5729 Sandy Point Road, Kinsale
           Service at 11:00am
           Coles Point UMC
           3944 Coles Point Road, Hague
           Service at 9:30am
Caroline Charge – Pastor Mark Lawrence
           Mount Vernon UMC
           21075 Frog Level Road, Ruther Glen
           Service at 9:00am
           Saint Paul’s UMC
           25187 Signboard Road, Ruther Glen
           Service at 11:00am
Fairfields UMC  – Pastor John Wright
14741 Northumberland Highway, Burgess, VA 22432
Service at 9:30am

Hillcrest UMC - Pastor Justin Williams
2208 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Service at 10:30am

Hopewell Caroline UMC Pastor Lou Woolner  
12018 Guinea Drive, Woodford, VA 22580
Service at 10:00am

Irvington UMC Pastor Jesse Blythe
26 King Carter Drive, Irvington, VA 22480
Service at 11:00am

Liberty UMC – Pastor Robb Almy
10513 Old Marsh Road, Bealeton
Service at 11:00am

Melrose UMC Pastor Kathy Gochenour
Melrose Location 1317 Lewisetta Road, Lottsburg, VA 22511
Services at 8:00am at Lewisetta Chapel (Church Lane, Lewisetta, VA)
9:00am (Contemporary in Memorial Hall)
11:00am (Traditional in Sanctuary)

Mila-Wicomico Charge Pastor Donna Blythe
           Mila UMC
            1690 Mila Road, Heathsville, VA 22473
           Service at 10:00am
           Wicomico UMC
             5060 Jessie Dupont Memorial Highway, Heathsville, VA 22473
           Service at 11:15am

Rehoboth Northumberland UMC Pastor Donna Blythe
126 Shiloh School Road, Kilmarnock, VA 22482
Service at 9:00am

Drive In Churches:

Galilee UMC Pastor Carl Perez
747 Hull Neck Road, Edwardsville, VA 22456
Service at 11:30am
Service is weather dependent because of flooding risk/check Facebook

McKendree UMC  – Pastor Betty Jo Sims
4347 Manfield Road
Aylett, VA
Service at 9:30am
If inclement weather, will have conference call worship

St. Matthias UMC Pastor Bert Cloud
426 Deacon Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405
Service at 9:00am
Westview Cancels Summer Camps
Dear Westview family,

Thank you for your patience with us as we navigated these unprecedented circumstances over the last few months. We have waited as long as we felt we could to give the best chance to hold camp in 2020. Unfortunately, it has become clear that we must suspend camp for the summer season. We will greatly miss spending our summer with you all, but we are already preparing for all God has in store for us at Winter Camp in December and summer camp in 2021!

We are still open for fall retreats that comply with the state’s guidelines, and we plan on returning to our usual programming after the summer once Virginia allows us to operate normally.

If you are registered for camp in 2020, we want to encourage you to move your registration to Summer Camp 20201, at no additional cost. If you move your registration, your cost for camp is locked in at current pricing, and you will receive a $20 camp store credit as an extra "thank you!"

To move registration, please email us at [email protected] .

Bobby Boyd
Westview on the James
Open Table Webinar
Rachelle Butler, a representative from The Open Table, will be presenting a webinar on Zoom June 23rd at 6 PM. Open Table is a program that trains faith, non-profit, government, business and other sectors to work together to create community and transformation through relationships with individuals and families who are homeless or experiencing poverty, including young adults, veterans, probation-re-entry, survivors of human trafficking, refugees and others. If you would like to hear more about Open Table, contact Gayle Porias at  [email protected]  for a Zoom meeting invitation.
We have 74 hymnals to offer to our District for a church that may want them and can come to pick them up.
We determined we had hymnals in the following condition.
21 - Fairly Good
14 - Fair
37 - Bad
2 - Old hymnals, not our current hymnal. 
74 - Total

Thank you,
Pam Childs
Office Manager
Fredericksburg United Methodist Church
308 Hanover Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 373-9021 x105
Samaritan Program Appeal ends this Sunday
Father’s Day brings the close of the special offering appeal for the Pinnacle Living Samaritan Program. It is also such an appropriate day to focus on the unique role the church plays in our culture as an organization that deliberately brings together all ages and all generations with a common mission. Too often we just assume these relationships are going to happen, when they require intentional focus and sustained effort. We must see ourselves – all of us together – as the NOW generation. Children and youth are not the future. Older generations do not necessarily represent when the church was at its best. We’re all part of something bigger than ourselves – the church. We all have value in the kingdom of God and it should never be relegated to age.
We are grateful that Rev. Seokchane Suh who serves Silverbrook UMC on the Alexandria District offers us this prayer for both the young and the old in our congregations and communities. Join us in this prayer today. Share it with your congregation in weekly electronic communications, small group connections and worship.
Prayer of the young:
Loving and gracious God! We are the young you have promised to prophesy when your Spirt is poured out on us! (Joel 2:28) We endeavor to make your prophecies to come true on earth through us. As we build your kingdom on earth, we are thankful for the elderly saints you have sent before us. The ones who have taught us how to love, how to share, how to serve, and how to build your kingdom together! Through their wisdom and dedication, we grow in faith. We give you thanks for the elderly saints who are worshipping with us today! 
Prayer of the old:
God of love and compassion. We are the old you have promised to dream dreams when your Spirit is poured out on us! (Joel 2:29) We still dream dreams of your kingdom where your love is reigning in every heart. We are thankful for your steadfast love that has kept us this far. It is your grace that we can be who we are. Through many blessings and struggles, and through many hellos and goodbyes, we still find your love on the faces of others. Bless those who are following our footsteps, and may we continue to serve, to love, to share, and to build as we build your kingdom together. We give you thanks for the younger ones who are worshipping with us today!
For more than seven decades, the Samaritan Offering has generated vital funds to assist residents of the communities of Pinnacle Living when they are at their most vulnerable, having outlived their financial resource. Please consider making a gift today to help those who are in need of your generosity. You truly can make a difference in someone’s life. Contributions can be made through the church office or by mail to: Pinnacle Living, 5101 Cox Road, Suite 225, Glen Allen VA 23060. You can also visit the Pinnacle Living website at  www.pinnacleliving.org /donate  to make a donation online.
Martha Stokes, Director of Church and Community Relations
[email protected]  or 804-474-8718
Charles Wickham, Director of Donor Development and Retired Clergy Housing
[email protected]  or 804-347-8391
Clergy and laity: Start your engines!
Dominion Raceway , located in Thornburg (just off of Exit 118 and just north of the District Office), is seeking interested clergy and laity who would be willing to provide the invocation on race nights this season. Races are typically held on Saturdays and the invocation is given shortly before the 7:00PM start time.
Once fans are allowed to return to the venue, volunteers chaplains will receive free tickets to the races if they choose to partake.
For more information, or to indicate your willingness to participate in this ministry, please contact Dominion Raceway Track Chaplain Robb Almy at  [email protected]  or (540) 408-3878.
Facility Offers time to Retreat, Reflect, Renew & Serve
Hinton Rural Life Center , an agency of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church, is responding to current individual and family needs to retreat, reflect, renew, and serve during this uncertain and stressful time by offering affordable options to getaway and/or serve at Hinton, as well as virtual and on-site mission team options, with Covid-19 protocols in place. Hinton is in Hayesville, NC, on 33 acres in the Appalachian Mountains, two hours from Asheville NC, Atlanta GA, Chattanooga TN, and Greenville SC. Please use the links below for more information.



Hinton has a  VIRTUAL MISSIONS package  so teams can serve at home but still be connected with a mission week at Hinton through shared devotionals, games, poverty awareness activities, worship, and Appalachian culture night. The package contains t-shirts, devo booklets, videos, schedule, and more; teams set up service projects in their own church or community. Hinton is also prepared to  host ON-SITE MISSION TEAMS , with Covid-19 protocols in place to protect guests and staff. For information on Virtual Missions, On-Site Missions, our Covid-19 protocols, and TO REGISTER, go to  https://www.hintoncenter.org/missions  

Fun in the Sun: Summer Vacation Bible School for Adults
Fun in the Sun: Summer Vacation Bible School for Adults

Where: BeADisciple.com – a Christian online education center
When: July 13-August 15, 2020 (5 weeks)

Instructor: Harriet Wilkins, Pastor in the Pacific North-west Conference

How much: $35

To register

You might remember the fun you had at Vacation Bible School (VBS), or heard about others who had fun as kids at VBS. Why not have fun as an adult?

VBS isn’t just for kids!  Adults can have fun learning Bible stories, making crafts, playing fun games, enjoying the songs, crafts, and hanging out with friends. Take a break from your busy life and enjoy having fun like a child this summer. You can even share this adventure with family and friends!
This online Vacation Bible Study has been developed for adults to have fun, learn and grow in their faith journey with Christ. Where have you experienced God being in your life today?

·           Plain paper – white or various colors, totally up to you. You will be drawing and writing on the paper.
·           Use one or more of the following depending on what you would like to use:
·           Pencil, colored pencils, crayons, markers, watercolor and brushes
·           Access to the internet if you are unable to go outside for an adventure
·           A camera to take pictures outside
Each week you will be provided with activity options that you can choose to make or not; it will be up to you. The point of this Bible study is to have fun and enjoy God’s creation! 

BeADisciple.com is one of several programs of the  Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship  at Southwestern College, a  United Methodist institution  in Winfield, Kansas.

To learn about  all of the Institute’s ministries , visit  www.institutefordiscipleship.org
Please note that the District Office is closed at this time. We are working from our homes. To reach Lynn call 804.304.8566. To reach DS Ledlum-Bates, please call 804.724.0202 or through our email addresses:

DS Ledlum-Bates-

Lynn Manley - [email protected]
Emmanuel UMC

Searching for a pianist for their 9:30 am service. The pianist would play hymns and lead the choir anthem. 

There is no choir practice during the week. 
All those who are interested in may contact us via  [email protected]  and 804-462-7376 (Geri Vick, Worship committee chair) 
Liberty UMC

Seeking a Pianist/keyboardist (Organ too if possible) to play at Sunday morning church service. Part time position for small vibrant church. Opportunity for growth in the position.
To find out more details, please call 540-439-0267 or message us through our facebook page: Liberty UMC-Bealeton
Feature Heading
Ebenezer UMC, Stafford, VA, is seeking a part-time Assistant Property Manager to assist the Property Manager in maintaining the church building and grounds to provide a clean, safe, and welcoming environment that supports Ebenezer’s strategic vision. The selected individual will complete routine tasks on Sunday morning prior to worship, such as Café set up and breakdown, sidewalks and parking lot clear of debris, vacuuming, windows, trash removal, bathrooms, etc. as needed; ensure facilities are in good working order for worship services; perform basic repairs and maintenance to the various areas of the church building to include, but not limited to, plumbing, carpentry, painting, and lighting. For details, visit the Virginia Conference website at  www.vaumc.org/jobs

Director of Music Ministry
Regester Chapel UMC is seeking applications for its Director of Music Ministry. The purpose of the Director of Music Ministry is to help musicians and our congregation grow as disciples of Jesus Christ through our worship and music. A Bachelor’s Degree in Music is preferred with previous experience and leadership in Music performance and direction. The candidate must have knowledge of and experience with traditional music and possess the leadership qualities to inspire and lead a Chancel Choir, musicians and the congregation. This is a part-time position. To apply, send a letter of interest and a copy of your current resume to [email protected]. For more information, contact Barry Dillon, SPRC, Regester Chapel UMC, 85 Bells Hill Rd., Stafford, Virginia, 22554.


District Superintendent: Rev. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates , Ph.D.
DS Email:   [email protected]
DS Cell: 804.724.0202

2020 District Co-Lay Lay Leader:
Terry Bain [email protected]

2020 District Co-Lay Leader:
David Berry [email protected]

Lay Servant Director: Rev. Kevin Elmore [email protected]
Heartwood Director: Rev. Gayle Porias [email protected]
Crossroads Minister: Rev. Mark Roscoe [email protected]
Youth Coordinator: TJ Oliver, [email protected]
Office Manager: Lynn Manley [email protected]
Cell 804.304.8566
Administrative Assistant Connie Devenport [email protected]

Mailing Address: PO BOX 100, Ladysmith, VA 22501 Phone   804.448.8326
Office Location: Inside Wright’s Chapel UMC at 8063 Ladysmith Road, Ruther Glen, VA (do not use for mail)