Bulb Alert | Hot Plant Alert
Rare Plant Alert | Mail Order Alert
Rare Bulb Highlights
Hardy Amaryllis and Relatives
There are so many exciting bulbs available for fall shipping or pick-up through our Rare Bulb offerings - 265 to be exact - that we thought we should introduce you to some of the many highlights between now and fall. A week ago we
highlighted the amaryllis relatives known as Lycoris
. In this instalment we highlight a hardy true
and various of its relatives including
Amarcrinum, Amarine, Crinum, Hippeastrealia, Nerine, and Sprekelia
. These beautiful bulbs can be grown in gardens where hardy but will also do well in pots in colder climates where they can be protected in the winter.
If you would like to order, full details on pre-ordering Rare Bulbs as well as Cypripedium Lady's Slipper Orchids are below.
Our mail order site is now fully updated with all kinds of crazy and fantastic botanical bulbacious wonders, most of which you won't find anywhere else in Canada. Both local and mail order customers can place orders there for pick-up or shipping in the fall.
Cheers, Gary and the Phoenicians
Allium 'Spider' has the hugest flower heads like giant fireworks in the garden!
Available now for ordering from our
Help Us Spread the Word
In order for Phoenix Perennials to continue doing everything we do, including bringing you a candy store of delectable plants, we need to keep reaching new people. Please forward this email to your gardening friends and family. Better yet, bring them with you on a trip to Phoenix Perennials! We also do mail order so please help us spread the word across Canada! Thanks so much for your help!
Rare Bulb Highlights
Hardy Amaryllis and Relatives
The Amaryllis Family is a very important one when it comes to bulbs. it includes many genera that you would not think would be related to those beautiful indoor bulbs we all grow at Christmas. Amaryllis relatives include the ornamental onions (
), snowdrops (
), snowflakes (
), and even daffodils!
There are other relatives that look much more like a typical Amaryllis than these genera and they include
Amarcrinum, Amarine, Crinum, Nerine
, and
plus the true Amaryllis itself,
Amaryllis belladonna
, known as naked ladies or belladonna lily, all of which we highlight below.
These Amaryllis relatives that resemble Amaryllis are not as hardy as the relatives whose familial affiliations are more obscure. The hardiest of them are able to survive to about zone 6 or 7. But all of them make excellent container specimens in colder climates if you are able to store them in a slightly frosted or frost free area over winter or bring them in as houseplants.
Get to know these amazing amaryllids below. Enjoy!
Amarcrinum 'Howardii' has pink amaryllis-like flowers for the late summer garden. Exotic, fragrant and gorgeous.
Amarine 'Anastasia' has deep glowing pink flowers that look like a spidery Amaryllis.
We have three more cultivars of
in various shades of pink.
Naked ladies (Amaryllis belladonna) emerge in late summer with bare stems topped with fragrant, pink, trumpet-shaped flowers.
So underused but so beautiful in our summer gardens. Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet' looks like an lovely pink amaryllis.
Crinum moorei 'Album' has fragrant, white, amaryllis-like flowers that grace this South African native in early summer.
Crinum x powellii is an amaryllis relative with strap-like foliage and pink flowers at the height of summer.
Hippeastrelia 'Durga Pradhan' has fantastic red amarylli-like flowers. Vigorous and easy to grow.
Nerine 'Mister John' has bright glowing magenta pink, amaryllis-like flowers with a lighter pink stripe.
We have two more cultivars of glowing pink Nerine.
Nerine bowdenii 'Edelweiss' has pure white, spidery, amaryllis-like flowers in fall.
Nerine bowdenii 'Lipstick' has white amaryllis-like flowers with pale pink tips.
Nerine bowdenii has candy pink, spidery, amaryllis-like flowers in fall!
Sprekelia formosissima has bold scarlet flowers with gracefully arching petals and strap like green foliage.
Rare Spring Bulbs
265 Superlative Bulbs, Rhizomes, and Corms
Bulbs represent an extraordinary opportunity to layer in extra colour, dynamism, and drama into your perennial borders and containers. They come in a diverse range of colours, shapes, and sizes and there is a bulb for nearly every garden situation. Bulbs are also very easy to care for. Just dig a hole and drop them in. You're done! Now prepare for years of beauty and colour.
We are very excited to offer 265 different rare and unusual bulbs, rhizomes and corms this fall up from 200 last year! There are many new treasures to be discovered!
Visit the
Rare Bulb Pre-Order
on our Phoenix Perennials Mail Order Site to see our full selection. Both mail order and local customers should place their orders through our mail order system. Local customers should select the pick-up option when checking out. Quantities are limited. Please order early to secure your favourites as many bulbs sold out in advance last year.
Our selection of rare bulbs will ship or be ready for pick-up in mid to late September, depending on when they arrive from Europe.
Local Customers
: Choose "pick up" when you check out. We will send you an email when it's time to come in. Please place separate orders for bulbs and Cypripedium as this makes administering your orders easier. Please don't place orders for plants. They should all be ready now. You can always call or email first to enquire before you come in.
Mail Order Customers
: Please do not place orders mixing plants, bulbs or Cypripedium, unless you're placing an order for mixed plants and bulbs after Sept 15 or mixed plants, bulbs, and/or Cypripedium after October 1st. Otherwise, each of these categories will ship separately to arrive to you as fresh as possible for immediate planting and best establishment before winter. In summer and fall, plants are already grown and can't be held for more than a short period. They must ship when orders are placed. Bulbs ship in mid to late September. Cypripedium ship in mid October. If you place an order mixing these categories, we will need to arrange multiple shipments and recalculate your shipping costs.
A Note on Shipping Costs
: Unlike other mail order nurseries that ship fairly uniform products such as just bulbs or just bulbs and bareroot bagged perennials, we ship a very large range of products in a very large range of sizes. This makes it difficult to tweak our shopping cart system to give proper shipping cost estimates for all types of orders. We have left our system configured to estimate shipments containing plants which is the most costly type of item to ship and the most important for us to get right. However, this means that our system will sometimes over estimate the cost of shipping bulbs and Cypripedium. We will be re-evaluating all shipping costs for bulbs after shipping and adjust your shipping costs downwards should there be a discrepancy. Our goal is only to cover our costs in shipping, not to make money. Thanks for your understanding.
: Visit the
Rare Bulb Pre-Order
on our Phoenix Perennials Mail Order Site to start shopping! The minimum order value to place a pre-order for mail order or pick-up is $40.
Have fun!
Lady's Slipper Orchids
40 Amazing Hybrids and Species
We are excited to offer a diverse selection of hardy lady's slipper orchids for Canadian gardens. The majority of our offerings are Cypripedium hybrids which possess hybrid vigour -- they have inherited the best traits of both parents -- and are much easier to grow than species orchids, have beautiful flowers in amazing colours, and clump up very quickly into amazing displays in the part shade garden. In fact, in optimum conditions they should double in size every year! They come into bloom from late April through June offering an exquisite show in the garden.
This year we have added a selection of some of the best and most interesting Cypripedium species. Once you've gotten some practice growing the hybrids these plants are a wonderful way to continue your love affair with lady's slipper orchids. Keep in mind though that species orchids are more exacting in their requirements and that you should do research on how to care for them.
Most of our hybrid Cypripedium are "officially" hardy to zone 4 while some are hardy to zone 3 and even zone 2! Even the zone 4 plants may be hardy in protected spots in zone 3 with mulch and good snow cover as we are still learning about the hardiness of the different hybrids. Indeed, we have customers in Alberta and Saskatchewan who are growing these Cypripedium outdoors with great success.
We are currently offering
40 different lady's slipper orchids
for shipping to our mail order customers and for pick-up at Phoenix by our local customers in mid October 2017. All are top quality, blooming size, many with multiple eyes, and should flower in the spring. Here they are:
: Visit the
Cypripedium Pre-Order
to peruse and make your selections. All of our Cypripedium are top quality, blooming-size plants often with multiple eyes sourced from the best growers in Europe and provided to you bare root. October is the best time to buy and plant Cypripedium directly into the ground and the only time we will ship them. The largest rhizomes are selected to fill fall mail orders and pick-up orders. The remaining unsold rhizomes are potted up for spring sales on site at Phoenix.
Local Customers
: Choose "pick up" when you check out. We will send you an email when it's time to come in. Please place separate orders for bulbs and Cypripedium as this makes administering your orders easier. Please don't place orders for plants. They should all be ready now. You can always call or email first to enquire before you come in.
Mail Order Customers
: Please do not place orders mixing plants, bulbs or Cypripedium, unless you're placing an order for mixed plants and bulbs after Sept 15 or mixed plants, bulbs, and/or Cypripedium after October 1st. Otherwise, each of these categories will ship separately to arrive to you as fresh as possible for immediate planting and best establishment before winter. In summer and fall, plants are already grown and can't be held for more than a short period. They must ship when orders are placed. Bulbs ship in mid to late September. Cypripedium ship in mid October. If you place an order mixing these categories, we will need to arrange multiple shipments and recalculate your shipping costs.
A Note on Shipping Costs
: Unlike other mail order nurseries that ship fairly uniform products such as just bulbs or just bulbs and bareroot bagged perennials, we ship a very large range of products in a very large range of sizes. This makes it difficult to tweak our shopping cart system to give proper shipping cost estimates for all types of orders. We have left our system configured to estimate shipments containing plants which is the most costly type of item to ship and the most important for us to get right. However, this means that our system will sometimes over estimate the cost of shipping bulbs and Cypripedium. We will be re-evaluating all shipping costs for bulbs and Cyps after shipping and adjust your shipping costs downwards should there be a discrepancy. Our goal is only to cover our costs in shipping, not to make money. Thanks for your understanding.