There are so many exciting bulbs available for fall shipping or pick-up through our Rare Bulb offerings - 265 to be exact - that we thought we should introduce you to some of the many highlights between now and fall. A week ago we highlighted the amaryllis relatives known as Lycoris . In this instalment we highlight a hardy true Amaryllis and various of its relatives including Amarcrinum, Amarine, Crinum, Hippeastrealia, Nerine, and Sprekelia . These beautiful bulbs can be grown in gardens where hardy but will also do well in pots in colder climates where they can be protected in the winter. Enjoy!

If you would like to order, full details on pre-ordering Rare Bulbs as well as Cypripedium Lady's Slipper Orchids are below.

Our mail order site is now fully updated with all kinds of crazy and fantastic botanical bulbacious wonders, most of which you won't find anywhere else in Canada. Both local and mail order customers can place orders there for pick-up or shipping in the fall.

Cheers, Gary and the Phoenicians