Enabling Collaboration, Sharing, & Support for Educators
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Welcome to the May edition of the Ras Al Khaimah Teachers Network (RAKTN) newsletter. We are almost at the end of the academic year, and our current offering of professional development courses recently finished. 

In this newsletter, you can get to know the latest Ras Al Khaimah School News, learn about the country selected for the 2018 Ras Al Khaimah Teacher Exchange Program, and explore new resources available through the RAKTN.

Thank you all for being a part of the Foundation's professional development programs, and we look forward to seeing you all in the next academic year.

We wish you Ramadan Mubarak!

Warm regards,
Dr. Natasha Ridge
Executive Director

RAK Teacher Exchange Program is Heading to Vietnam
The Al Qasimi Foundation team is pleased to inform you of a new exchange program for Ras Al Khaimah educators (the RAK Teachers Exchange program with Vietnam), scheduled for April 2018.

During this exchange, a group of Al Qasimi Foundation employees, educators from Ras Al Khaimah, and representatives of the Ministry of Education will visit Vietnam. This is being organized in partnership with the Institute of International Education (IIE).

The main purpose of the RAK Teachers Exchange Program is to provide opportunities for educators in Ras Al Khaimah public schools and representatives from the Ministry of Education to develop their knowledge and skills in education and to explore different learning environments through exchange with schools in other countries.

In October 2017, the Al Qasimi Foundation will start accepting applications to participate in the RAK Teachers Exchange Program to Vietnam. Fifteen educators and administrators will be selected from Ras Al Khaimah schools in addition to 15 representatives from the Ministry of Education to participate in the RAK Teachers Exchange Program.

In Vietnam, participants will visit several educational institutions, including the Ministry of Education and public and private schools. Participants will also be able to discover the rich culture of the country.

The RAK Teachers Exchange Program with Vietnam is a great opportunity for educators from Ras Al Khaimah and the Ministry of Education to more learn about various educational issues, study their own practices, and explore similarities and differences between schools in the UAE and those in Vietnam. This teacher exchange program will serve as a part of the Foundation's teachers professional development programs. It will allow participants to refine their research skills within an international framework and support their professional and personal development.

Once the participants are selected in the fall, they will participate in a series of workshops aimed at maximizing multicultural experiences, introducing Ras Al Khaimah teachers and the Ministry representatives to Vietnam's education system before travelling.

There were several reasons why Vietnam was selected as the location for this exchange. Although it is a low-income country, it competes with high-income countries in international assessments such as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Vietnam is also similar to the UAE in that it has experienced rapid economic growth and annually allocates significant amount of its national budget to education.

The benefits of this exchange will not end at the end of the Vietnam visit. On return, the participants will share their research findings with their colleagues through presentations and use ideas from their experience to improve educational practices in Ras Al Khaimah. In this way, the RAK Teachers Exchange Program qualifies teachers to provide the best for both students and the community as a whole.

A Ras Al Khaimah English Teacher Wins the Khalifa Award for Distinguished Teacher

Asmaa Humaidan Al Zaabi has received the 2017 Khalifa Award for Distinguished Teacher. The Al Qasimi Foundation is very proud of her success.

Asmaa was one of the first participants in the Al Qasimi Foundation professional development programs when the program was first established in 2010. Asmaa is also an active member of the RAKTN.

Asma said that, “I worked very hard to get the the Khalifa Award for Distinguished Teacher. It was my goal and my dream for this year!”

Al Qasimi Foundation Participates in Educator Training Week in Ajman

In cooperation with the professional development department at the Ministry of Education, the employees of the Foundation participated in developing and implementing four training workshops throughout the training week at the Ajman Training Center for Teachers.  Each workshop had more than 70 educator.

Topics covered in the training workshops provided by the Al Qasimi Foundation included:  

1. School-based professional development as a model for the learning school
2. Enhancing students' creativity and innovation
3. Preparing teachers for community partnership
4. Providing a safe and stimulating environment for children, with a focus on parents' participation

The Accreditation of Professional Development Courses by the Ministry of Education

In an effort to better meet the needs of the Ras Al Khaimah’s education community, the Al Qasimi Foundation team met with the head and assistants of the Training Department at the Ministry of Education to approve the professional development programs offered by the Foundation to all educators in Ras Al Khaimah.

As a result of this meeting, the certificates of future training programs will carry the official logo of the Ministry of Education as an evidence of this accreditation.

Prior to the meeting, the Ministry of Education praised the high quality of the Foundation's work with teachers and administrators in Ras Al Khaimah. The new training certificates reflect the official recognition by the Ministry of Education of the teachers’ achievements and their drive to improve and develop their skills through professional development opportunities offered by the Al Qasimi Foundation.

A Questionnaire to Identify the Professional Needs of Educators in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah

To help us develop and improve our professional development programs, we encourage you to fill out a questionnaire that will help us to understand teachers’ educational needs in the Ras Al Khaimah community. 

The Al Qasimi Foundation develops and implements programs based on these needs.

To fill the questionnaire, please click here


See the following useful educational  resources to use with your students.

MYSCRIPT CALCULATOR app is a free handwriting calculator for your iPhone or iPad It is easy, simple and intuitive - just write the mathematical expression on the screen then let MyScript technology perform its magic, converting symbols and numbers to digital text and delivering the results in real time. Get the same experience as writing on paper with the advantages of a digital device (scratch-outs, etc).Solve mathematical equations by hand, without actually having to crunch the numbers yourself.

Prezi is visual storytelling software and alternative to traditional slide-based presentation formats. Prezi presentations feature a map-like, schematic overview that lets users pan between topics at will, zoom in on desired details, and pull back to reveal context.

CANVA helps you to create beautiful designs and documents. You can use Canva's drag-and-drop feature and professional layouts to design consistently stunning graphics. Canva makes design simple for everyone. You can choose from hundreds of professional templates to create social media graphics, presentations, flyers, posters, invitations and so much more for educational purpose. 

QUIZ MAKER An application that allows for the creation of short tests, introduction to the lesson, or assessment of students during the lesson, designed to create an interactive environment with students during the lesson.

TEACHER PAL is a safe and convenient place for a teacher to keep some of his or her most important information, including attendance information, grades, parent information, behavior notes, and lesson plans. Teacher Pal is available for the iPod touch and iPhone so you can always have access to your school information. Teacher Pal allows teachers to track student behavior, to add comments, appointments, and even deadlines for individual students. It is available in 3 languages: French, English, Arabic and it’s FREE!

Ever wonder what’s going on at other Ras Al Khaimah schools while you’re hard at work teaching your students? Here’s what schools have been up to over the last three months. If you’d like your school’s news to be featured send a message to Hanadi.
The Volunteer Day at Ghaleila Primary School for Boys  

On Saturday, April 22, 2017, the Ghaleila Primary School for Boys organized a day of volunteerism in the presence of the administrative and teaching staff and students.  The day included volunteer activities such as recycling, a food distribution campaign for workers and fishermen in the local community, cleaning the inside and outside the school building, decorating, and agricultural activities.
The "Try the Chair" Initiative at Al Salaf Al Saleh Private School

The Al Salaf Al Saleh School organized the "Try the Chair" initiative, which was launched for the first time in Ras Al Khaimah. This is a new initiative that raises the awareness of special need students. As part of the initiative, one teacher and one student spend a full day on a wheelchair in order to experience what it is like to be living with special needs and to learn to empathize with the special need students. After the experience, a meeting between school staff and students was held to discuss what they learned from the day.   

The 2017 Center of Happiness Initiative at Al Ghadeer Kindergarten

Under the leadership of Aisha Salem Al-Zaabi, Al Ghadeer Kindergarten, located in Al Jazeera Al Hamra in Ras Al Khaimah, took on a new and unique experience in the kindergarten world. The project focuses on bridging the gap between the home and the kindergarten to better prepare the child for formal education, and to make it more attractive for parents to enroll their children in kindergartens. It hopes to support UAE Vision 2021 and to increase public and private kindergarten enrollment to 95%.

This project reached out to several stakeholders, including mothers, kindergarten teachers, and the parents council to support with the intiative. The project had several components and was designed to ensure safety and also support children’s learning.

The project periodically checks children at different stages of their growth, with the aim to prevent chronic and infectious diseases. This initiative also includes a behavioral component that emphasizes social harmony between the family and the child. In addition, the project also established an open area for self-education to encourage play and learning through peer-to-peer interactions.

A special section was also created at the kindergarten called the Innovation Exhibition. The Innovation Exhibition was designed to provide services and encourage children to recycle.

This distinguished initiative at the Al- Ghadeer Kindergarten won the Ras Al Khaimah Award for Educational Excellence in the fourth generation system category. It was the first kindergarten to participate and win in this category.

UAE Student Exhibition at Zahrat Al - Madaen School for Basic Education for Girls

Zahrat Al Madaen School organized the Emirati Student Exhibition under the logo "Productive ... Creative ... Innovative" on Thursday, May 11, 2017 in the presence of Col. Ahmad Al Sam Al Naqbi and Captain Mohammed Obaid from the General Directorate of Ras Al Khaimah Police / Traffic and Licensing Department. The exhibition included several subject corners, such as an English language corner and a mathematics corner, Each corner displayed student works relating to each theme, two of the corners are described in more detail below:

Mathematics Corner : This corner presented the Union Train, which is an integrated project coalescing mathematics, sciences, social studies, and the Arabic language, as well as robotics and green house models. It also included important educational tools for mathematics teachers and short stories for Arabic teachers and other useful resources.

English Language Corner: Grade 2 students participated by presenting the four seasons of the year: summer, spring, autumn and winter. Each student chose their favorite season and prepared a model that presented the characteristics of this season and the reasons behind why they selected it. A student named Maryam Yousif participated in the "Ibad Reading" competition at the school level, where she read 100 stories. Grade 3 students also participated and displayed different types of houses.
To learn more about the latest news related to education, Ras Al Khaimah, and the UAE, please follow the Al Qasimi Foundation on social media! You can see how it supports the social, cultural, and economic development in our community.
The Ras Al Khaimah Teachers Network exists to enable community educators to collaborate, share knowledge, and support one another.

All teachers and education leaders in Ras Al Khaimah are welcome to join this network, share their experiences, ask questions, and support one another by making Ras Al Khaimah an inspiring and transformative teaching and learning environment.
Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research
  P: +971 7 233 8060 | F: +971 7 233 8070