Dear Dottie, 


Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns regarding the recommendation for the dissolution of Sacramento Republican Women Federated (SRWF). I appreciate your commitment to fostering open discussion and transparency within our organization. 


In response to your inquiries, I would like to provide the following information: 


Letter of Dissolution:

Please click here to view our letter to our Regional Director. 

Agenda for the October 4 Meeting:

The agenda for the upcoming meeting on October 4 will be shared with all members in advance of the meeting. We will ensure that a dedicated time is set aside for discussion and addressing questions related to the motion to dissolve. The specific process for discussion and questions will be outlined for members in advance and referenced in the agenda. 


Time Allocation for Speaking:

Your request for time on the agenda to speak against the motion to dissolve is acknowledged. I can schedule your inclusion on the board agenda for tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM. 

Here is the BOD Meeting link to join at 6:30 PM.  

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 886 3606 3049 

Passcode: 891832 


One tap mobile 

+16699006833,,88636063049#,,,,*891832# US (San Jose) 

+16694449171,,88636063049#,,,,*891832# US 


President's Report from CFRW BOD Meeting - June 24, 2023:

I apologize for the oversight in not providing the President's report from the CFRW BOD Meeting in June.

Please click here to view the report.

All members will receive my report on Friday, 9/22, along with a Tribute to our Gold Star Mother, Muriel DeReus. 


Regarding your concerns about the event featuring Congressman Kiley, we value diverse perspectives and will do our best to accommodate a balanced discussion. While Congressman Kiley's presentation is indeed valuable, we are committed to creating opportunities for open dialogue. We will make efforts to ensure that all sides of the issue are heard and respected during the meeting process preceding the vote. 


As for informing our members about the meeting process preceding the vote and the allocated time, we will continue to utilize our usual communication channels, including personal phone calls, newsletters, and emails to ensure all members are well-informed about the proceedings in advance. 


I understand your disappointment, and I want to assure you that we are dedicated to upholding the principles of fairness, inclusivity, and transparency in our organization. Your concerns are important to us, and we look forward to addressing them constructively during the upcoming board meeting. 


Thank you for your continued dedication to Sacramento Republican Women Federated. 

In Liberty,
