Dear Members & Friends,

This week the WLR includes important updates on housing, the large number of cities and towns under reappraisal orders, and mileage-based user fees for electric vehicles, as well as a few topics you'll want to keep up to date on in the Elsewhere in the Statehouse article.

Join us on Monday at 11AM for our bi-weekly advocacy chat.

Today's Weekly Legislative Report includes:

  • Senate Committee Continues to Discuss and Draft its Housing Bill
  • House Ways and Means Considers Reappraisal System
  • Mileage-Based User Fees for EVs
  • Elsewhere in the State House
Read the WLR

Please stay in touch and don't forget to check our 2023-2024 Municipal Priorities.

Your Advocacy Team,

Karen Horn

Director of Public Policy & Advocacy, VLCT

Gwynn Zakov

Municipal Policy Advocate, VLCT

Feb 13 Advocacy Zoom Chat

Join Karen and Gwynn on Monday, February 13, for our lively Advocacy Chat discussion series.

Then, tune in every other Monday for the bi-weekly Chats. We want to hear your ideas and concerns as the session progresses.

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