March 1, 2023
I write this prior to knowing how the budget will be settled or what actions the Governor will take on legislation.


It is always more fun to talk about those bills that were successful than those that did not make it all the way through the process. However, I will touch on some that I was either the chief sponsor of or co-sponsored.

1.  Legislation supported by IT companies, large and small, that would allow the state to consider the quality of a vendor’s work along with the price.

2.  Adjustment of the tax on cigars to make Virginia competitive with neighboring states. A couple of years ago, an amendment was slipped into the budget that put Virginia cigar shops at a distinct disadvantage.

3.  Richard Bland was blocked from becoming completely independent of William and Mary and having a more regional Board of Trustees.

4.  Expanding and updating programs that assist high school students as they transition to college or career training.

5.  I co-sponsored bills that restricted men from playing on school women’s teams, reducing income tax on military retirees, reducing everyone’s income tax, tighter control of our elections, and improved emphasis on middle school math.

All are good policies that will be raised in future sessions.

Some of these bills I have written of in the past and will expand on later as to how they will benefit citizens.

1.  Consolidation of state workforce efforts.

2.  Requiring drivers to have liability insurance on their vehicles.

3.  Requiring lights or reflectors on the rear of buggies and wagons.

4.  Allowing more out of state National Guardsmen to receive in-state tuition rates.

5.  Allowing towns and cities working with local businesses to improve their downtowns.

6. Requiring the tax department to send litter tax bills before fining businesses.

7.  Giving the State Corporation Commission greater power to set electricity rates.

8.  Greater state assistance to help with tuition of more expensive training programs at the community colleges; an example is nursing.

9.  Legislation that enabled Lego to bring manufacturing to Virginia.

10. Better oversight of Kratom as a health supplement.

11.  Allowing banks to file tax returns electronically rather than by paper.

12. I co-sponsored bills that protected citizens, aided education, and encouraged businesses to expand or come to Virginia.


In addition to my hard-working (and over-worked) Aide, Cindy Hosmer, we were pleased that we had a native from Lunenburg, Judy Price, handling phone calls and visitors. As an intern in the office, Erin Dunnigan, a VCU student, helped organize the volume of emails that come to the office. A big thank you to each!

This year, we were honored to have Sophia Hightower come to Richmond as a Page. She did an excellent job.


As we wrapped up the last few days and the last bills to be considered this Session, we were not able to conclude the most important bill of every year, the budget.

Many issues were agreed upon. Sadly, the big issues such as tax reform could not be completed. What we did agree to is best described as a ‘mini’ or ‘skinny’ budget that consisted of issues that were time sensitive.

The one most worrisome for our schools was to fill the hole in local school budgets created by a staff miscalculation. That means that no system will lose funds.

We allotted money for construction projects that are in progress but inflation has caused shortfalls. The same inflation in which families are dealing with.

We agreed that we must make the ‘rainy day’ or reserve fund deposit that is constitutionally required. This reassures the bond rating agencies that, no matter what the politics of the day are, Virginia will continue to make sure our financial house is in order.

With those issues addressed, we will return home and leave the budget negotiators to continue to deal with the many other issues of the budget. While there is a real need to adjust our budget, currently, we have one that will remain in effect until June 2024. However, with no adjustments, we cannot address the problems that inflation has created for our teachers and state employees nor can we provide tax cuts.


We love to hear from you! You can reach us at [email protected], 434-374-5129 or P.O. Box 332, Clarksville, VA 23927.

Jesters Cap

I named my dog "5 Miles" so I can

tell people I walk 5 miles every day.