November/December 2024

PITRAMI Showcase for Parnassus Research

A festive winter Parnassus Institute Trainee Minisymposium (PITRAMI) will convene on December 3 with flash talks and social events designed to build community among postdocs, graduate students, trainees, and principal investigators. Register to attend and sign up as a speaker. The event will be held 2:30-5 p.m. in HSW-300 and 301 and in the lobby area.

“Every Parnassus community member should know about PITRAMI,” says Jeroen Roose, PhD, principal investigator and vice chair of Anatomy. “Biomedical research is becoming more and more cross-disciplinary, a theme that is embraced at Parnassus and can also be recognized in the design of the new Bakar Research and Academic Building." Read the story.

UCSF Joins New Innovation Hub

UCSF is now part of a new Northwest Region Innovation Corps Hub funded by the National Science Foundation to train faculty and student entrepreneurs on how to commercialize their research. The Hub, which will receive up to $15 million over five years, will be led by UC Berkeley and includes UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Santa Cruz, Oregon State University, and University of Alaska Fairbanks and the University of Washington. Read the story.

UCSF's Multi-Part AI Approach to Advancing Health Research

This month, Ida Sim, PhD, MD, chief research informatics officer and professor of medicine, presented UCSF’s multi-part AI approach to advancing health research. Speaking at the November 2024 UCSF Town Hall, Sim described the strategy as utilizing symbolic AI for leveraging explicit knowledge, neural AI for pattern recognition, and relational AI to augment human intelligence. Watch Sim’s presentation.

Research Gateway Update: Institutional Review Board (IRB) Module Replacement Project Kick-off

The Research Administration Compliance Services (RACS) team is initiating a project to replace the iRIS IRB system with the Huron suite of applications due to iRIS’s instability and inability to upgrade. Huron was selected for its functionality, compliance support, reliability, and reputation among leading institutions.

This transition will affect PIs and their research teams, IRB Committee members, HRPP personnel, and others involved in IRB processes, with noticeable changes in workflow and design. The new system is expected to be deployed in early 2026, with training and enhanced support available to assist with the transition. Please stay tuned for more details about the changes in upcoming communications. Read the full announcement from Brian Smith, JD, MBA, chief ethics and compliance officer and senior associate vice chancellor of Research, Infrastructure & Operations, and Mandy Terrill, associate chief information officer for Research. For questions, contact

Act Before Freezer Prices Increase on Jan. 1

UCSF is offering up to $10,000 in rebates toward replacing old but working -80°C freezers with new Energy Star certified models. Energy Star-certified models provide 25% more storage per footprint and use only 30% of the energy consumed by older units, helping reduce costs and align with UCSF’s sustainability goals. This includes a $4,000 instant rebate for purchasing a new Energy Star freezer and $6,000 rebate for disposing of an old, working freezer. You can mix and match rebates or only dispose of a freezer without purchasing a new one.

Important: Secure a quote from a vendor before January to lock in current pricing as prices will increase in the new year. This offer is first-come, first-served until the allocated funding is expended. If you require a space to transfer freezer contents during replacement, let us know and include the building location. Please send the completed MOU to Elizabeth Lin to reserve your rebate.

CTEC Update

We encourage study teams to continue parallel submission to HRPP and OCTA to achieve a 90-day activation goal. Our current median time between submissions is 22 days since the campaign launch in January. Please refer to the Clinical Trial Activation Diagram.

Seeking Innovative Project Ideas for CTSI Grant Renewal

CTSI is seeking ideas for research projects that will test new strategies or tools to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical and translational research, and/or increase capacity to recruit and retain diverse study populations.

Call for Feedback: NAIRR

The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) is developing a central hub with the goal of connecting researchers, educators, and students with AI resources. As this pilot resource portal is being developed, feedback from the research community is requested. If you would like to engage in providing feedback, complete this survey that will directly shape the design and development of this transformative platform. 

Animal Researchers: Let's Get AAALAC Quizzical - Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card

Get ready for our AAALAC site visit with our bi-weekly quiz campaign! Test your knowledge of AAALAC guidelines and our animal program by taking an 8-10 question quiz that you'll receive by email from LARC this week. Complete the quiz with a 90% or higher score, and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win one of six $50 Amazon gift cards! Take the quiz as many times as you like within one week for your chance to win. Good luck!

Research Spotlight

Muriel Babey, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Holly Ingraham, PhD and colleagues

"A maternal brain hormone that builds bone," Nature

William Krause, PhD

Specialist, Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology

Holly Ingraham, PhD and colleagues

"A maternal brain hormone that builds bone," Nature

Paul Wesson, PhD

Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

and colleagues

"Novel methods to construct a representative sample for surveying California's unhoused population: the California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness," American Journal of Epidemiology

New Policies and Requirements

NIH Operates Under a Continuing Resolution

NOT-OD-25-010 announces that government operations will continue through December 20 at Fiscal Year 2024 enacted levels with no reduction.

Final Scientific Integrity Policy of the National Institutes of Health 

NOT-OD-24-178 announces the Final NIH Scientific Integrity Policy, which takes effect December 30.

AHRQ Announces Changes to New FORMS-I 

NOT-HS-25-006 announced changes to application forms and instructions (FORMS-I) for applications due on or after January 25.

Childcare Costs for Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Program F99 Recipients

NOT-OD-25-008 announces that beginning in FY 2025, NIH will provide childcare cost support to individuals supported as full-time recipients of Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) programs during the F99 phase of the award.

Call for Comment

The University of California Office of the President invites comments on a proposed Presidential Policy on the Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and Testing. The proposed policy would update and replace UC’s current policy, "Use of Animals in Research and Teaching."


The revised policy:

  • Reiterates UC’s commitment to the responsible, humane use and care of animals in research and teaching.
  • Updates the list of currently applicable laws and regulations.
  • Aligns legal and UC systemwide requirements with campus practices.
  • Includes considerations for wildlife and agricultural animals in research and teaching.


Comments to the proposed policy are due March 6 via this survey submission.

Funding and Fellowship Opportunities

Opportunity for University of California System Researchers and National Laboratory Collaborators to Advance AI at Scale

The full RFP for the previously announced University of California, Los Alamos, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories opportunity is out. Initial letters of intent are due December 20. Multi-campus collaboration is essential and the Office of Chief Research Informatics can assist in connecting (email

NIH Seeks to Fund Bioethics Innovative Research and Capacity Building

Administrative supplements are available to support research on bioethics that either inform future policy directions or augment bioethics research capacity. Deadline: January 24, 5 p.m.

Call for Research Fellowship Applications

The UCSF Alpha Clinic, funded by the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), is supporting two funding opportunities for physician-scientists who are committed to discovering and translating novel applications of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine to clinical problems. Any postdoctoral fellow (PhD, MD, DO, or DDS) with a clinical or translational laboratory project is encouraged to apply, including early-stage junior faculty. Find more information about the 2025 AC/CIRM Fellowship Application and RFA. Deadline: February 26, 5 p.m.

RAP Funding Results Available Mid-December 2024

Applicants will be notified and will receive written reviews and final scores for their submitted proposals.


In Case You Missed It: October Office of Research Town Hall

Watch the town hall recording.

In Case You Missed It: State of the University Address | Momentum

Watch the SOTU recording and read the story.

UC BRAID Convenes First-Ever Clinical Research Summit

Read about UC Irvine event with UC BRAID, the consortium of the five Clinical and Translational Science Award campuses in the UC system.

Clinical Trials Operations Research Forums

November 22, 12:10-1 p.m., Virtual - Research Consents & Medical Attestation Workflow

December 18, 12:10-1 p.m., Virtual - Seven Pillars of Wellness

Contact for the calendar invites. Sessions are recorded and available on the CTO Events webpage.

UCSF AI: The Pulse of Ethical Machine Learning in Health

November 22, 12-1 p.m., Virtual

Marzyeh Ghassemi, PhD, MS, will talk about her work in creating and applying machine learning to understand and improve health in ways that are robust, private, and fair.

Parnassus Institute Trainee Minisymposium (PITRAMI)

December 3, 2:30-5 p.m., HSW-300 and 301 (please register)

The winter PITRAMI will feature flash talks and social events designed to build community among Parnassus researchers, trainees, and students (speaker sign-up information).

Trivia Night at Parnassus

December 10, 4:30-6 p.m., Millberry Union

Join Arts and Events for trivia night, filled with fun, laughter, and friendly competition! Gather your friends and put your knowledge to the test for a chance to win awesome prizes. Don't miss out on the chance to show off your skills—see you there!

UCSF's High Risk Emergency Medicine Hawaii Returns for 25th Annual CME Conference

Presented by UCSF's Department of Emergency Medicine, the conference will return to Honolulu from March 9-13, 2025.

Save the Date for AI Research Day

March 17, 2025 will be an all-day event dedicated to AI across the research spectrum at UCSF. It will be held at Mission Bay Conference Center. More details to come at

Information, Trainings, and Tools

Important: Complete Your UC-Required Security Trainings

With increased cybersecurity threats in the health care and higher education sectors, UCSF is boosting its efforts to ensure that all faculty, staff, and learners comply with mandatory cybersecurity training. Learn more and complete your trainings.

Important: OCTA 2024-2025 Holiday Schedule

The holiday dates for OCTA are now posted. During this time, OCTA will provide limited support for incoming requests. Please review and distribute to all appropriate faculty and staff within your department.

Fall 2024 Parnassus Heights Construction Update

This fall, major projects at Parnassus Heights continue to progress as they prepare to take shape in the new year. Learn the latest about construction on campus in this quarterly update.

Call for Faculty Mentors: Medical Students

Are you interested in recruiting a UCSF medical student to help with a short-term summer research project? Register for the Visit-a-Mentor program by December 8.

Call for Faculty Advisors: Training in Clinical Research Program Master’s Students

The TICR program seeks faculty interested in working with students with similar research interests, and who have a project that may be available to a TICR student. Please complete this survey and we will refer students to you if they express interest in your area.

New CTSI Report: Health Data Stewardship at UCSF

What do patients, community members, and UCSF faculty and staff think about UCSF uses and shares health data? How can UCSF set the standard for ethical and participatory data governance? We interviewed these constituents and now you can weigh in. 

New and Updated Resources from OCTA

OCTA is pleased to share new tools and updates to support your research. Explore these resources to streamline your workflow related to CAPDash, OnCore guides, and clinical trial budgeting.

Faculty Can Now Pull Information into UCSF Profiles from Advance

Have an Advance CV? UCSF Profiles now lets you import data directly from your Advance CV without re-typing a single letter! Login to your UCSF Profiles page to learn how and read the instructions.

Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Policy

As part of UCSF’s ongoing commitment to work-place & employee safety, and state regulatory compliance, UCSF has implemented a new Indoor Heat Illness Prevention policy (Campus and Health) based on Cal/OSHA's Indoor Heat Illness Prevention standard.

Pyrophoric Chemical Safety Training

This EH&S training provides guidelines and instructional videos for safely working with pyrophoric chemicals. This one-time training is required for all research labs that own pyrophoric chemicals.

Winter 2025 Clinical Research/Health Data Science Courses 

Join us in Winter 2025 for our Clinical Research/Health Data Science courses. Course highlights include Use of Electronic Health Record Data for Research and Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities: What Every Researcher Should Know.

Apply for TICR Masters and Certificate Programs

These programs prepare individuals for clinical research careers by providing comprehensive training in epidemiologic methods and biostatistics. 

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NIH Updates

Office of Clinical Trial Activation

Office of Diversity and Outreach

Office of Ethics and Compliance

Office of Sponsored Research

Office of Sustainability

Research Advisory Board

Resource Allocation Program

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