Message from the Director
At the intersection of South Van Ness Avenue and Mission Street, you may have noticed the construction of two new buildings going up at the corner since 2017. One of those buildings is a private residential tower, and the other is the future home of the Department of Building Inspection, known as the 49 South Van Ness (49 SVN) project. We are co-locating with other City permitting partners, including Planning and Public Works, in what will be a new San Francisco Permit Center to provide  more efficient and streamlined services to our customers.
Led by the City Administrator's office  with construction managed by Public Works, the 49 SVN project will provide 430,000 square feet of new office space for over 1,800 City employees, as well, as provide a One-Stop Permitting Shop, found on the second floor , with services from over 10 City agencies to residents and businesses. 
Last month, we celebrated the topping off of this building with the placement of the last beam to its structure. We are excited about our impending move to this new innovative state-of-the-art building. We are working with all partnering agencies to ensure we continue to deliver the highest level of customer service, and to increase efficiency and transparency to enable anyone, anywhere, to know exactly the status of construction projects. 
We look forward to serving everyone at our new home, 49 SVN Permit Center towards the end of 2020 (weather and other unpredictable circumstances cooperating) . We will share more information in future e-newsletter issues, so be sure to keep reading about DBI developments in this e-newsletter


Tom C. Hui, S.E., C.B.O.
Director and Chief Building Official
Permit & Inspection Activity

TCO - Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
CFC - Certificate of Final Completion
Attend a Neighborhood Seismic Safety Training Class Today!
With the recent earthquakes in Southern California and across the Bay just this month, we are reminded , again, of the importance of preparing for the next earthquake. There are various tools and resources available to San Francisco residents to get prepared for the next earthquake. Through our community partners at Self Help for the Elderly and Community Youth Center, we continue to offer hands-on, multi lingual emergency preparedness training in all  11  Supervisorial districts found throughout San Francisco.  

If you want to learn about limiting external bleeding or what to put in your emergency toolkit, please reach out to our partners to sign up today.  Find out more by visiting .  
Loans Available to Help Address DBI Code Enforcement Violations

The Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development
(MOHCD), with funding from DBI, is offering property owners low interest 10-year loans to correct DBI code enforcement violations. The Code Violation Rehab (also known as COVER) loan program enables  one to four unit buildings that are owner-occupied and who meet area median income requirements to apply for a loan that would enable them to abate open code enforcement violations. 

For more information, interested property owners should visit
MOHCD's website at .
49 South Van Ness - DBI's Future New Home in 2020

Pictures of the 49 SVN project  - (from top left going clockwise) the building's rendering; topping out ceremony with Mayor London Breed and City Officials on June 5; and recent tour photos of the building's construction progress.

Read about 49 SVN's June 5, 2019 topping out ceremony as published in the SF Chronicle:

In This Issue


DBI is the regulatory building safety agency responsible for overseeing the effective, efficient, fair and safe enforcement of building , electrical, plumbing, disability access and housing codes for the City and County of San Francisco's more than 200,000 commercial and residential buildings. 


Read up on our most recent code updates:
  • S-20: Preliminary Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports prepared for Design and Construction of Tall Buildings  


Stay up to date on the most recent proposed and passed legislation affecting DBI. Here are some listed below:
File No. 190214 -  proposed ordinance  amending the Building Code to waive specified fees for 100% affordable housing projects, as defined herein, and certain accessory dwelling unit projects for an approximately one-year pilot program; and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
File No. 190045 - proposed new ordinance by Mayor Breed to exempt emergency homeless shelters from issuance of building permit building codes, excepting life safety reviews, per Assembly Bill 932.

File No. 190136 - ordinance on code cleanup covering clarifications for building, plumbing, electrical and housing codes, as well as reenacting a long-standing permit requirement for fences, adding administrative provisions to implement new State law on sub-metering for individual water use, and adding enforcement provisions for the building façade and maintenance program which gets under way in 2021.
File No. 190237 - Amending the Plumbing Code to set placement and minimum size of Building Sewer or Drain (Traps). Originally introduced by former Supervisor Tang, Supervisor Peskin has agreed to move this forward.
File No. 181211 - A mending the Health, Planning and Police codes to streamline small business permits.

File No. 181216 - A mending the Planning Code to increase penalties for violations of the Planning Code and change the administrative enforcement procedure.


If you would like DBI  to attend your association or organization's meeting to discuss the Accessible Business Entrance Program or any other DBI related topics, contact


Date: July 27, 2019
Time: 10am-12pm
Location: 3223 Ortega Street
                SF CA 94116

Date: July 27, 2019
Time: 11am-3pm
Location: 1111 Gough Street
SF CA 94109


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