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August 4, 2024
Constant Contact newsletter
337 S. ORANGE ST, NEWARK NJ 07103 ~ 973-623-0258
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What's happening at St Antoninus?
Read below Fr Joseph's statement regarding the recent blasphemous portrayal of the Lord's Last Supper at the opening of the Olympics in France.
- Read below about the collective account of the 8 Pilgrims from St Antoninus who attended the recently concluded Eucharistic Congress.
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This Sunday, August 4, 2024
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- 8 am Mass- in Our Lady of Gudalupe Chapel
- 10 am Mass- in Lower Church
Holy Hour with Confessions at 9am
Note: During the hot months in the summer, our 10am Mass will be in the a Lower Church. Entrance is on S. Orange Ave.
This Sunday, while the Rectory Chapel is under renovation, our 8am Mass will be be held in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel .
More below:
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Friday, Aug. 2 - and every first Friday of the month:
First Friday monthly Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 12 Noon in the Lower Church. (Enter thru front door on S. Orange Ave)
2:00- 5:00pm: After a quick simple lunch, we will proceed to the Alliance of Two Hearts- Communion of Reparation with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Confessions will be available.
We will be praying in a special way in reparation for the blasphemous mockery committed against God at the Olympic ceremony opening in Paris at this time. ( See Fr Joseph's letter regarding this below)
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Tomorrow, Saturday, Aug. 3- and every first Saturday of the month:
First Saturday Charismatic Healing Mass
- 2pm- Holy Hour: First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart & Chaplet of Divine Mercy
- 3pm- Holy Mass & healing service
This will all be in Lower Church. (Enter thru front door on S. Orange Ave)
Fr Joseph and the prayer team will be praying over everyone who needs healing in Jesus. We will be using the oil of St Charbel of Lebanon, and asking his special intercession.
Come for our Lord's extravagant healing & consolation!
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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August 4, 2024
8 am- Holy Mass in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
10 am- Holy Mass in Church Hall
9 am- Holy Hour
Confessions available
For those who truly cannot come to Mass on Sunday, livestream of the 10am Mass is available. Livestream does not fulfill one’s obligation, but when a person is truly unable to come to Mass, it does provide spiritual benefits.
To watch the 10am livestream on our YouTube Channel: go to
Or go directly to the links below:
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This Sunday's Mass Readings.
Read and download by clicking on image.
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This week's Bulletin.
Read and download by clicking on image.
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Jesus in the Eucharist is to Loved, not Mocked!
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A letter from Fr Joseph:
Dear Brothers and sisters,
If you watched or read about the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games in Paris, you would have been shocked at the blatant blasphemy committed against God by the sacrilegious portrayal of the the Last Supper by drag queens. This is a heinous offense against God and all Christians . And as people of God, we need to take a stand against this blasphemy in numerous ways including by making reparation for this (& other) sins against the Eucharist and more importantly by renewing our love and zeal for Jesus in the Eucharist.
Join us today at our First Friday Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 12 Noon today, followed by the Alliance of Two Hearts (a Communion of Reparation) from 2pm to 5pm. Confession available during that time.
Also, come tomorrow, at our 2pm First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, followed by our 3pm Healing Mass. (See more information below)
Let us console the Heart of Jesus, as we unite our hearts with His Heart as we offer the Father the one Eternal Sacrifice of his Son in atonement for our sins and sins of all the world.
Both Masses today & tomorrow will take place in the lower church. Use entrance on S Orange Ave.
I will leave you with a statement by Bishop Andrew Cozzens, who has been leading the three-year National Eucharistic Revival and is chairman of the Board of the National Eucharistic Congress.
Please read on.
In Jesus thru Mary & St Joseph,
Fr Joseph
July 27, 2024
“If then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land.” (2 Chr 7:14)
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
At the opening Holy Hour of the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, on Wednesday July, 17, 2024, I prayed these very words, inviting tens of thousands in the stadium and thousands more watching virtually to join me in asking the Lord to pardon our sins and heal our land.
Then on Friday evening, July 19th, we all united around Our Eucharistic Lord again in Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis to make reparation for our sins. We humbled ourselves in the presence of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Recognizing that if one member of the Body of Christ suffers, we all suffer, we prayed together for healing and forgiveness. We were lead through a litany of healing and repentance in the Eucharist by Fr. Boniface Hicks, O.S.B. Many people told me that this moment of communal penance and reparation was a moment of great healing for them. It was amongst the most powerful experiences of grace for me personally during those holy days.
Just one week later, on July 26th in Paris, where the newly restored Cathedral of Notre Dame stands as an iconic reminder to our belief in the importance of the Mass, which makes spiritually present to us the Last Supper, nearly 1 billion men, women and children, in person and through live telecast, witnessed the public mockery of the Mass, the “source and summit of the Christian life (LG, 11)”. During the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics, the famous DaVinci Masterpiece The Last Supper was depicted in heinous fashion, leaving us in such shock, sorrow and righteous anger that words cannot describe it.
Brothers and sisters, we know that what the enemy intends for evil, God uses for good. We know that “where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more (Rom 5:20).”
Throughout salvation history, the Lord and his prophets have called us—the people of God—to respond to the darkness of evil with the light that comes from the Lord. At the heart of this call are prayer and fasting. Jesus told us that some demons “can only come out through prayer [and through fasting] (Mk 29:9).” He modeled this for us when he spent 40 days in the desert before beginning his public ministry, praying and fasting, begging God the Father to prepare him for all that lay ahead—including his perfect gift of self through his death on the Cross.
We believe that the Last Supper is united with the death of Christ on the Cross and, together with the Resurrection, these events are all one in the Paschal Mystery. This passover, which begins at the Last Supper, is the most sacred moment in the life of Jesus. This is when Jesus offered his life for us so that we could share in his divine life forever.
Jesus experienced his Passion anew Friday night in Paris when his Last Supper was publicly defamed. As his living body, we are invited to enter into this moment of passion with him, this moment of public shame, mockery and persecution. We do this through prayer and fasting. And our greatest prayer—in season and out of season—is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
As the Church throughout the world gathers tomorrow at the Lord’s Altar, let us do so with renewed zeal. Let us pray for healing and forgiveness for all those who participated in this mockery. Let us commit ourselves this week to greater prayer and fasting in reparation for this sin. Perhaps you could attend Mass once more this week or do an extra holy hour?
We may also be called upon to speak about this evil. Let us do so with love and charity, but also with firmness. France and the entire world are saved by the love poured out through the Mass, which came to us through the Last Supper. Inspired by the many martyrs who shed their blood to witness to the truth of the Mass, we will not stand aside and quietly abide as the world mocks our greatest gift from the Lord Jesus. Rather, through our prayer and fasting, we will ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen us with the virtue of fortitude so that we may preach Christ—our Lord and Savior, truly present in the Eucharist—for the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.
Let us, strengthened by Christ, be the Eucharistic Missionaries we are called to be.
+ In Christ Jesus,
Most Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens, S.T.D., D.D. Bishop of Crookston
Chairman of the Board of the National Eucharistic Congress
More on the recently concluded National Congress.
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St. A’s gives National Eucharistic Congress an A-plus
There were eight of us in the parish, including Fr Joseph, who attended the 5-day Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis last July 17-21- 6 traveling by car and 3 by plane.
We were among 60,000 pilgrims who came from all over the United States to experience the miracle of this gathering. The talks and worship were anointed and soul-piercing . The highlight of each day was the Eucharist -- the Mass, the evening Benediction with praise & worship, and a most joyous Eucharistic street procession on Saturday.
Below is an article written by May Jen Apiado sharing the glory stories of the St Antoninus pilgrims :
St. Antoninus Church in Newark, NJ enjoyed Eucharistic Revival by having joined in the National Eucharistic Congress, July 17-21, 2024 in Indianapolis. Many parishioners followed online (it comes with a plenary indulgence; recordings are in You Tube including closing Mass ‘ homily of Cardinal Tagle who reminded us as disciples of spreading the Good News of His love to not tarry and GO!) but below are the reflections of the in-person attendees.
MayJen Apiado, parish point person: We have to stay collaborating with one another, helping with the church as they have helped us. The leaders who planned this are top ranking renewal leaders and we must stay in contact with them because this went so effectively. I know that the head Bishop Cozzens has a charismatic youth leadership background, but the many speakers also have refined their message the same message for years because they live it, like Lila Rose, like Chris Stefanik, and the nuns, wow—intelligent and Christ-loving women need look no further for great examples of service in the Church. Foundresses like Mother Olga and Mother Adela Galindo are gold.
Jane Cebedo, catechist: We were altogether as a parish, seating together, eating breakfast and lunch then dinner, then driving back squeezed sometimes but singing songs, saying the rosary, morning prayer or playing Catholic games. Every day we were fed well both spiritually and physically. I saw my idols—Bishop Barron, Jonathan Roumie, Fr. Mike Schmidt. I heard him talk before, also the other nuns Sr. Bethany Madonna, Sr. Miriam Heidland and the Sisters for Life and Gloria Purvis whom I had first heard in Seton Hall for a Women’s Conference. But with the 60,000 people who are listening altogether and praying and getting commissioned together to be Marian Eucharistic disciples, it was an incredible event!
Fr. Joseph Meagher, pastor: On the third day, the liturgy was in the Eastern rite (Syro Malabar) celebrated by the Archbishop of the Ukranian Catholic Church and the Bishop of the Syro-Malabar Church which recently opened a branch in Chicago. We were already being very blessed by the talks and the music in other sessions but the Holy Spirit touched me in a different way during this Mass. We forget that this rite is older than the other rites and is also beautiful, with the words interspersed with the Aramaic. “Ruah” was used in the invocation of the Trinity as in “Father, Son and Ruah”.
Rizza Ruaya, music minister: Yes, and the choir was amazing and the violin! They sang so high. All the music was so spot on but it is varied throughout the Congress. From the praise and worship songs that welcomed us on the first evening, to the Gregorian chants, to the Gospel revival music in the second mass with Cardinal Gregory and the whole Indiana Concert Chorale and Symphony for the closing Mass of Cardinal Tagle. Whoever was in charge (Dave and Lauren Moore, a Texan husband-and-wife team spent 1-1/2 years in planning, also are founders of Catholic Music Initiative) they are anointed.
Teresa Gerlinger, office manager: The CEO of the National Eucharistic Revival Tim Glemkowski was the former Director of Strategy of the Archdiocese of Denver. The fact that everything operated so smoothly and it was so well done from the stage to the lighting to the selection of speakers and the expo and pilgrimage and web materials on top of it, that you have to have the Holy Spirit high in your life as well as a topnotch business and marketing background. (See a full day streamed on Youtube).
Dianne Pascall, parish cook: It cost millions, I hear ($14 million per Wikipedia) but it was worth it. There were so many people; I didn’t mind getting bumped from my flight arriving the next day but that I was able to praise Jesus in the procession with all these priests, bishops and nuns and seminarians, you better believe I was crying out to Jesus as I always to in church! My Lord and My God! My Savior, My Love of my life, my Everything!
Janice Cebedo, volunteer: Yes, the Public Benediction on Saturday was beyond my wildest expectations. Jesus was set so high everyone can see Him, plus the monstrance was so big. The organizers were so kind; they waited until the last members of the procession arrived in the field to kneel. There was even a Filipino group that were dancing behind Jesus in the parade.
Jefferson Kabore, altar server: I do not have an experience of Mass or church that is not charismatic so I was very happy how this was turned out. The Expo was massive, a lot of vendors and ministries. I wished my brothers didn’t have summer classes so they would be here. I did get to see my work area parish priest (Fr. Glenn Evers of Wilmington, DE) who bond over dinner with our group and Fr. Joseph as they are both graduates of Seton Hall Immaculate Conception Seminary.
Eric Apiado, photographer: Inspirational people like Mother Olga who placed the Eucharist in the bodies of the young and healed them. Or Deacon Harold Burke-Silver who spoke the similarities of hunger in the secular world and us who are satisfied of it in the Eucharist are wow moments for me. Also Sr. Josephine Garrett prophetically calling out the bishops to live fervently as if when they were first in love with Jesus. The love of Jesus given in Adoration and the Eucharist makes resisting and overcoming evil possible.
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Click below to watch a short video :
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Mark your calendar!
Sunday, Oct 6, 2024
This year, we will celebrate our Thanksgiving Harvest early in the fall- on Sunday Oct 6!
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Family Harvest Offering is open to all families and individuals.
Our Thanksgiving Harvest is not a one day event.
In fact, this begins with the Family Harvest Offering during the 10am Mass.
All Sundays leading to our big event on October 6 are open for your Family Harvest Offering.
This is the time when a family or individual comes before the altar of God to thank the Lord for all His bountiful gifts and provisions. And the blessings do not end there.
This is a great opportunity for evangelization for you to invite your family, friends and office colleagues to your family offering .
Pick up an envelope with a letter that you can send to your friends and family to invite them to your family offering.
Choose your own date for your Family Offering today!
Dr. Christina Ikwuegbu @ 908-436-7042
Dr. Adaora Madubuko @ 973-609-6884
Sr Mary Genevieve Okoro, DMMM @ 862-215-2198
More info:
Thank you for your generosity in supporting the mission and the maintenance of our parish!
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Video Lessons for
the Heart & Mind
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Watch this powerful teaching by Bishop Robert Barron!
Friends, if there’s one thing I can encourage you to do—Catholic or not—it is to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament. That little red light is always on, beckoning us toward Christ. So many of the spiritual giants of the twentieth century—Fulton Sheen, Edith Stein, Mother Teresa, and John Paul II, to name a few—were often found praying before the Eucharistic Lord. - Bishop Barron
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Cardinal Luis Tagle's homily at the Closing Mass of the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress
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Fr. Mike Schmitz's full speech at the National Eucharistic Congress
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Sister Josephine Garrett's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress
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Mother Adela Galindo's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress
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Mother Adela Galindo's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress
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The Year of Parish Revival began on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 11, 2023 . As we have entered this new season of grace, Bishop Cozzens has composed a beautiful prayer for the Revival and the Church. We pray in particular for our beloved St Antoninus Church....
Prayer for the Eucharistic Revival of the Church
Lord Jesus Christ, you give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world, and you desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb.
Renew in your Church the truth, beauty, and goodness contained in the Most Blessed Eucharist.
Jesus living in the Eucharist, come and live in me.
Jesus healing in the Eucharist, come and heal me.
Jesus sacrificing yourself in the Eucharist, come and suffer in me.
Jesus rising in the Eucharist, come and rise to new life in me.
Jesus loving in the Eucharist, come and love in me.
Lord Jesus Christ, through the paschal mystery of your death and resurrection made present in every Holy Mass, pour out your healing love on your Church and on our world.
Grant that as we lift you up during this time of Eucharistic Revival, your Holy Spirit may draw all people to join us at this Banquet of Life. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Eucharist, Pray for us.
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Interested in becoming Catholic ?
Or maybe you still need to receive any or all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation or Holy Communion)?
Classes are on Tuesdays .
Call the rectory to sign up ( Tues- Fri, 9am- 3pm)
This class part of what is called RCIA. RCIA stands for: “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.”
This program is for:
- Those adults 17 years old and older who are not baptized and want to inquire about becoming Catholic OR
- Those who are baptized non-Catholic Christians who want to consider becoming Catholic. OR
- Adult Catholics (17 years or older) who have not received Confirmation or Holy Communion.
Extend this invitation to your family and friends.
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Sacramental Preparations at St. Antoninus
To register, call the church office 973-623-0258
Tuesday - Fridays 9-3pm
or email us at
WEDDINGS. Contact the parish office one year in advance of the proposed marriage date.
INFANT BAPTISM. Expectant parents should call the office to register for the baptism of your baby. and for baptism classes with Fr Joseph. Baptisms at St Antoninus Church are celebrated during Sunday 10am Mass..
CATECHISM CLASSES FOR CHILDREN - take place on Sundays, from 8:15am to 9:15am.
ADULT BAPTISM & other Sacraments of Initiation – call to register.
RCIA Class is every Tuesday. Call to register.
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Join our Rosary on Zoom
- every night
@ 7pm
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For those who can only join via Zoom, here is the link:
(Same link for Rosary & Prayer Meeting)
Passcode: Rosary
One tap mobile
For audio only - phones +1 929 205 6099 US
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Especially this Lent!
Visit JESUS in the Most Blessed Sacrament!
Tuesday thru Saturday
9am to 8pm
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel.
Could you not watch with me one hour?
Mark 14: 40b
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel is open for personal visits with our Eucharistic Lord. Spend precious time alone with Jesus!
To obtain the chapel door code, you will need to register simply by emailing us at:
Give your full name, tel #, and your address.
Then we will email you back to arrange a time to show you around and give you a simple orientation on making use of the chapel.
Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
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Daily Mass at 12 Noon in Our Lady of Guadalupe chapel - Tuesday to Saturday.
Petitions for Daily Mass are available. Note: One petition offering per Mass. Call or email to schedule petition offering. Please provide the name of the person and reason for petition and indicate if living or deceased.
Monthly Charismatic Healing Mass at 3pm every First Saturday of the Month. Come earlier at 2pm for Eucharistic Adoration and the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Confessions from 2pm- 3pm.
Daily Rosary at 7 pm on Zoom.
Men's Praise & Fellowship every Saturday in the rectory at 8am. Praise & Worship, men-to-men sharing and breakfast.
Come to our two weekly Prayer Meetings:
- Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 8pm in the Rectory Chapel
Divine Adoration Prayer Meeting at 3pm every Saturday.
Monthly Prayer Meeting with Real Love Ministries every last Saturday of the month. In person & Zoom. Enjoy inspirational preaching & fellowship.
Young Adults of St Antoninus meet every last Wednesday of the Month at pm.
See more below:
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Please consider making an offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!
We are accepting Zelle for online contributions.
All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church
This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient.
When you sign up, please include your email or phone number. Thank you.
Other options for Offering:
You can click below to choose other convenient online options.
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You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Thank you and God bless you!
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337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)
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