Welcome to the FIRST

The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
April 2018

Dear Friends
Happy Easter!
I just finished our monthly Skype conversation with our Planning Committee. We are all ready for Sarajevo. Toni, Andrea, Kristin, Antonio and I are going to be in Sarajevo May 14-17 to do the final stages of planning.
I am happy to announce that Cardinal Turkson will give us a closing address at the end of the conference as well.
I am also happy to welcome a NEW WEBMASTER, Jack McErlean, [email protected], who will be with us for the next few years.
The newsletter has reports from regions plus some fine essays by Tina Beattie (UK), Mary M. Doyle Roche (US), Alexandre Martins (Brazil), and Agnes Brazal (Philippines)
Please note the new book by Thomas Massaro, Mercy in Action: The Social Teachings of Pope Francis.
We also have two articles to read.
One by Antonio Autiero in Italian on the work of CTEWC that he delivered last March at the Alfonsianum.
Another by David Hollenbach on Dialogue and Proclamation at Catholic Universities, in English, Italian and Spanish.
I wish you a happy Easter!
Featured Forum Articles:

Mary M. Doyle Roche, The Pace of the Children

Featured Publications
Europe Regional Report
By:  Roman Globokar 
Simone Morandini reports about the discussion on Theo-bloggers in Bologna

Martedì 6 marzo a Bologna nell'ambito dell'EUARE (European Academy of Religions), si è tenuto il panel Theo-bloggers? Parlare di Dio sul web, copromosso dall'ATISM (Associazione Teologica Italiana per lo Studio della Morale) e dal CTI (Coordinamento delle Teologhe Italiane). Al centro del dibattito i due blog Moralia ed Il Regno delle donne, condotti dalle due associazioni nel sito de Il Regno. Dopo l'introduzione di Maria Elisabetta Gandolfi, caporedattrice de Il Regno, sono stati rispettivamente Simone Morandini (ATISM) e Rita Torti (CTI) ad illustrare il senso e le dinamiche delle due iniziative. Pier Davide Guenzi (vicepresidente ATISM) ha d'altra parte collocato l'istanza che le muove all'interno di una dinamica dialogica che interessa la teologia morale fin dal tempo delle medievali questiones quolibetales.

José Manuel Caamaño López from Spain sends an information about new online course on science and religion

MOOC sobre Cuestiones de ciencia y religión:       https://online.comillas.edu/courses/course-v1:Comillas+002+001/about

Call for Papers
Call for papers for a guest-edited issue of the Journal of Moral Theology. The issue's focus is on Catholic bioethics and health care ethics, and it will be co-edited by Tobias Winright, Rachelle Barina, and Nathaniel Hibner. Submissions due on May 15, 2018

Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology 
The Pontifical Universities of Rome now offers a one year joint diploma in Integral Ecology.

In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
Submit and Browse CTWEC Resources

Submit Your Resources
Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here.

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Jim Keenan S.J.



Jacob McErlean


([email protected])