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The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
June 2017

Dear Friends

I just got back from 9 days in Sarajevo.  Plans are shaping nicely for July 2018.  On this July 21, the Planning Committee begins arriving for a week of meetings in Sarajevo to set out the agenda for next year's conference.  

More to follow next month....

Enjoy the Forum. A special welcome to Shawnee Daniels-Sykes, Gusztáv Kovács and Tamás Ragadics

Finally, please see the terrific review by Larry Rasmussen of our CTEWC book, Just Sustainability, and please take a look at our collection of the papers from Bogota.


Featured Forum Articles:

Tamás Ragadics and Gusztáv Kovács, Are you In, or Out? - Public Service in Hungary

Miguel Ángel Sánchez Carlos, Hoy en México el Periodismo es Profetismo

Book Review
Just Sustainability: Technology, Ecology and Resource Extraction
By Christiana Peppard and Andrea Vicini
Call for Papers: 

Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2017
Call for Papers
In principle, all religions stand for peace, harmony and love. However, in practice, religion has also led to a lot of violence and bloodshed. For all religions, God is love. But it is not rare that in the name of God who is love hatred and violence are advocated. Perhaps no religion is an exception to this. Religious fundamentalism and intolerance and violence springing from fundamentalist approaches to religion are not new. But today religious fundamentalism has assumed new modes, often leading to terrorism, threatening global peace, and the very existence of humanity. What are the reasons for such a violent outbreak of religious fundamentalism in almost all regions of the world? Is there still a ray of hope? Can we think about ways of peaceful co-existence?
Suggested Topics (only proposals, not exhaustive):
- Historical Context of religious fundamentalism and violence today
- Christian fundamentalism [in the past, as well as in the present]
- Islamic fundamentalism: historical roots and the present situation
- Middle East politics and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism
- Religious fundamentalism and terrorism
- Religious Intolerance and fidelity to one's faith
- Fundamentalist interpretation of scriptures and traditions
- Rise of Hindutva in India and religious fundamentalism in India
- Religious fundamentalism in Asia [can be of any particular country]
- Western secularized society and the rise of fundamentalism
- Religion, Politics and Religious Fundamentalism
- Conflict of religions: A conflict on ethical issues?
- Globalization, global economy and religious fundamentalism
- Christian approach to other religions
- Development of a Catholic theology of religions and dialogue among religions
- Proposals for Peaceful co-existence and Religious harmony
As usual, we welcome other articles on any area of theological interest and research.
Please send your articles  (4500-5000 words, including the footnotes) at the latest by 15 August 2017. Kindly include the abstract of the article in 150-200 words, 5-7 Keywords and a summary of the CV of the author in 100-150 words.
Other regular items:  "New Scholars": Abstract of doctoral theses (recently defended and not yet published); Reports and Statements of important conferences, Book Reviews.
For submitting the articles and for more details: Shaji George Kochuthara (editor-in-chief): [email protected]
N.B. Please forward this to your friends and colleagues.
[Asian Horizons , published from DVK, is a forum for theological reflection in the Asian context marked by economic poverty, cultural diversity and religious plurality. Although the focus is on theological reflection in the context of Asia, we also address theological developments and concerns of the universal Church and try to dialogue with the Church in various contexts. Hence we welcome authors from all over the world. Asian Horizons was launched in 2007 as a biannual. From 2011 it is published as a quarterly. We have an editorial board consisting of members from India, other Asian countries and other continents.]
Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Themes: 2016-2017
2016: Vol. 10
March: Ethics, Theology and Technology
June: Asia's Women Theologians
September: Asian Christian Heritage
December: Conscience
2017: Vol. 11
March: Amoris Laetitia
June: Protestant Reformation after 500 Years
September: New Faces of Religious Fundamentalism and Violence
December: Asian Christologies                            

Latin America Report
By: Emilce Cuda
Emilce Cuda, comparte:
  • Declaración de Mons. Victor Manuel Fernandez sobre reconciliación, en el marco del debate politico y moral actualmente en Argentina la Ley del 2x1 que reduce condenas y dejaría en libertad a los juzgados por crímenes de lesa humanidad durante la última dictadura military.
  • Acaba de aparecer el tomo VI de la magna Historia de la Teología Moral, escrita por el moralista español Marciano Vidal, C. Ss. R. y publicada por la Editorial Perpetuo Socorro (Madrid). La presente historia de la Teología Moral viene a colmar una carencia. Faltaba una exposición amplia y bien organizada sobre el devenir de la reflexión teológico-moral.
Durante varias décadas, el autor ha frecuentado textos históricos relacionados con
la Teología Moral para leerlos, analizarlos y exponer su significado. Ahora presenta el resultado de su trabajo. Lo hace con una visión sistemática de todo el campo de la moral cristiana. Más que monografías de diversos especialistas, se ofrece una exposición unitaria tanto en metodología como en contenido.
El lector constatará que se trata de una historia integral de la moral cristiana: se combinan los textos con la vida; se relaciona la moral con las restantes disciplinas teológicas, sobre todo con la espiritualidad y la pastoral; a los documentos propiamente teológicos se añaden otros de la literatura, del arte, de la simbólica; el texto moral concreto es relacionado con la biografía del autor y los dos, texto y autor, con las coordenadas de tiempo y espacio. Son muchos los hilos del tejido; es de esperar que la pieza fabricada sea del agrado de quien la contemple.
Siendo una historia de la Teología Moral católica, la obra se abre al horizonte de los planteamientos de otras Iglesias y Comunidades cristianas. Por otra parte, sin perder las exigencias de una disciplina teológica, la exposición puede ser leída por cualquier persona deseosa de conocer una veta imprescindible de la tradición moral.
Pablo Blanco, En el marco de la 43° Feria Internacional del libro de Buenos Aires (Argentina), se presentó el libro "Hagan lío: Mensaje a la Juventud latinoamericana del Papa Francisco". Esta compilación realizada por Isabel Rauber, reúne entre sus autores a: Leonardo Boff, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Ivone Gebara, Michäel Löwy, Jon Sobrino, Pablo A. Blanco, Miriam Ofelia Ortega Suárez, François Houtart, Andrés Torres Queiruga, Marcelo Ciaramella, Osvaldo León, Luis M. Baronetto, Jesús Martínez Gordo, Wim Dierckxsens, Walter Formento, Nicolás A. Herrera F., Lorena López G., Elio Masferrer Kan, Pablo Moctezuma B., Vivian M. Sabater P., Maximiliano F. Trujillo L. y Cecilia Dilascio. Pablo A. Blanco (CTEWC) es uno de los 22 autores del libro, que se propone articular miradas y propuestas diversas sobre el quehacer del Papa Francisco desde distintos campos académicos de pertenencia.
Elosia  Ortiz No podrán apagar el amor. Consideraciones en torno a la homosexualidad con perfume a Evangelio, Buenos Aires, Claretiana, 2017, 189 pp.
Gustavo Irrazábal , "Amoris laetitia, ¿Un documento de transición?" Moralia 153 (2017) 29-51
Anibal Torres , "El rol de las religiones en el Papa Francisco"
Omar Albado : "Reseña sobre Emilce Cuda, Para leer a Francisco. Teología, Etica y Política, Ed/ Manantial, Buenos Aires, 2016, 260 pp." Revista Teología (121) 2016, 197-200.
Elio Gasda , Cristianismo y Economía. Repensar el trabajo más allá del capitalismo. Madrid, 2017
Elio Gasda , comparte debates etico-teológicos en el marco de la situación política del Brasil:
  • Jornadas: Etica, Política y Derecho: cómo pensar los desafíos de nuestro tiempo? FAJE, Bello Horizonte, Marzo-May0 2017
  • Seminario: El futuro de la democracia en Brasil. Grupo Fe y Política, Núcleo Faje. 27 de Mayo. Elio Gasda, Marcia Sacramento, Robson Reis Souza
  • Jornada de Teología ISTA. Instituto Santo Tomás de Aquino, 22 y 23 Mayo
  • Elio Gasda: Transexualidad, identidad y géenro.
  • Elio Gasda: Populorum progression: 50 años de apelación a la conciencia
  • Elio Gasda: Prometo ser fiel.
  • Elio Gasda: El trabajo es derecho sagrado. Vale la pena luchar!
Rafael Luciani . Sobre la situación política en Venezuela
Maria Ruth Casas , comparte videos y entrevistas del congreso Teología Feminista en la Ibero
Mauricio Burbano . (2017). "El capital social desde una aproximación ética". Revista PUCE, Núm 104, p.p. 565-584. 
Mariza Amaral. Nos comparte su alegría como familia ya que nació Darío el 18 de abril,

The Theological Reception of Spread Factors and Preventive Measures of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Africa
By Markus Patenge
Book Release
Born from Lament: The Theology and Politics of Hope in Africa 
By Emmanuel Katongol
Call to Contribute
By Piotr  Morciniec
The topic of the 2017's edition of the international journal "Family Forum" (edited by Piotr Morciniec, University of Opole, Poland) is: "Family and civil partnerships in the European landscape." If you are interested in the collaboration, please send an e-mail to [email protected] by the end of June 2017. The instructions can be found at: http://familyforum.uni.opole.pl/en/info/for-authors. The abstracts should be submitted by the end of August 2017 and the contributions by the end of September 2017.
Call to Contribute
By Tina Beattie
Following the success of a book edited by the Catholic Women Speak Network and distributed to participants at the 2015 Synod on the Family (Catholic Women Speak: Bringing Our Gifts to the Table), Paulist Press have asked the Network to produce another edited collection for the 2018 Synod on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment. Like the previous book, this will include short theological reflections and personal narratives from a wide range of Catholic women. If you are interested in contributing, please contact Tina Beattie at [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is 2 nd October 2017
Book Announcement
Reframing Catholic Theological Ethics by Joseph Selling
Book Release
Amoris Laetitia - Punto di Svolta per la Teologia Morale? 
Edited by Stephan Goertz and Caroline Witting
Bogota Conference Book
Following the Bogota Conference in 2016, Emilce Cuda edited the following book of various articles.

Click this link to download the book:   Hacia una Ética de participación y esperanza
Click this link for the PDF version:  Hacia una Ética de participación y esperanza
Save The Date: 

Save The Date: 
Below Here Find the Information for a Conference
With the Congress in Strasboug

Online Courses: 
Online short courses offered by Catherine of Siena College (University of Roehampton) are off to an excellent start, and students from different parts of the globe are signing up and enjoying them. So far, students have been able to take courses on Women and the Catholic Church, Migration Matters, Violence against Women and Spirituality and Social Action. Here is a comment from one of our students:
I found V iolence against women: War, the Domestic Sphere and Religion profoundly educative, inspiring and eye-opening. Learning the various course themes from the standpoint of a man and a religious leader, I was awakened to crucial aspects pertaining to violence against women I was oblivious to owing to patriarchal cultural upbringing and espoused religious traditions that were often characterized by marginalization and oppression of women. Evidently coming from highly informed positions of the subject area, the course instructors presented the material in a thought-provoking manner that shaped strong gender-conscious theological convictions in me. I strongly recommend religious leaders of different faiths to take this course.
Details of upcoming courses, and information about how to register and apply for a bursary can be found at  http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/Catherine-of-Siena/. Email  catherineofsiena@roehampton.ac.uk for more information.

In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
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Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Jim Keenan S.J.



Trevor R. Jones


([email protected])