Welcome to the FIRST

The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
October 2016

Dear Friends

I have three major news items to share with you!

First, we are planning our third international CTEWC meeting to be held on July 26-30, 2018  in SARAJEVO.  Next summer the Planning committee will meet there to finalize our conference, but we have already made arrangements for an auditorium (with wifi and air-con), 20 breakout rooms, housing, etc.  More details follow in the next issue of the First.  Because we can only host 500 people we will need to strategize in order to have all of us involved in CTEWC there.

Second, two more of our Women in Africa have defended their dissertations and graduated with a PhD:  Sr. Tunu Wilhelmina Uhai and Sr. Christine Mwangi.  They were graduated 48 hours ago from the Catholic University of East Africa.  Reports on both of them will be in our next issue of the First.

Third, Rebecca Reilly, our web administrator, has been working on our website.  Check out for instance under "Who we are" how the Planning Committee has been updated and our new page, In Memoriam.  Under Conferences check out BOGOTA and BANGALORE (Great pictures and reports).
And Go LIKE our Facebook page!

In the rest of the newsletter see our 6!!!! Forums!

All the best.

Graduating Scholars
From: Elias Opongo
We congratulate Sr. Tunu Wilhelmina Uhai and Sr. Christine Mwangi who both graduated with PhD in Moral Theology at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Nairobi, Kenya on 28th October 2016.  Both of them are beneficiaries of the CTEWC scholarship for women theologians. 

Displaying Graduation Uhai & Christine.jpg

Displaying Elias with the Graduants.jpg
Featured Forum Articles:

Emilce Cuda,  Francisco y el Trabajo

Miguel Angel Sanchez Carlos, Choque moral en México

Asian Report
By: Shaji George Kochuthara
" Impact of Religion and Culture on Women's Empowerment - An Indian Perspective "
Montfort Social Institute, Hyderabad,
23rd - 26th September, 2016.

European Report
By: Roman Globokar
Short Report about the Annual Conference of Association of Bioethicists in Central Europe (BCE) in Prague, 21 - 23 October 2016
The Association of Bioethicists in Central Europe brings together theological ethicists and other professionals from the field of ethics of life in Central European countries under the leadership of Sigrid Müller from the University of Vienna. The topic of the annual conference of this year in Prague was a challenge of infertility. Different point of view of this very actual topics in our countries was presented (medical, physiological, sociological, legal, ethical, theological ...). We discuss also about the possible alternatives and about the appropriate approach and language of the Church in this area.

Latin American Report
By: Emilce Cuda
Gustavo Irrazábal, " Amoris laetitia y los divorciados en nueva unión", Teología 120 (2016) 151-173.
+ Iglesia y democracia. Un encuentro difícil , Biblioteca IAA (Instituto Acton Argentina), Ediciones Cooperativas, Buenos Aires, 2016, 286pp. (hay una versión disponible para Kindle)
+ La Era Francisco. ¿Una revolución? ¿Qué revolución? La Iglesia católica ante el desafío de la misericordia , Ediciones Cooperativas, Buenos Aires, 2016
GASDA, Élio Estanislau . Economia e bem comum : o Cristianismo e uma ética da empresa no Capitalismo . São Paulo: Paulus, 2016.  352 p. ISBN: 978-85-349-4366-6
Pablo A. Blanco , Alabanza gozosa y labor cuidadosa por nuestro común hogar Comentarios a la Carta Encíclica Laudato Si , UCA, Buenos Aires, (Autores: Eduardo Agosta Scarel, Silvia Alonso, Marta Andrich, Mons. Pedro Barreto Jimeno, Pablo Blanco, Roberto Bosca, Alicia Bugallo, Mario A. Cafiero, Mariel Caldas, Teresa Driollet de Vedoya, Lucio Florio, Daniel García Delgado, Héctor Gustavo Giuliano, Antonio Gustavo Gómez, Eugenio Gómez de Mier, Elisa Goyenechea, Octavio Groppa, Carlos Hoevel, Austen Ivereigh, Mon. Jorge R. Lugones, Dorando J. Michelini, Marcelo Sticco, Mariana P. Torrero y Josefina Zuloaga).

Maria Ines de Castro Millen y Ronaldo Zacharias (Organizadores), O Imperio Etico da Misericordia , SBTM - Santuario.

Verónica Naranjo Quintero , Deconstrucción y construcción del cuerpo de la mujer en las técnicas de reproducción asistida humana. Una perspectiva bioética y teológica , Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.


II Congresso Internacional de Doutrina Social da Igreja. De 28 a 30 de setembro de 2016, o UNISAL e a PUC-SP. Campus Santa Teresinha do UNISAL. "A Doutrina Social da Igreja e o cuidado misericordioso dos mais frágeis": Ideologia Midiática, Migração, Tráfico de Pessoas e Trabalho Escravo.

Comisión de BIOETICA Padre José Kentenich.   A partir de Abril 2017  y hasta Octubre junto a la Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino ofreció un Seminario de BIOETICA CLINICA interactivo abierto a todo profesional de la salud. El objetivo es reforzar el compromiso personal con las exigencias éticas y espirituales inherentes a la profesión sanitaria. Coordina Hna .Elena Lugo, Ph,D

SEMINARIO EN MONTEVIDEO POR LOS 500 AÑOS DE "LA UTOPÍA",   Montevideo, "obra literaria y política de Santo Tomás Moro, publicada en 1516". El encuentro fue organizado por el "CEDIDOSC" (Centro de Estudio y Difusión de la Doctrina Social Cristiana)
En el Seminario expusieron el Mario Cayota (ex Embajador de Uruguay ante la Santa Sede), Pablo A. Blanco (miembro del Comité de Planificación de la CTEWC para América Latina y profesor de la UCA, UBA y UNLP) y Lic. Aníbal G. Torres (miembro del Foro CTEWC y profesor de la UNR-UNSAM). con el auspicio del CLAdeES (Argentina), con el apoyo de CEBITEPAL (CELAM), la RED LAPSI, la Orden Franciscana seglar y la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.
Save The Date: 


Event date:  Friday 20th January, 9:00am
Location:  Heythrop College, University of London, Kensington Square, London W8 5HN
An International Day Conference at Heythrop College, University of London
In his ground-breaking new publication, Reframing Theological Ethics (Oxford University Press, 2016), Joseph Selling offers an ethical method that reorients Catholic understandings of theological ethics.  Catholic moral theology, he says, has been based on an approach which over-emphasises the role of normative ethics, thus confining moral responsibility to questions about whether a person is following or disobeying moral rules.
This important conference offers Catholic theological ethicists an opportunity to engage with Professor Selling's work through such themes as 'human motivation', 'intention' and 'virtue', and also through Thomistic and New Testament approaches.  We are delighted to have such distinguished speakers as Joseph Selling himself, Lisa Sowle Cahill, Edward Vacek, SJ, Nicholas Austin SJ, and Mathew Illathuparampil.


We welcome short papers from theological ethicists as well as (post)graduate students in theological ethics or moral theology who have some familiarity with the issues being discussed in Prof. Selling's book. The papers should suggest how the basic approach outlined in the book might be applied to current areas of ethical praxis. Suggested topics could include 'sexuality, parenthood, and family', 'migration and immigration', 'environmental change and sustainability', but may involve other specific areas of research. The principle aim is to apply the book's basic approach to particular topics.
Paper proposals (maximum 500 words) should be submitted to Dr Anna Abram (  [email protected]) before 31 October 2016. Authors of the selected papers will be notified by 15 November. These authors should prepare a presentation for the conference (maximum 20 min.) and have their final, full text (3.000-4.000 words) ready when they attend the Conference. Conference presenters are invited to publish their papers in a special issue of ' Religions' (an international, open access scholarly journal, publishing peer reviewed studies of religious thought and practice). Click  here for further details.
Conference Fee (including lunch and refreshment) 
Standard:  £ 25 
Students:   £ 5 
Unwaged:  £ 10 
Heythrop Students and Staff: free
More details about the conference including the programme will be available online from September 2016
If you require accommodation, please contact Campus Services on 020 7795 4163 or email  [email protected] for further information.

Call for Papers: 

Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Vol. 11, No. 5, March 2017
Call for Papers
Amoris Laetitia
Amoris Laetitia (AL), published following the two Synods on the family - the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops 2014 and the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops 2015 - has evoked a lot of discussion not only in the academic circles, but also among the pastors and the faithful in general. Expectations of changes, in particular about some of the debated issues were high. But, has AL has changed anything in the moral teaching of the Church? Even months after its publication, the debate is going on and the interpretations given by different bishops and theologians differ. Similarly, AL has put forward challenging questions regarding the approaches in moral theology and pastoral practice. The application of the Natural Law, Discernment of Conscience, Law of Gradualness, etc. are some of them.
March 2017 issue of Asian Horizons attempts to contribute to the ongoing discussion on Amoris Laetitia .
Suggested Topics (only recommendations, not exhaustive):
- Experience and Challenges of Families
- Christian Vision of the Family according to Amoris Laetitia
- Marriage Preparation Programme: A Critical Evaluation
- Responsible Parenthood and Parenting
- Conscience and Formation of Conscience in Light of Amoris Laetitia
- Continuity and Discontinuity of the Tradition in Amoris Laetitia
- Is there any Change in of the Church Teaching in Amoris Laetitia ?
- The Spirituality of the Family
- Irregular Situations and Pastoral Care of the Family
- Principles for Pastoral Care of Couples in Difficult and Irregular Situations
- Communion for the Divorced and Remarried Couples
- Accompanying, Discerning and Integrating Weakness
- Amoris Laetitia: Psychological Perspectives
- Amoris Laetitia: Feminist Perspectives
- Natural Law in Amoris Laetitia
- Theological and Pastoral Approach of Pope Francis
As usual, we welcome other articles on any area of theological interest and research.
Please send your articles  (4500-5000 words, including the footnotes) at the latest by 31 January 2017.  Kindly include the abstract of the article in 150-200 words, 5-7 Keywords and a summary of the CV of the author in 100-150 words.
Other regular items:  "New Scholars": Abstract of doctoral theses (recently defended and not yet published); Reports and Statements of important conferences, Book Reviews.
For submitting the articles and for more details: Shaji George Kochuthara (editor-in-chief): [email protected]
N.B. Kindly forward this to your friends and colleagues.
[ Asian Horizons , published from DVK, is a forum for theological reflection in the Asian context marked by economic poverty, cultural diversity and religious plurality. Although the focus is on theological reflection in the context of Asia, we also address theological developments and concerns of the universal Church and try to dialogue with the Church in various contexts. Hence we welcome authors from all over the world. Asian Horizons was launched in 2007 as a biannual. From 2011 it is published   as a quarterly. We have an editorial board consisting of members from India, other Asian countries and other continents.]
Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Themes: 2016-2017
2016: Vol. 10
March: Ethics, Theology and Technology
June: Asia's Women Theologians
September: Asian Christian Heritage
December: Conscience
2017: Vol. 11
March: Amoris Laetitia
June: Protestant Reformation after 500 Years
September: New Faces of Religious Fundamentalism and Violence
December: Asian Christologies

Application Posting:
Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ

The Center invites applications for its resident program in Princeton, NJ, during the 2017-18 academic year, when it will convene an international community of research scholars in its interdisciplinary  Inquiry on Religion & Migration

Applicants offer a research proposal on any aspect of the topic. Scholars in the program, (a) work full-time on their projects in the optimal research environment at the Center, and (b) contribute to a regular colloquium on work in progress. The collaborative thinking of the resident research community is enhanced by a symposia series with leading thinkers on the topic, including Peter Phan, David Hollenbach, and Saskia Sassen.

The Call for Applications with further information on the inquiry topic and resident program can be found on the Center's website at:

The Inquiry on Religion & Migration is the first of four inquiries in the Center's Global Concerns Project, 2017-21.  Later inquiries will consider religion and inequality, religion and violence, and religion and the environment. For more information, go to:

Job Posting: 
Saint Louis University, a Catholic, Jesuit institution dedicated to student learning, research, health care, and service, seeks applicants for an Associate or Full Professor in Health Care Ethics in the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics ( CHCEhttp://www.slu.edu/bioethics.
Background: The Albert Gnaegi Center is a leading research center in bioethics with particular emphasis in health care ethics. It is also the tenure home for its faculty. The Center is dedicated to the teaching, research, and service mission of the University. Center faculty members teach graduate level ethics courses in its PhD program in Health Care Ethics, and also teach professional ethics in the School of Medicine, the School of Nursing, the Colleges of Health Science, and the College for Public Health and Social Justice. The Center's interdisciplinary PhD program in Health Care Ethics trains scholar-practitioners, placing graduates in academic, clinical, and administrative jobs in health care ethics. The Center also offers a very successful undergraduate minor in Health Care Ethics.
Job Announcement: The Albert Gnaegi Center seeks a mid-level or senior scholar in the field of bioethics and health care ethics with a proven record of peer-reviewed scholarship, meeting the Center's qualifications for tenure at the rank of Associate or Full Professor. Applicants should hold a PhD degree or an equivalent in a relevant discipline such as anthropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, theology, or any other relevant discipline. Applicants must also have a scholarly record of normative argumentation on topics related to health care ethics and bioethics. All applicants should show strong evidence of a scholarly research agenda in bioethics.
Position Responsibilities: The successful candidate will teach two (3-credit-hour) courses each semester, and includes the opportunity to teach at the graduate level. The job requires that the candidate mentor PhD dissertations and serve on dissertation committees. The successful candidate will also be expected to share in the service and committee work within the Center and the University. The appointment will begin in Fall 2017, on a nine-month contract.
Application: Interested candidates must complete an application and submit a cover letter, reference list, two writing samples and current curriculum vitae to  https://jobs.slu.edu. For full consideration, applications should be submitted by  November 30, 2016.
University Details: Saint Louis University is an urban university ranked as one of the top 5 Jesuit-Catholic universities in the country. Inquires should be made to Jeffrey Bishop: [email protected].
Saint Louis University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. All qualified candidates will receive consideration for the position applied for without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military/veteran status, gender identity, or other non-merit factors. We welcome and encourage applications from minorities, women, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities (including disabled veterans). If accommodations are needed for completing the application and/or with the interviewing process, please contact Human Resources at 314-977-5847.
Online Courses: 
Online short courses offered by Catherine of Siena College (University of Roehampton) are off to an excellent start, and students from different parts of the globe are signing up and enjoying them. So far, students have been able to take courses on Women and the Catholic Church, Migration Matters, Violence against Women and Spirituality and Social Action. Here is a comment from one of our students:
I found V iolence against women: War, the Domestic Sphere and Religion profoundly educative, inspiring and eye-opening. Learning the various course themes from the standpoint of a man and a religious leader, I was awakened to crucial aspects pertaining to violence against women I was oblivious to owing to patriarchal cultural upbringing and espoused religious traditions that were often characterized by marginalization and oppression of women. Evidently coming from highly informed positions of the subject area, the course instructors presented the material in a thought-provoking manner that shaped strong gender-conscious theological convictions in me. I strongly recommend religious leaders of different faiths to take this course.
Details of upcoming courses, and information about how to register and apply for a bursary can be found at  http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/Catherine-of-Siena/. Email  catherineofsiena@roehampton.ac.uk for more information.
Save The Date: 
Please join us for the Association for Moral Education Conference, December 8-11, 2016, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA.

Jim Keenan, Ronaldo Zacharias and Dan Fleming will be delivering a symposium at this conference entitled " The Formation of Prophetic Conscience and Civic Engagement in Catholicism". We will send out details of the schedule when we have them.

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the conference. Please click on the following link to registe r:  https://www.events.harvard.edu/profile/form/index.cfm?PKformID=0x434455fe38  .

Early bird registration will end on September 15, so please plan to register before the fees increase. Registration will close on November 1.

In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
Submit and Browse CTWEC Resources

Submit Your Resources
Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here.

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Jim Keenan S.J.



Claudio Quintana


  ([email protected])