Acts 1:8…

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Make sure you are following all our Facebook pages!

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FM pic.jpg
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Sign-Up HERE for the Weekly Newsletter
Check Out Your Tri-Rivers Retreat Center HERE

Director of Missions - Rev Richard Ray

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV



I am still recovering from Shingles, but I was able to get to the office this week and attend a couple of meetings without too much pain, but I had to skip a couple of meetings because of the pain. I will again see the doctor this week. Thank you for your prayers and concern.


Tri-Rivers Retreat Center hosted a Disciple Now Weekend with Talon Keeney and friends leading worship. I was able to attend a couple of worship

services where I witnessed students praising the Lord and surrendering to His

calling. I am grateful for our youth ministers who are pouring the love of Christ into these students. The Retreat Center will be hosting Pidcoke Baptist Church this weekend for their couple’s retreat.


This past week, I was able to attend the Erath Baptist Association Pastor and Leadership Meeting hosted at the Tarleton BSM and attend the Tri-Rivers Area Board Meeting hosted at the Tri-Rivers Retreat Center while DNOW was taking place. I also received calls and texts from churches on news of baptisms, building dedications and church anniversary. The Joy of the Lord is moving in this place.


This week, I will attend the funeral service of former Director of Missions of Tri-Rivers Jerry Stratton. He was a faithful servant of the Lord and a wonderful friend and mentor to me and many others. He and his wife were a blessing to so many. 


This week, we will also be finalizing some upgrades to the Retreat Center adding a Bridal Suite as we launch a new wedding venue website to assist in raising funds for the Retreat Center. We also added two Kiosk monitors sharing the story of Tri-Rivers and the Retreat Center, upcoming events and different ways to give/donate for guest to view. Special thanks to Miles Miears for all his assistance.


Your Tri-Rivers Baptist Area Board Church Recovery Fund continues to grow

as we seek to assist our area churches who are struggling with their property

insurance needs. In this newsletter, we have shared the details on how the

Church Recovery Fund will operate. Please view the Newsletter or website for more information and please complete the Church Property Insurance Survey in this newsletter if your church hasn’t already. Texas Baptist is also gathering information from churches to investigate the possibility of providing insurance (see more on this in this newsletter).


Please continue to view this Newsletter for Ministry Opportunities within the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area.  It is our joy to serve all our area churches in meeting the various needs of the church and its leadership. We are honored to be serving each church as we together serve our Lord in sharing the message of Salvation to each community. Your faithful financial support allows every church to have their ministry needs met so they can be more effective in reaching their community for the Lord. We are all One Church located in over 110 Locations serving and working Together in Ministry and in our Calling to deliver the Message of Christ Love to all.  


Please reach out to us with your ministry needs as we are available to serve you 24/7. We are a “Brotherhood of Churches”.


Rev Richard Ray

Director of Missions

Tri-Rivers Baptist Area is in need of your Assistance as we serve our Area Churches in the Gathering of Information concerning the ongoing struggle with Churches having Reliable and Affordable Property Insurance. We are asking each Pastor or Church Treasurer/Financial Officer to complete this short

Church Property Insurance Survey.

Thank you, Rev Richard Ray Director of Missions

Click HERE to Complete the Church Property Insurance Survey

Click to watch:

Tri-Rivers Church Recovery Fund

Informational Video


Hello all! I hope and pray you had a blessed week! Please take a moment to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ as we fulfill the Great Commission together. It's all about Jesus! (Matthew 28:19-20, Ephesians 4:11-13)

Thank you all for your faithful support to the ministry of Tri-Rivers Baptist Area!

(1/27/24 - 2/2/24)

This past Sunday, I led worship and sang special music at FBC Hico as they finished up their DNOW Weekend. Monday, I visited Tarleton BSM. Thursday, I attended the Erath Baptist Association Business Meeting hosted by Tarleton BSM. Following that, I visited FBC Stephenville. Friday through Sunday, I led worship for FBC Hico's DNOW hosted at your Tri-Rivers Retreat Center.

This coming Sunday, I will be visiting Fairy Baptist Church. Monday, I will be attending former DOM Jerry Stratton's Funeral Service at FBC Copperas Cove. Tuesday, I will be picking up sound equipment from FBC Stephenville. Throughout the week I will be in and out of the Area Office fulfilling the needs of our area churches.

 I am available to assist any of our area churches who need a guest preacher, worship leader, or musician, and I am available to give sound, video, and media consultation assistance.

 If you or someone you know is a Musician, Worship Leader, or Local Church Missionary, we encourage you to serve in our area Churches. If you feel led to serve in this area, please contact your Area Office at or 432-202-1526.

I am here to serve you and your church and look forward to meeting you as my wife Josalyne and I travel around the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area.

Talon Keeney

Associate Director

Tri-Rivers Baptist Area

Complete Church Women's Ministry Survey HERE
Email Donna Trusty (Tri-Rivers Women's/WMU Director) HERE

For a limited time, you can purchase Pursue 2025 tickets at our early bird rate of $65 per person. Make the most of your budget by registering early at

Go HERE to Learn More

Bible Drill & Speakers' Tournament

April 5, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

First Baptist Church, 201 E McDermott, Allen, TX

State Bible Drill for children and regional Bible Drill & Speakers' Tournament for youth and high school

For more information contact Jennifer Howington at or call (214) 828-5287.

Bible Drill & Speakers' Tournament

April 12, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Tallowood Baptist Church, 555 Tallowood Rd, Houston, TX

State Bible Drill for children and regional Bible Drill & Speakers' Tournament for youth and high school

For more information contact Jennifer Howington at or call (214) 828-5287.

State Finals Bible Drill & Speakers' Tournament

May 3, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

First Baptist Church, 201 E McDermott, Allen, TX

State finals for youth and high school Bible Drill and Speakers' Tournament

For more information contact Jennifer Howington at or call (214) 828-5287.

Learn More About Bible Drills/Speakers Tournament HERE

Strategic Ministry Director Report

Kevin Miles, Tri-Rivers Stategic Ministry Director

Email Kevin Miles (Tri-Rivers Strategic Ministry Director) HERE

I am thankful for each of you and your commitment to work together to reach the Tri-Rivers Area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everywhere I visit has been a huge encouragement to see the body of Christ working together.

This past week I have been able to visit with churches and leaders at the following:

  • Church Visit: Birth of Hope - Cottonwood Shores
  • Leader Meeting: Hamilton Baptist Association @ FBC Hico
  • Serve: FBC Stephenville (Look at items to donate for TRBA churches)
  • Leader Meeting: Erath Baptist Association @ Tarleton BSM
  • Board Meeting: Tri-Rivers Board Meeting @ TRBA Retreat Center
  • Serve: Timber Ridge - Stephenville (Run Sound for Worship)
  • Jesus Focused Youth Ministry: Met with our Kenyan leader & one hour zoom with our Nigerian leaders

This week, I will have several meetings with ministers, youth ministry leaders and will attend a marriage conference this weekend.

I am also available to help you in your mission trip/project planning, training/encouraging volunteers, training to develop a personalized youth ministry strategy, or any ministry project you are wanting to accomplish. I am also available to supply preach, if needed.

We will also be working on our school assemblies and outreaches coming up March 31-April 6. If you have a contact in your area with the schools and would like to bring Dignity Revolution to your area, contact us! Learn more about Dignity Revolution at

If you would like to learn more about my position with Tri-Rivers and feel led to support my role, you can visit

Kevin Miles

Tri-Rivers Strategic Ministry Director

Email Pastor Chris Ortego HERE If Interested

The Bosque Baptist Association is excited to invite you to a fun evening of laughs and encouragement with comedian and author Jeff Allen.

"The Human Condition: We're Still Not There Yet!" with Jeff Allen will be Friday, March 21st beginning at 7 pm in the Clifton ISD Performing Arts Center. This night will be packed with more laughs about marriage, family, and all the things that make life hilariously complicated. Grab tickets now for a night of pure entertainment.

Learn More/Purchase Tickets HERE

Hispanic Ministry Director Report

Pastor Bob Evaul, Tri-Rivers Hispanic Church Consultant

Email Bob Evaul (Tri-Rivers Hispanic Ministry Consultant) HERE

I had the joy of attending the Tri Rivers Baptist Area Hispanic Fellowship service on Sunday the 26th in the afternoon. It was a great time of worship and fellowship. Due to the weather, attendance was down, but there still were 44 from 5 different churches. The churches represented were the two Hispanic churches in Gatesville, the Hispanic church in Lampasas, the Hispanic church in San Saba and the host church, Iglesia Bautista Betel in Lometa. All of the churches participated with special music, then received the preaching from the Word of the Lord by Mario Alaniz. His sermon was Christ centered and was of great encouragement to all of those who were there. Mario is a missionary with Barnabas Ministry and is helping out as supply pastor for churches in the Austin area and our area churches. He is completely bi-lingual, so if you need a pulpit supply in English or Spanish let me know and I will put you in contact with him.

After the worship part of the service, we all gathered around the dinner table for some really good and plentiful food and a good time of fellowship with each other.

I had the opportunity there of meeting with the leaders of the Tri Rivers Hispanic Fellowship and the United For Christ Fellowship which is part of the Burnet/Llano Association. This meeting was to begin the planning of a joint Fellowship in April, which looks to be a real encouragement to the Baptist Hispanic churches in this area of Texas.


Tuve la alegría de asistir al servicio de Compañerismo Tres Rios del Área Bautista de Tri Rivers el domingo 26 por la tarde. Fue un gran momento de adoración y compañerismo. Debido al clima, la asistencia disminuyó un poco, pero todavía había 44 personas de 5 iglesias diferentes. Las iglesias representadas fueron las dos iglesias hispanas en Gatesville, la iglesia hispana en Lampasas, la iglesia hispana en San Saba y la iglesia anfitriona, la Iglesia Bautista Betel en Lometa. Todas las iglesias participaron con música especial, luego recibieron la predicación de la Palabra del Señor por parte del Hermano Mario Alaniz. Su sermón estuvo centrado en Cristo y fue de gran aliento para todos los que estaban allí. Mario es misionero del Ministerio Barnabé y está ayudando como pastor suplente para iglesias en el área de Austin y nuestras iglesias del área. Él es completamente bilingüe, así que si necesita un predicador en inglés o español, hágamelo saber y le pondré en contacto con él.

Después de la parte de adoración del servicio, todos nos reunimos alrededor de la mesa para disfrutar de una comida realmente buena y abundante y de un buen momento de compañerismo entre nosotros.

Allí tuve la oportunidad de reunirme con los líderes del Compañerismo Tre Rios y el Compañerismo Unidos Para Cristo que es parte de la Asociación Burnet/Llano. Esta reunión fue para iniciar la planificación de un Compañerismo conjunta en abril, que parece ser un verdadero estímulo para las iglesias bautistas hispanas en esta área de Texas.

Learn More HERE:  KOZ MISSION STATEMENT To Train Men in Churches to Mentor Boys Using Outdoor Adventure.
Email Tommy HERE for More Information
Learn More/Print Brochure HERE
View Training Video HERE
Take Training Quiz HERE

Coryell Community Church in Gatesville

is Donating a large Sound Board to any church that is interested.

If Interested Contact the church at 254-248-0849




Alicia Straley

512-556-7522 CALL OR TEXT

FBC Llano is donating a piano, if your church in interested please contact the church office at: (325)247-4803

FREE ORGAN for ministry use for pick up in Temple.

Please consider a donation if used for personal use.

Call Margaret: 281-851-9801

Free Upright Piano.

Contact Joy Pierson at if interested

(*Not actual picture)

FREE Wurlitzer Upright Piano

Old and needs tuning. Free to any church, mission or church plant that will pick it up and provide a donation letter on church letterhead.

Located at 4379 Rota Circle, Fort Worth.

Call Joanne or Dr. Dan Crawford at 817-294-2657

School Creek Baptist Church

Would like to donate this beautiful Conference Table (5' wide X 12' long X 33" high) to a church or ministry organization.

Contact School Creek Baptist Church if Interested.


Robertson Avenue Baptist Church

is donating a 10 Foot Projector Screen.

If interested contact the church at

Donate/Apply/Learn More HERE
WMU of Texas | Request Consultation (
Try Sample Curriculum
WMU of Texas | WMU of Texas Group Registration (

WMU Staff and Contact Information

TAMIKO JONES Executive Director-Treasurer (214) 828-5150

BETH CAMPBELL Communications Consultant/ Mary Hill Davis Offering Project Manager (214) 828-5155

BRANDI JONES Marketing Specialist (214) 828-5152

JOYCE PORTO Missional Lifestyle Strategist for Multicultural

(469) 405-1638

CHRIS ROWLEY Christian Women’s & Men’s Job Corps State Consultant (737) 280-8660

MARISOL SANDOVAL Missional Lifestyle Strategist for Preschool, Children, Youth, and Young Adults (214) 828-5158

TERI USSERY Missional Lifestyle Strategist for Adults and Young Adults (214) 828-5374

NAYELY VALLEJO Office Manager/Administrative Assistant

(214) 828-5150

ESTELA ESCOBAR Financial Assistant (214)828-5331

BENNYE BRYANT Sisters Who Care (214)356-3458

VICKIE LEE Ministry Assistant (214) 828-5396

VANESSA LERMA WMU of TX Missionary, Border Ministries

(956) 279-5515

The WMU Office information:

10325 Brockwood Rd., Dallas, Texas 75238

Phone: (214) 828-5150 | Email:


feat. Rev. Richard Ray

Click HERE/Subscribe to the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area YouTube Channel
Learn More/Register HERE for Highland Lakes Events
Revival Services.jpg

Has your Church Scheduled a Revival for 2025?

Please let us know by emailing us the following information to 


Name of Church 

Dates of Revival Services

Evangelist Name 

Worship Leaders Name


We will promote all Revival Dates in the Newsletter

Live Oak Baptist Church


Gatesville, TX

March 31st - April 2nd

6:30pm (All Services)

Evangelist - Danny Crosby

Worship - Talon Keeney

CWJC of Highland Lakes - Burnet, TX (Click HERE to Learn More)
CWJC/CMJC of Dublin, TX (Click HERE to Learn More)

Pastors Join Today

This private Facebook group is created for those serving as Pastors only within the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area. This private group is a safe place for Pastors to share prayer concerns, victories and resources with fellow Pastors. On the 10th day of each month, we are asking each pastor to pray for one another.

This Pastors Only Facebook Page was created by

Pastors for Pastors.

We are a Brotherhood of Pastors.

Join Us Today


Church Registration for On-Site Active Shooter Response Class 


Tri-Rivers Baptist Area will offer free Certified On-Site Active Shooter Response Class. Bob Ray III is Texas DPS Certified in Active Shooter Response. He is available through your Tri-Rivers Area Office to educate your church safety/security team and congregation. There is no cost to your church.


Register your church for the Active Shooter Response Class opportunity by calling your Area Office or Register On-line Below

 (254) 865-1299 * 

Register HERE

Start your training by enrolling in an online class below:

Disaster Relief Orientation

This is where TBM Disaster Relief training begins. All TBM Disaster Relief volunteers must complete this training as well as a background check in order to serve. This class provides the fundamentals for serving in the wake of disasters. Click here to begin.

All participants must have first taken the orientation class.

Food Handling Training

A warm meal warms the soul after a disaster. You can provide that critical meal through TBM feeding teams. Click here to begin.

Fire and Flood Recovery Training

Fires and floods can ruin everything a person owns in a few short hours. Learn how you can deliver help, hope and healing after these disasters. 

Click here to begin.

Box Unit Training

When people lose everything in a disaster, they will begin the painful process of trying to salvage their items. Through TBM box ministry, you can walk alongside them in that process. Click here to begin.

Shower/Laundry Training

After a disaster, a hot shower and clean laundry are an immense blessing. You can provide that through TBM shower/laundry teams. Click here to begin.

Rebuild Training

This course empowers you to rebuild homes after disasters. 

Click here to begin.

Dear Texas Baptist (BGCT) Churches,


As you well know, the current property insurance environment for Texas Baptist churches is difficult at best, and dire for many. These circumstances have prompted the BGCT to explore potential solutions, including forming a captive insurance pool. Administered through a new corporation (yet to be formed) which will be under the control of the BGCT, the insurance pool would function much like a coop to provide insurance coverage for our churches. 


We believe the benefits of this pool will include stable coverage, competitive rates and deductibles, stronger incentives, and more ministry investment. A feasibility study specifically for the Texas Baptists Insurance Program is currently underway and will be critical in determining our next steps. 


If you would be interested in providing your church information for this insurance feasibility study, please send your contact information to your Director of Missions as he is compiling an interest list to be forwarded to Texas Baptist. 

Once we receive your contact information, you will receive a request for basic insurance information that will only take a few minutes to complete. This information will be vital in setting up this new program and in partnering with us that will benefit both your church and our family of Texas Baptist churches.


If you want to study more about this program, the link below is a webinar BGCT conducted for Director of Missions across the state. We are excited about the possibilities the program holds.


TexasBaptist Webinar Edited.mp4 - Google Drive


With blessings,


Ward D. Hayes, D.Min.

Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer 

Office 214.828.5310 | Fax 214.292.9635 

Texas Baptists

7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1200

Dallas, TX 75231-2388

If your Church would like to be contacted for this Feasibility Study Email your Area Office and provide "Church Name & Address, Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact Phone Number"by Clicking this Button
Learn More/Start Your Will HERE

To view the list of Bible Studies Available at your Area Office, go to our website or click Here

Read Righteous Roots Latest Newsletter HERE or Request a Speaker

Hello church families! 

Mission Righteous Roots is a faith-based, nonprofit, crisis resource center located in Gatesville. We provide free social services to any individual living in Coryell, Bell, Bosque, Hamilton, Lampasas, or McLennan counties who are dealing with hardship/crisis/trauma as a result of past or present abuse of any type. This includes domestic abuse, family violence, victims of crime, sexual abuse, financial abuse, substance abuse, spiritual abuse, etc. We provide a multitude of support groups and classes ranging from Substance Abuse, Parenting, Anger Management, Life Skills, Bible Study, Domestic Violence 101, and a ton more. We also have a few classes/groups available in Spanish!  Our on-site case managers (we have a bilingual case manager available for Spanish-speaking families) provide one-on-one case management, advocacy, referrals, and more. Most importantly, we are sharing the path to salvation and planting seeds of hope in people who are often at their lowest point. Our administrative team loves sharing a word of hope at conferences, church services, and supporting organizations. We are passionate about giving God the glory for all HE is doing at Mission Righteous Roots, educating on important and sensitive topics, and inspiring people to use their testimonies to serve others.  

We'd love the opportunity to come visit with pastors, mission teams, or your congregations to share what God is doing in and through this local ministry that is providing free services available to your church body.  

To schedule someone to come share, please email, or call/text Melanie Webb directly at (254) 223-3770. 

If you or someone in your church is interested in volunteering at Righteous Roots, please sign up to attend one of our monthly Volunteer Orientations at the following link:

To learn more about our organization and the services we offer, please visit our website or check out our Facebook and Instagram pages @missionrighteousroots

One easy way you can get involved is to complete this short and easy Community Needs Survey. This survey will help us identify the greatest needs and barriers within your communities and begin working on solutions to overcome them.  

We are immensely grateful for the overwhelming amount of support the faith community has, is, and continues to provide for Righteous Roots. God is doing a great work! We look forward to hearing from you soon and hopefully, visiting with your church family in the coming months! 

In Christ,

Melanie Webb

Executive Director

Mission Righteous Roots

904 E Leon St

Gatesville, TX 76528  


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Tri-Rivers Baptist Area Churches


Surrounding Area Churches

Seeking Pastors & Ministry Staff

View Church Profile and Submit Resume


FBC Dublin

NOW HIRING: Preschool Director for Kingdom Kids Preschool located in Dublin, Texas. Below are the qualifications and job description. Please send resumes to

worship pastor search.jpg

First Baptist Church of Hamilton, TX,

is seeking a part-time Minister of Music and Worship.

For more information please contact

Peter Elkins ( or

Maria Weaver (

Click HERE to View the Minister of Worship Job Description
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Eastwood Baptist Church

2518 E. Main Street

Gatesville, TX 76528

Seeking Children's Minister

For more information or to send Resume

contact Eastwood Baptist Church


Kempner Oak Hills Baptist Church is in need of a piano player. For more information contact F.A. Taylor


Cross Bearers Baptist Church is in need of a piano player. For more information contact Bro. Fisher


Oakalla Baptist Church is looking for a pianist for their Sunday Services.

They are willing to pay a honorarium.

If you are interested please contact Bro. Clay Cole: or (254) 681-7397

First Baptist Church - Evant is in need of a piano player.

For more information contact Pastor Dane Barron


youth minister search.jpg

Eastwood Baptist Church

2518 E. Main Street

Gatesville, TX 76528

Seeking Youth Minister

For more information or to send Resume

contact Eastwood Baptist Church

Clear Creek Baptist Church

Seeking Part-Time Youth Director & Associate Pastor

Contact Pastor Steve Hudson if Interested or for more information at 254-499-8170

Clear Creek Baptist Church

3350 FM 2657

Kempner, TX 76539

Job Description is Below

FBC Gustine 

Looking for a part-time youth minister

Contact Pastor Emmanuel Jimenez for more information


Selden Organ.jpg

(Not actual picture)

Selden Baptist Church has a 1960s Hammond Organ available. 

It has a single locking base and full keyboard. 

Contact Milton at 254-386-7966

Tri-Rivers Baptist Area Office

950 CR 227

Hico, TX 76457

Monday: 9:30am-3:30pm

Tuesday:   9:30am-3:30pm

Wednesday:  9:30am-3:30pm

Thursday:     9:30am-3:30pm

Friday: On Call

Sat-Sun: On Call

Contact/Schedule a Visit:

432-202-1526 - Richard Ray, Director of Missions

254-736-0410 - Talon Keeney, Associate Director

Tri-Rivers Baptist Area

950 CR 227, Hico, TX | 432-202-1526