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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 11, Issue 1 (November 5/15)
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What does WPH believe?

Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

Workforce Planning Hamilton presents the 2015 Labour Market Plan: A Multi-Year Plan for Labour Market Development in Hamilton
smiling_factory_supervisor.jpg With the aid of our stakeholders WPH is pleased to present our 2015 Labour Market Plan. The plan was established last year, and this year we consulted with our community partners to update the plan.
If you want up-to-date local labour market information the 2015 Labour Market Plan is necessary reading.
What will you find in the plan?
  • An update on Hamilton's labour market conditions
  • Top industries by employment
  • Top occupational groups by employment
  • Information about local job seekers
  • What are employers saying?
  • WPH's action plan for the upcoming year and beyond
Hamilton's Multi-Year Labour Market Priorities

At our community consultation the key priorities which we established in 2014 were validated, and revisions and adjustments were recorded. Below are the four priorities that WPH's projects will be addressing.

1. Soft Skills Development: There is an identified need to build fundamental soft skills for new labour market entrants and those with barriers to employment.

2. Designated Groups Engagement with the Labour Market: Designated groups (including youth, immigrants, persons with disablities, visible minorities and Aboriginals) face specific and unique challenges to finding employment.

3. Understanding Increasing and Evolving Skills Requirements: Technological advancement across all industries requires multi-skilled workers at all levels who are adaptable, flexible and willing to learn.

4. Exploring Opportunities in Hamilton's Diversifying Economy: Broaden job seekers' awareness of the growth of opportunities with small and medium sized business and different work environments. 
Give us your feedback on the 2015 Labour Market Plan

computer_idea_web.jpg After reading our Labour Market Plan please complete a brief survey to share your feedback.

Click here to complete the survey. 

If you would like to be part of the Labour Market Plan process and partner with WPH on upcoming projects please contact Judy Travis, Executive Director at 905-521-5777 or by email at: judy.travis@workforceplanninghamilton.ca.
Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777



Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca