House of Hope International Newsletter

September 2023

Now that our kids are back in

school mark your calendar on

November 28th for this year’s big #GivingSchoolDay event! Together you can change the lives of 2,200 or more students in Nicaragua, Honduras, and Bolivia by giving a $30 school uniform to the children of a woman in prostitution or to a young girl in or at risk of trafficking. 

Want to get your community involved in #GivingSchoolDay? Join the group of heroes participating in fundraising for school this fall. Let us know you are interested!

Are you interested in joining our fundraising group for school this fall?
Yes in in!
Not this time.


Isabel Lopez

When did you first come to know God? 

In 2009 Isabel Lopez came across women meeting in a home worshiping God and studying scripture. It was a House of Hope community group for women who are coming out of prostitution. She was so intrigued by the Bible study that she kept coming to hear more about God’s Word each week. Isabel came to know the Lord through the community group and left her old lifestyle behind just like the other women in her group! She says, “I felt very relieved and forgiven. I knew that God was ministering to me and taking all of those bad things out of me.” Now, she is passionate about reading her Bible, going to church and regularly attending meetings. 

Thank you, our amazing supporters, who make these community groups possible. 


El Castro: Shining the light of Christ in the darkest places.

El Castro brothel is a very dark place in the heart of the city of San Pedro Sula. It is physically dirty, but the worst part is the spiritual darkness.

Surrounding the women and children who live there are pimps, drug dealers and addicts. A few feet from where our weekly discipleship class takes place there are visible drug deals happening. There are rats, pimps and many forms of darkness. It is particularly hard to see the children who are born there and grow up there not knowing a different world.

House of Hope’s ministry is intent on breaking the cycle of poverty and prostitution. For the children there is a weekly Bible lesson to bring light into the darkness they live in. We also provide backpacks, school uniforms and encourage the mothers to register their kids for school. For the women, in addition to the weekly discipleship class, we provide vocational alternatives at the ministry center.

Several of the women recently attended a jewelry making class. They can immediately generate a dignified income by selling the earrings that they made. 

El Castro discipleship class

A dignified income of jewelry making


“Debra” left House of Hope Bolivia at the end of last year to help when her mother broke her ankle. Unfortunately, Debra met a man, began living with him and did not move back to House of Hope. He was a violent man and has since then been accused of murder. 

Girls who have been trafficked at early ages like Debra come from such dysfunctional homes that they have not learned how to choose better for themselves. They have an overwhelming need for affection and someone to show them that they are loved. Without the healing hand of God this cycle is almost impossible to break.

Thankfully Debra, at 15, has now returned to House of Hope with her beautiful baby. She was not able to go to school this year because of her baby, but she is studying her Bible and going to church once again. We are excited to have Debra and the new baby safe in the girls’ home and are hopeful that God will continue to transform their lives.

Pray with us for Debra and other young girls like her. It is not easy being a mom at 15 but God is able to make beauty from ashes in any situation.

Want to help girls like Debra thrive?

Learn more on the updated webpage page for Bolivia.

Bolivia Page
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House of Hope is a 501c(3) non-profit