August 2020 News and Updates
Release of the Annual Report 2019 - 2020
We are celebrating our 55th Anniversary! 

While our annual meeting was cancelled this year, we still published an exciting 2019-2020 Annual Report.
We’d like to thank all of our member towns, cities and partnering organizations for their constant support! It has been an extremely productive year and we are looking forward to working with you all despite these difficult times.
SMPDC in the News
New Funding for Economic Recovery
SMPDC is pleased to announce we have been awarded a grant from the Economic Development Administration to develop a region wide economic recovery program comprised of strategies to provide relief to businesses that have been negatively impacted due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Did you know SMPDC staffs 10 towns in the region?!
  • Kennebunk 
  • South Berwick 
  • North Berwick 
  • Ogunquit 
  • Berwick 
  • Eliot 
  • Waterboro 
  • Hollis 
  • Newfield 
  • Saco 
In April, daily mileage in the region was reduced by 66%
We're teaming up to tackle sustainable transportation issues!
Our Sustainability Coordinator used “Streetlight Data”: a platform that uses location-based-services data to analyze dramatic changes to travel patterns in our towns.

A new initiative aimed at developing comprehensive rural roadway standards for our region and member towns is in the early stages.
Important Opportunity- Your Input is Essential
The Maine Climate Council has finished a draft Climate Action Plan!

Be Sure to Visit -
  1. Maine Climate Council Site
  2. Draft Climate Strategies
  3. Surveys - Respond before September!
  4. Climate Council Toolkits - Start the Conversation

Municipalities are critical stakeholders - review the draft and participate in surveys ASAP!
Information session for municipal leaders on Climate Action Plan - August 18: 6:30-7:30pm - Register Here
Free Webinars addressing Social Justice from GPCOG
The Greater Portland Council of Governments is offering a free webinar series, open to the public, regarding racial inequity and how to address it.
Always Adding Transit and Trails
Photo by Cindy Barks, TrailLink, 2019
Better Walking and Biking for Saco

Plans to bring better walking, biking, and transit to Saco Island and Saco Mill Area! Do you live or work here? Take our survey!
Eastern Trail- Filling Gaps

We are collaborating with partners to apply for competitive planning funds to address two gaps in the Eastern Trail network.
Welcome our Newest Hire!
Raegan Young is our Community Planner and Outreach Specialist.

Kelsey Pelton is moving into the new role of Economic and Environmental Specialist!

Congratulations, Kelsey!  
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