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Why the ADA Matters to Me: A Conversation With Steve Ferreira
For the past 32 years, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has protected the civil rights of people with disabilities.

Recently, we interviewed Steve Ferreira, a self-advocate and motivational speaker, who shared how the ADA has impacted his life and how he hopes to ensure that the promise of the ADA is being kept in his community.
“In 2016, I contacted my hometown to put in signs at a dangerous crosswalk close to my home where I had almost been hit by a car. But nothing happened at the time.

Two years later, while crossing the street in my wheelchair, I was hit by a car that made a right turn onto the road. There was a red light but no warning about watching for pedestrians. I was okay, but my legs would be gone if my wheelchair had not had a leg guard.

I contacted the city again and told them what happened. Using the ADA to back me up, I was able to get the city to install a turning light at the crosswalk. It took two more years for the city to take care of the situation, but I felt a sense of accomplishment when it did.”
Read the full interview to learn about the accessibility certificate Steve is working on at Central Washington University, the work he hopes to do in the future, and what he wants others to know about the ADA.
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For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.