• Following the input received at the F2F, ICANN Support Staff compiled a Lawful Basis Memo, which included:
  1. Example of 6(1)(b) from UK Information Commissioner’s Office to assist the group in determining what “necessary for the performance of a contract” means under GDPR.
  2. Explanatory Lawful Basis Table, which includes the draft conclusions of processing activities, the corresponding lawful basis, and the responsible actors decided by a small breakout team
  3. Thomas Rickert’s Lawful Basis Test (used by small group to deliberate on some processing activities)
  4. Consolidated Lawful Basis Table, which highlights the purpose, processing activities, responsible parties, and legal basis.

  • The Team was asked to further review the Lawful basis memo to provide further edits by Thursday, 4 October.

  • The Team continued working through the data elements workbooks; this week, we focused on Purpose C, Purpose F, and Purpose M.

  • To continue the progress form the Team’s F2F meeting, the Team agreed to work in small groups to cover additional topics/charter questions that needed to be addressed prior to Barcelona.

  • first draft of Initial Report Section on charter questions and preliminary recommendations was shared with the EPDP team member to present a draft outline, highlight pending questions and elicit further input. The document is being updated on a regular basis based on ongoing deliberations.