
Just a few weeks ago my family and I began attending in-person worship services once again. We recently moved to the Red Deer area of Alberta, and have been attending at CrossRoads EMC. I applaud them and many of our EMCC churches who have sought to serve their people well by how they have relaunched in-person gatherings with love and compassion. I also recognize that relaunching in-person gatherings is not wise for all congregations, and the EMCC National Team is in full support of those churches who have decided to wait a little longer.

Two Sundays ago Dan Cochrane, Senior Pastor of CrossRoads Church, started a new series titled Sent. This is a timely series, with a powerful message. In the first sermon of the series, Pastor Dan said these words, "I'm sent [by Jesus] into the neighbourhood... I'm not stuck. I'm stationed." This gave me the idea for the title of the Fall 2020 edition of EMCC Together. It also happens to match closely with a quote from one of the EMCC Connected Across the Globe participants, who stated, "We have been dispersed in a new way. Now there is a church in every neighbourhood." I couldn't have said it better myself!

As we face an uncertain season, in which there is already a sense that a second wave of increased COVID-19 cases is coming, we must embrace this message of being stationed. We cannot wait for things to return to "normal" in order to continue the mission given to us by Jesus. With this mindset shift, each one of us become empowered missionaries in our neighbourhoods rather than victims of a global pandemic. We exist in our particular places for a purpose, to "run the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith." (from Heb. 12:1-2, ESV)

On behalf of the EMCC National Team,

William Knelsen
EMCC Director of Communications