The latest news from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes 
This newsletter provides the latest updates from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), the BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL) and related forest and climate fund work. This issue highlights news, webinars and events from February to April 2021. Please contact us with any questions or feedback.
Madagascar, Nepal and Republic of Congo sign innovative emission reductions agreements with the FCPF
These three countries are the latest to sign large-scale Emission Reductions Payment Agreements (ERPAs) with the FCPF Carbon Fund. To date, 13 participant countries have signed ERPAs, which have unlocked nearly US$645 million to lower carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

Read more on emission reductions programs in:
Mozambique set to become the first FCPF country to receive results-based payments
In 2020, Mozambique became the first country to submit to the FCPF an official monitoring report, which showed significant carbon emission reductions from deforestation. Independent verification of this monitoring report is expected to wrap up in May, after which time the FCPF Carbon Fund will proceed with issuing its first results-based payments.

This marks a major step forward for the FCPF Carbon Fund and Mozambique's ongoing efforts to conserve forests and halt deforestation.

Ethiopian farmers triple coffee yields with sustainable tree stumping
Ethiopian farmers are adopting a sustainable tree rejuvenation technique called stumping that is significantly increasing production, improving livelihoods, and helping farmers adapt to climate change. The ISFL has launched an innovative private sector strategy in Ethiopia’s Oromia region that includes funding to help scale up coffee stumping.

FCPF-ISFL’s global private sector workshop sessions now available online
If you weren’t able to attend the FCPF-ISFL global virtual workshop in March on private sector engagement, not to worry! Video links to all workshop sessions are now available on the FCPF website in English, French and Spanish.

This three-day workshop discussed the critical role that the financial and private sectors can play in tackling deforestation and climate change.

FCPF’s REDD+ Capacity Building Program enters its final phase
The third and final phase of the FCPF’s long-standing Capacity Building Program for Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society will focus on strengthening the engagement of forest-dependent communities in REDD+ implementation and decision making at both national and regional levels.

Advancing REDD+ gender integration in Madagascar and Côte d’Ivoire
The FCPF has partnered with international NGO WOCAN to develop and pilot an innovative training course in Madagascar and Côte d’Ivoire focused on how to make REDD+ forest and climate programs more gender inclusive.

Dominican Republic finalizes REDD+ gender analysis and action plan
With support from the FCPF, the Dominican Republic has completed a comprehensive gender analysis that takes stock of current barriers for women’s participation in REDD+, and a gender action plan that proposes strategies to overcome existing barriers.

Togo implements its second National Forest Inventory
Following up on Togo’s first successful National Forest Inventory (NFI) in 2016, the country launched its second NFI in March 2021, covering the whole five regions of the country. With support from the FCPF, Togo expects to complete its second NFI by July 2021, with the aim to provide updated forest reference emission levels, and the evolution of forest cover and reforestation data.

This second NFI will allow the country to inform its current forest cover and change, including efforts in sustainable forest management within the framework of the National REDD+ Strategy and its action plan.

Watch video (in French)
FCPF’s next Carbon Fund meeting set for June 2021
The 23rd meeting of the FCPF Carbon Fund is set to happen virtually, June 15-17, 2021. Registration is now open for FCPF participants.

Forest and climate funds in the news
Nepal photo: Kelly Grainger/World Bank, Madagascar photo: Eugene Kaspersky/World Bank, Mozambique photo: Leonardo Chauque/World Bank, CBP photo: Parfait Dihoukamba/REPALEAC, all other photos courtesy of World Bank or partners and used with permission or purchased stock.