October 13, 2023

Pawling Superintendent Kim Fontana brings us Tiger Talks: a brand new podcast featuring up-close and personal conversations with members of the Pawling school community.

CLICK HERE to enjoy the inaugural episode of Tiger Talks on Amazon Music!

Upcoming Events

Oct 14th:

Homecoming Dance at PHS (7-10pm)

Oct 16-19th:

PES Book Fair

Oct 19-20th:

PMS Picture Days

Oct 30th:

PES Picture Day


Project SUCCESS: A new approach to substance use education and intervention

Sitting in his office at Pawling Middle School, Raymond Drogan is a calming presence. He speaks softly as he sifts through a folder of organized educational materials, stopping to pull out a booklet entitled “Too Good for Drugs and Violence.”

“This is a guide that I use, but I also like students to facilitate their own experience and make it theirs,” he says with a smile.

Drogan is Pawling Central School District’s new Student Assistance Counselor. He supports Pawling students by providing substance abuse prevention counseling and education. Brought to the district by a grant from the Council on Addiction Prevention and Education of Dutchess County, Inc. (CAPE), he is part of a comprehensive substance abuse prevention and intervention program entitled Project SUCCESS (Schools Using Coordinated Community Efforts to Strengthen Students) that will run through the 2023-24 school year in both the middle and high schools.

The district partnered with CAPE to bring in Project SUCCESS after noting an increase in vaping activity within the school buildings. The district has increased consequences for students caught vaping in school, with penalties ranging from a phone call home and a week of detention upon first offense to suspension for more than three violations. 

However, high school Principal Helen Callan said the district is committed to providing a multifaceted approach to supporting students who may be struggling with substance use. With a blend of individual and group counseling, education and family communication programs, Project SUCCESS fits the bill.

“We’re thrilled to be partnering with CAPE to promote healthy choices in our students,” she said. “Like all schools across the nation, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in the number of students who choose to vape and we’re committed to redirecting and supporting them.”

“Although vaping is a focus, Raymond is also a valuable resource to students and families regarding stimulants, opioids and other substance use,” added high school Assistant Principal Ean Titus.

Drogan, who holds a master’s degree in social work, has hit the ground running. He has built relationships with students during counseling sessions, been in touch with families and worked with counselors and teachers to present joint education programs centered on healthy choices.

He sees his role in the schools as a vastly different type of substance use education than he experienced as a child.

“There were barely any resources for substance use counseling when I was in school and prevention efforts weren’t really getting anywhere at the time,” Drogan said, “It’s great to see social workers, psychologists and counselors in the schools now – it’s a totally different landscape.”

Drogan is currently stationed at the district two days a week: one day at the middle school and the other at the high school. Middle school principal Megan Gleason says that his presence has enhanced the way the school works with students and families on substance use and prevention. 

One of Drogan’s favorite aspects of his role is that he’s able to offer a student-led approach to substance use education and a more personalized experience to those who seek counseling and support.

“The difference between older drug prevention programs and this is that I’m not here to lead,” he said. “I’m here to have a presence and throw the students ideas that they can run with.”

“Having a counselor in the school opens different lines of communication and I’m really happy to be providing that.” 

Pawling Elementary School Students

Start with Hello

High fives, fist-bumps and huge smiles reigned supreme in the halls of Pawling Elementary School during Start with Hello Week, a nationwide initiative aimed at nurturing a feeling of belonging among youth, held the first week of October. 

Developed by Sandy Hook Promise (a nonprofit organization that aims to prevent violence and promote kindness in schools and communities), Start with Hello teaches students how to look for the signs of social isolation and treat their classmates with friendliness and empathy. Pawling Elementary’s school counselor Jessica Dommu has run the program for four years and said that it is a staple in the school calendar each year. 

“The kids just love it,” Dommu said. “It’s a great way for them to increase the connection between them and have fun at the same time.” 

Each day of Start with Hello week brought a new activity or challenge. Classes started out by making posters featuring their own “promise pledges” – written commitments to including and accepting others – to hang in the hallways. The posters will remain throughout the year as a reminder of their pledges, which range from “we promise to share and take turns” to “we promise to practice empathy” to “we promise to look at the Buddy Bench.” The Buddy Bench is a place where children who are feeling lonely at the playground can sit so their classmates know they are looking for a friend.  

Students also mingled with other classes in the hallway, created a heart-shaped poster including a thumbprint from every student in the school and enjoyed a Start with Hello assembly. The week culminated in a pep rally to celebrate the initiative's accomplishments. The gymnasium came alive with laughter as teachers sketched playful portraits of one another and played games with students and volunteers. The event ended with a rip-roaring dance party. 

At the heart of the weeklong celebration were the student members of Team Community, a group created in 2022 to give students a more significant voice in the school. Members are nominated by teachers but true to the spirit of Start with Hello, any student interested in joining the group is welcome. 

At the heart of the weeklong celebration were the student members of Team Community, a group created in 2022 to give students a more significant voice in the school. Members are nominated by teachers but true to the spirit of Start with Hello, any student interested in joining the group is welcome.

Team Community members actively participate in planning several events throughout the year. Last year Start with Hello became one of their key initiatives; students brainstormed ideas, crafted posters and even hosted the pep rally as “mini MCs” this year. 

Mini MC Jaylyn Yankowich, a fourth grader in her second year with Team Community, was initially a bit nervous when asked to step into her role at the pep rally. 

“I was really happy but also a little nervous,” she said. “But then I thought about how much fun it would be and how I could help spread kindness even more if I did it.”

Jaylyn wore a wide grin as she explained how her third grade teacher nominated her for Team Community last year.  

“She told Mrs. Dommu that she thought I would be a great role model,” she said. “I take my job seriously. The little kids have to learn from us about how to be kind.” 

Dommu emphasized that Start with Hello is not confined to a single week; it's ingrained in the fabric of Pawling Elementary.  

"It's every day for us here," she said. "Kids feel happier and safer coming to school knowing that we are a Start with Hello school and that inclusivity is who we are as a school." 

“It’s all year; it’s all the time. It’s not just a week – it’s part of who we are.” 

Pawling middle and high school students enjoyed pep rallies on October 6 to celebrate homecoming and the close of spirit week. Held at the new athletic field, these middle schoolers really let their school spirit shine. Go Tigers!

Digital Backpack

The digital backpack is updated regularly with information from the schools and local community. You can find a link for it under the Parent tab of the homepage. It is also listed on the homepage with the date of the most recent update.

We Are Hiring!

The Pawling Central School District is a great place to work. We have positions open for full-time permanent building substitute teachers, typists and custodial workers. We also have substitute positions open in many other job categories: certified teacher, uncertified teacher, teaching assistant, teacher aide, monitor, bus driver and food service worker. We also have part-time positions open, such as school monitor. Full-time positions earn excellent benefits. As a team of educators, we never doubt that we are making a difference for our community. PCSD offers walk-throughs and orientations for those thinking about working in schools. Our very best employees are often people who live in our community. Diverse and bilingual candidates are encouraged to apply. See the link below to reach our friendly and helpful Human Resources Team.


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