November 2, 2023

Read the November FOL Newsletter

The Kitchen Updates!

On October 23rd volunteers from First Lutheran Church served a chili dinner to 102 people. Thank you to Scoutmaster Aaron Libra and to Troup 58 for helping to serve and cleanup! And thank you to all of the volunteers who give of their time to help prepare a meal each month, and who help to pick up donations from HyVee in Mankato and Family Fresh in St. Peter.  

First Lutheran Church will be serving again on November 27th. There is a sign up sheet in the gathering space for those who would like to volunteer. If you would like to support "The Kitchen" but can't help serve, monetary donations are much appreciated. Checks can be placed in the offering with The Kitchen on the memo line. Or you could contact Marilyn Kochsiek at 612-695-6270

Email Marilyn

Youth Chimes!

Rehearsals Wednesdays from 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

November 15

November 29

December 3 at 9:30 - to play for church!

Adult Bible Study - Please feel welcome to join!

Beginning Monday Sep 11, 2023

9:30 am - Morning Prayer (Matins) in the Chapel

9:45 am - class in the Conference Room  Hebrews - "A New and Better Way

Based on the book written by Bishop Herb Chilstrom 

(Herb was a former pastor at First Lutheran, Bishop 

of the Minnesota Synod and Presiding Bishop of the ELCA) 

Class leaders: Bob Stenson and Will Freiert 

The FLC Green Committee invites and encourages you to attend this event, organized by Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light, of which our church is a Sustaining Member.

Choir Concert at FLC November 18

The Minnesota Valley Chorale will be presenting their fall concert at First Lutheran Church on Saturday, November 18, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 at the door. The concert will feature Vivaldi’s “Dixit Dominus” with string quartet and “Three Psalms of Praise” by Dan Forrest, along with other pieces.

Safety Training at FLC

FLC is hosting an awareness seminar to prepare us in case of an active shooter situation at the church, Saturday, Nov 18th from 10am–1pm. This is especially important for Council members, ushers, greeters or any members who wish to have preparedness training. This event is free for FLC Members, see posters in the halls for how to register. Registration is open to the public. Contact Dawn Wenner with questions.

Soup & Chili Cook-Off & Dessert Cook off Forms are in the Gathering Space. Please drop off in the offering plate or in the office. This event will take place November 19 after worship.

Thanksgiving Eve Ecumenical Service at FLC

– Bring a Treat to Share

FLC will be hosting the St Peter Area Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Service on November 22 at 7pm.

Dessert and coffee will be served afterwards. Please consider donating a pie or pan of dessert bars for this event. Contact Betty Thompson or the office know if you can provide something so we can make sure we have enough treats.

FLC Office Hours:



Staff Hours

Pastor Christopher Culuris

Off Mondays

Visitation on Fridays

Regular Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9am-12pm

Emily Bruflat, Director of Music

Office Hours by Request Only

Calleigh Carlson, Youth & Family Ministries Director

Office Hours by Request Only

Karen Smithers, Bookkeeper

Mornings Monday-Friday
