In June, the Working Group focused on reviewing draft final recommendations on a topic-by-topic basis. The meetings in June focused on recommendations for the following topics:

  • 2 June: Review of feedback from Working Group members on revised sections of the report included in “packages” 1-3. See the Working Group wiki for additional details on the packages of revised sections and feedback received.
  • 4 June: Continued review of feedback on revised sections in “packages” 1-3; Additional discussion on Registry Commitments / Public Interest Commitments.
  • 8 June: Applicant Support; Application Queuing; Community Applications.
  • 11 June: Review of feedback on revised sections in “package” 4; Additional discussion on Applicant Support.
  • 16 June: Continued review of feedback on revised sections in “package” 4.
  • 18 June: Additional discussion on Registry Commitments / Public Interest Commitments with a focus on Category 1 Safeguards; Review of feedback on revised sections in “package” 5. 
  • 25 June: Continued review of feedback on revised sections in “package” 5; Additional discussion on Predictability (see predictability working document). 
  • 29 June: Continued review of feedback on revised sections in “package” 5; Private Auctions. 

The Working Group held one remote session during the ICANN68 Virtual Meeting, which took place place on Tuesday 23 June from 00:30-01:30 UTC. The session focused on getting broader community input on two topics: Predictability and Private Auctions. The recording and transcript of the session can be found here .