New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
October 2019 Newsletter
The full Working Group continues to meet twice weekly for 90 minutes as it completes substantive review of public comments on its
Initial Report
Supplemental Initial Report
. Through this review, the Working Group is considering the comments received and determining what changes, if any, need to be made to the recommendations contained in the Final Report.
To support the review, the Working Group is using a series of summary documents that provide an overview of the comments received on each topic included in the reports. The Working Group has completed review of public comments for the following topics:
- Overarching Issues: including topics Continuing Subsequent Procedures, Predictability, Applications Assessed in Rounds, Different TLD Types, Application Submission Limits, Accreditation Programs (RSP Pre-Approval), Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice, Global Public Interest, Applicant Freedom of Expression, and Universal Acceptance.
- Pre-Launch Activities: including topics Applicant Guidebook, Communications, and Systems.
- Application Submission: including topics Application Fees, Variable Fees, Application Submission Period, Applicant Support, Terms and Conditions, Application Queuing, and Application Change Requests.
- Application Evaluation/Criteria: including topics Reserved Names, IGO/INGO Protections, Registrant Protections, Closed Generics, String Similarity, IDNs, Security and Stability, Applicant Reviews, Role of Application Comment, and Name Collisions.
- Dispute Proceedings: including topics Objections and Accountability Mechanisms.
The Working Group is in the process of completing its review of topics related to
String Contention Resolution
, including Community Applications, Auctions: Mechanisms of Last Resort, and Private Resolution of Contention Sets. Please see the WG
Work Plan
for details.
Work Track 5 is currently reviewing a draft of the Final Report to be delivered to the full Working Group, which includes a set of recommendations on the treatment of geographic names at the top level. The latest version of the draft is available on the
The Working Group plans to complete review of public comments on the following remaining topics in the coming weeks (see
Work Plan
for schedule):
- Contracting: including topics Base Registry Agreement, Registrar Non-Discrimination / Registry/Registrar Standardization, and Registrar Support for New gTLDs.
- Pre-Delegation: including topic Registry System Testing.
- Post-Delegation: including topics TLD Rollout, Second Level Rights Protection Mechanisms, and Contractual Compliance.
The Working Group will hold a series of face-to-face sessions at ICANN66. All are encouraged to attend and participate. During meetings on Saturday 2 November from 12:15 to 15:00 local time (
session 1
session 2
), the Working Group plans to discuss the Final Report of Work Track 5. On Monday 4 November, the Working Group will have additional meetings from 15:15 to 18:30 local time (
session 3
session 4
), which will be devoted to continuing work towards developing a set of final recommendations and considering topics that may require additional public comment.
Once it has finalized its Report, the Work Track will send its recommendations to the full Working Group for consideration. Recommendations will be subject to a consensus call in the full Working Group. The Work Track seeks to conclude prior to ICANN66.
In June 2014, the GNSO Council established a Discussion Group that was intended to evaluate the experiences of the 2012 round gTLD Program and to identify possible areas for future GNSO policy development. The Discussion Group’s
served as the basis for the GNSO Council request for a Preliminary Issue Report in June of 2015.
Following the publication of the
Final Issue Report
, the GNSO Council adopted the
for the PDP Working Group, which began its work in February 2016. The Working Group initially concentrated on a set of overarching issues. It later conducted deliberations on additional topics in its charter using five separate Work Tracks: Work Track 1 - Overall Process/Support/Outreach, Work Track 2 - Legal/Regulatory, Work Track 3: String Contention/Objections & Disputes, Work Track 4: Internationalized Domain Names/Technical & Operations, Work Track 5: Geographic Names at the Top Level.
The Discussion Group identified a number of subjects that may require further analysis and possible formulation of policy language. There are existing policy recommendations adopted by the GNSO Council and ICANN Board, which will remain in place unless the PDP WG determines that changes are needed.
To join this effort, please email the
All are welcome!
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