$466 Million Restored to HPD 2021 Capital Budget
On October 22nd, Mayor de Blasio announced restoration of nearly half the funds that had been cut from HPD’s capital budget for 2020 and 2021 in June. The $466 million restoration in capital funds will be included in the upcoming preliminary plan for fiscal year 2021. The original $1 billion in cuts constituted 40% of HPD’s capital budget and were estimated to impact development of some 21,000 units of affordable housing and 3000 units of supportive housing. Nearly 50% restoration is hoped to significantly diminish these impacts.

The Network's 2020 Virtual Awards Gala
Thank you to all who attended our 2020 Virtual Awards Gala. We were thrilled to celebrate our incredible community and proud to honor COIVID Heroes - supportive housing frontline staff; Gail Wolsk, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; Amy Boyle, Office of the Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development and Michael Rosen of Breaking Ground; and Alaina Deans and Michelle Mays, Doctors Without Borders - along with our Outstanding Tenants of the Year: Kenny Alvarez and Tyler Cruell. We were also delighted to see you at our After Parties! Many thanks to our dynamic hosts!

CAPS Launch
The Human Resources Administration launched the new Coordinated Assessment and Placement System on October 26th. CAPS is the re-design of the PACT system in order to better incorporate the HUD requirements for coordinated entry in NYC. CAPS is a web-based platform that contains the Coordinated Assessment Survey and the NYC Supportive Housing Application. To learn more, visit the NYC CoC CAPS page here.
Community Access Breaks Ground on River Avenue
On a rainy October 29th, elected officials and funding and development partners joined Community Access for the groundbreaking of 1159 River Avenue. The residence will have 245 affordable and supportive units - 148 supportive - for individuals living with mental health concerns, individuals and families with histories of homelessness, and low income families. 

In the month of October, The Network has hosted five panels: Racist Policies and Homelessness? Where Do We Go From Here; Supporting Staff During COVID-19; Emergency: New Crisis Response Needed; Bystander Intervention to Stop Police Sponsored Violence and Anti-Black Harassment; and Harm Reduction and COVID-19. We are looking forward to our upcoming forum: Housing & Homelessness: How to Move Forward Post-Pandemic. Join us on Friday at 1:00 PM!
October Community Corner
The Network is committing to active anti-racism and inclusivity. Each month, our Community Corner will highlight media focused on an overarching theme that helps us understand and interrupt white supremacy and other forms of oppression. We invite you on this journey with us and we will ask our community to make recommendations that we will highlight. This month’s theme is: The Body. These resources explore the tangible ways in which racism and all forms of oppression are rooted in our physical bodies and provide strategies to start to ameliorate its affects in our personal lives, communities and supportive housing programs. Our media recommendations are from Dr. Joy DeGruy, Resmaa Menakem, and Sonya Renee Taylor.

Improving Wi-Fi in Supportive Housing Workshop
The Network hosted a workshop on strategies to improve WiFi in residences with June Clarke, Director of IT at Urban Pathways. Clarke discussed how Urban Pathways retrofitted several of their residences and shelters to increase bandwidth and capacity for tenants and staff at relatively low cost.

United for Housing Survey
United for Housing is a coalition developing housing recommendations for the next mayor and they want to hear from you. They know that the best decisions are made from the ground up and want to hear your story and ideas on improving housing in New York City. Fill out their survey – in English here and in Spanish here. If you would like to get more involved, contact U4Housing@thenyhc.org
NYHC Honors the Network
We are excited to announce that New York Housing Conference is honoring the Network as Nonprofit of the Year. NYHC is seeking submissions for their Community Impact Competition Gallery featuring innovative projects making a difference in neighborhoods across New York state. Read more about the competition here.
We'd love to hear what you thought of this newsletter! Please email us to share any questions or feedback.

Visit us at www.shnny.org and connect with us on social media.