Dr. Larry Milam and I
Let me begin by telling you a bit of who Dr. Larry Milam is, I think it will help you understand my story better. Dr. Larry Milam is the founder,

CEO and formulator of New Spirit Natural Products in the city of San Dimas.
I believe that some people come into our life for a season, reason or a life time. This is what I have noticed and experienced so far in my life. So, let me share with you about this amazing gentleman that came into my life Dr. Larry Milam, he definitely came into my life for a reason and hopefully for a life time. I met Dr. Milam in Las Vegas at one of the New Spirit Natural Convention about 7 years ago. I was attending a nutrition class with the University of Natural Medicine of New Mexico and since Dr. Milam is the president of the University we were allowed to join the convention. And what a treat that was! It was a weekend of great health information. I was impressed to see how much New Spirit focuses on education ( I love to learn).
I began using the products and I began to create my own testimonies, began giving them to my family, and they had great results, began sharing them with my clients and they had great results too. So, you can see the product quality speaks for itself.
Next, I began attending the classes they have at New Spirit every Tuesday night. Sometimes we got very lucky and got
Dr. Milam as the teacher. It was really very special. I also noticed that every time I showed up at New Spirit Naturals I was welcomed with such love and care. They always made feel very special.
One day I had a great opportunity to take a drive with Dr. Milam, he was so kind to come with me to San Diego to meet my beautiful friend Sheri Sharman. I wanted these 2 amazing people to meet, they are both great human beings. They are both bright souls with amazing hearts. You know when you love and admire someone, you want every one to meet them. That is how I felt about Dr. Milam and I still feel like that. On our ride to San Diego, Dr. Milam said to me "Cece if you had NO LIMITs of anything, space, time, money, distance, illnesses, finances, energy, NO LIMITS what would you love to create". I looked at Dr. Milam and said "Did you say NO LIMITS? I held my head and said, "wait, my brain hurts", he asked why? I replied "Cause you are stretching my brain", no one had ever asked me such deep question. This was a very pivotal moment in my life. From that day on, that invitation to think WITHOUT LIMITS has really been a driving force to keep me focus. When I begin to think of why I cannot succeed, I remind myself that the limits are those that I set for myself. I am reminded of what the good Lord, says "You have not, because you ask not, Ask and you shall receive". Now you can ask your self "If there were NOT LIMITS what would you want to create?"
Dr. Milam is a very unique and one of kind human being. He wholeheartedly shares his health knowledge with so many of us through his products, classes and conventions. He has also created a great financial opportunity with New Spirit Naturals. It is a direct sales company like NO OTHER.. His mission statement is to change the health of the world ONE PERSON AT A TIME. And he lives by that popular quote from Hippocrates "Let food be thy Medicine and let thy medicine be thy food" and is motto is Changing the health of the world one person at a time.
New Spirit is 32 years old, their corporate office is in San Dimas, CA. And ONLY very few people know about New Spirit products in America. Believe me when I tell you, you will be impressed with the results of these products once you try them, I am certain about that. For more information on the products you can go on
www.newspirit.com or you can call them (like I do) at 909 592-4445, and ask for Marie or Victoria. You can also go on our website
www.innerhealthcarecolonics.com, click on our Letting go blog and read the story "My Mom and I" and see how my Moms health improved with New Spirit products and eating according to our blood type. Since I am very aware that there are no limits, and I am directed to ask and then to receive. So, I am asking. I am looking for 6 individuals to create a very successful team in 2016, together we will learn from Dr. Larry Milam and his amazing team. These are the qualities I am looking for:
Passionate about health (theirs and others)
Loves to learn and is willing to learn
Walks their talk, not just talks the talk
Self starters/leader
Willingness & desire to grow
Not afraid of being different
New Spirit has a great teaching tool called
"Success Academy" these classes will equip us to create success for ourselves and our clients.
The next class will be on 5/20/16 and 5/21/16. So if you are that person I am looking for, please contact us at 951 684-3938 ask for "CeCe". This team is going to be special and unique. Cant wait to meet you and begin changing the health of the world ONE PERSON AT A TIME.
Stay blessed
Till next time
P.S. Dr. Milam thank you for blessing me with your passion and knowledge. I am beyond grateful to God for allowing our paths to cross. See you at the Success Academy.