Issue No. 158  |  Apr. 24, 2019
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Introducing the AMS Chinese Reading Challenge
Despite best intentions, we all struggle to fit Chinese learning into our busy schedules. That’s why AMS has created a new initiative to help you build a simple daily routine. No pressure, just 10 minutes a day , first thing in the morning. We have picked a highly recommended Chinese book,  Details of Democracy  (民主的细节) by Dr. Liu Yu , portioned out into bite-sized pieces, delivered straight to your inbox.

The challenge begins May 6, 2019
俗语 from Xi Jinping
bǎi wén bùrú yī jiàn

Meaning: It's better to see it; seeing is believing.

Original: "希望同学们珍惜韶华、努力学习,为增进中美人民友谊作出贡献。百闻不如一见。欢迎你们有机会来中国看看。"

Xi Jinping used this chengyu in his reply to a letter penned by U.S. high school students at Niles North High in Illinois. He also added that his job is 很累
Jaw-Jaw Podcast
Listen to Melanie Hart on Finding Common Ground, While Competing with China . Melanie Hart   is a senior fellow and director for China Policy at the Center for American Progress , and is on the AMS board.
This episode of Jaw-Jaw addresses questions such as: "What is China’s vision of a reformed system of global governance? And how can the United States and China find common ground, while still competing with one another?"
Video of the Week
【网信法治这一年】 is a 2-minute video that quickly recaps progress made on cyberspace governance in China over the past year since the National Cybersecurity and Informatization Work Conference in Beijing on April 20-21, 2018.
Job Opportunity
American Councils for International Education is seeking a Student Support Coordinator for the Chinese Overseas Flagship (COF) program in Nanjing, China. The Student Support Coordinator serves as the American Councils representative and in-country contact for participants on the Chinese Overseas Flagship program.
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The American Mandarin Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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