Page Turner Society
Robyn and Todd Achilles
Big Wood Landscape
Kathleen Diepenbrock and Kelley Weston
Claudia and John D. Gaeddert
Kyla Merwin
Elaine H. and Michael T. Phillips
Narda Pitkethly
Gay Weake
Anita Weissberg
Susan Woodruff
Tribute Gifts
Barbara and Chip Angle in honor of Jenny Emery Davidson
Jessica Blake in honor of Cj & Walkie
Susan M. Carter Orb in memory of John A. Orb
Denise Costello in memory of H. R. Stoneback
Maureen Coyle in memory of Jim Coyle
Kathryn A. Curtner in memory of John E. Curtner
Jonathan and Susan Dolgen Family Foundation in honor of Rose Moises and Lilah Bicas-Dolgen
Cecelia Freilich in honor of Carlyn Ring
Elizabeth A. George and Louis H. George Jr. in honor of Kelli Sagar, Mandy Hicks, and Skipper George
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Tom Archie
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Beth and Peter Beck
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Ashley Boand and Chase Gouley
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Michael Bulls
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Greg Carr
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Kurt Eggers
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Adam Elias
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Matt Engle
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Annette Farnham
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Sean Flynn
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Erika Greenberg
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Laura Gvozdas and John Frey
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Elizabeth Herrick
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Erin Hill
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Jim Laski
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Sarah Latham
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of David Lucas
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Hollyn Martin
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Tom Miller and Caleb Roberts
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of John Montoya
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Holly and Kevin Mora
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Stacey Page and Rob King
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Katherine Rixon and Rob Cronin
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Eleanor Rogers
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Lexie and Michael Rowell
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Kari Sawrey
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Bob Smelick
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Nicole Snyder
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Sam Stahlnecker
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Gary Storey
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Louise Stumph
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Kaz Thea
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Matt Thornton
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Graham Whipple
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Rex Wilro
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Heidi Woog
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Bob Werth
Deana and Morley Golden in honor of Jim Zarubica
Sally and Jeffrey Graves in memory of John Cole
Alicia D. House in memory of Bee and Zeva Longley
Allison and Peter Janss in memory of Vanessa Janss
Margaret Johnson in honor of Jenny Emery Davidson
Patricia and Daren Johnson in memory of Bee Longley
Lynn and Dr. Bruce Kaplan in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Darman
Lynn and Dr. Bruce Kaplan in memory of Phil
John Kearney in memory of Jean Kearney
Marcia Kent in honor of Reginald Reeves
Susan Kniffen in memory of Dinora LeClair
Jack Lane in memory of Inge-Lise Eckmann Lane
Cynthia Snorf Livermore and Richard Livermore in memory of Charles R. Snorf
Flora Mason in memory of Deborah Ann Mason
Nemeth-Eagle Trust in memory of Thomas J. Nemeth and Judith M. Silverman
David Ordal in honor of Joy Ordal
Ellen M. Pesavento in memory of John Hansen
Elaine H. and Michael T. Phillips in honor of Sam Phillips
Barbi Reed in memory of Gary Hornbuckle
Beverley Robertson in honor of the Amazing Staff at The Community Library!
Leslie and Tim Silva in honor of Leo Padilla
Gun Taylor in memory of Bee Longley
The Hardiman Family Foundation in honor of Trina Peters
Diana and Mallory Walker in memory of Inge-Lise Eckmann Lane
Julia I. and Jeffrey C. Ward in honor of Jack Lane
Sidney Williams in memory of Erin Williams Hyman
Barbara Young Schlosser in memory of My Cat Hanna